She is really easy to change, but she has found the most powerful and easy-to-face teacher in the world to change her appearance. Without the potion that he personally dispensed, it is impossible to clean the face of her face.

What she was worried about was not that Murong Chan would show her the original shape. She was surprised that he actually saw that she was easy.

Shen Shen has gone to a pot of water that smells of medicine, placed in front of the leaf, let the two palace ladies come over to wash her face.

After washing for a long time, the shape of the shaker still did not change, or her original appearance.

Murong Chong slightly brows her eyebrows, and she has already guessed who she is looking for to help her.

"The emperor, what did the slaves do wrong?" The eyelashes were red, and they looked at the ink-filled Zhan.

Ye Hao turned to Mo Rongzhan and said, "Let me adjust the potion."

Shakespeare looked at Ye Hao's eyes suddenly, and I don't know why. She always had an inexplicable dislike of Lu Hao. This person must be her nemesis.

"Do you have a way?" Murong Zhan whispered to Ye Hao.

"Try it anyway." Ye Hao said with a smile, she learned a little with Huangpu, but every time she can easily wash her face will add a drop of Lingquan, which will wash more clean.

The sorrowful grievances of the swaying leaf, "the emperor, whether the slaves are not good enough to serve the Queen Mother, I wonder if you doubt the slaves? The slaves have since devoted themselves to serving the Queen Mother. If they did something wrong, they also asked the emperor to specify that the slaves did not want to die. I don’t know what to say."

“When did you say that you want to die?” Mo Rongzhan asked faintly. “You don’t have to argue with words. Why did the Queen’s future become a temperament like today? You are the clearest.”

Shakes his head and cried and shook his head. "The emperor, the slave."

Ye Hao slowly walked up to her. "Shakes, Ye Yaoyao... The name is quite good."

"Soul, isn't it even a crime to have a similar name?" asked the leafy grievance.

"Before I got along with you, I didn't find out that you have such a deep heart. The hypnotism you learned is really powerful, and it can make a person completely change his mind." Ye Hao looked down at the leaf and whispered.

The shaker tightened the fist. "The county owner, the slave, doesn't know what you are talking about."

Ye Hao just smiled and raised the basin of water in front of her. She was hurriedly picked up from her hands. "The county owner, let it belong."

"Then you hold it." Ye Hao said, then took a porcelain bottle from the purse and dropped a little spring in the potion. "Give her face again."

What kind of water is in that porcelain bottle? It looks crystal clear, just like Shimizu. Is it difficult for her to think that this will become a potion that cleans her face?

Shakes in the heart of the leaf, I don't believe anyone can make the face of her face washable.

"Yao Guiren..." Two of the palace ladies who washed their faces shouted.

"What?" The leaves held their hands in their hands and looked at Murong Zhan in a panic. "I am not a Yao noble, I am not."

Ye Hao looked at Ye Yaoyao who had recovered her original appearance. She couldn’t help but feel that she had not seen her more than a year. She became more beautiful than before, and she was no longer as simple and ignorant as before. This is the real Ye Yaoyao.

"Ye Yaoyao, what did you do to the Queen Mother?" Ye Hao asked coldly. She used to pity Ye Yaoyao to be used by people, but now she regrets being too soft on her.

"What can I do to the Queen Mother? Do you like the Queen Mother, I don't like you, is it fake? Lu Hao, you are too self-righteous." Ye Yaoyao slowly stood up, anyway, has been exposed, she would not need to Put it on.

Ye Hao also thought about this problem, but she took the pulse for the Queen Mother yesterday. The pulse of the Queen Mother is much worse than before. She thinks this is the effect of being hypnotized. "You don't have to say that this stimulates me. The Queen Mother has always been gentle and gentle. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be like this."

"It's ridiculous!" Ye Yaoyao looked at Ye Xie with sarcasm. "Before you were a princess, and Ye Yiqing was a prime minister in Dongqing. She was naturally not wary of you. Is it still the same as before? You think that in the Queen Mother’s heart, Is it important that your son is important?"

"So, you are not going to let the Queen wake up?" Ye Hao asked an eyebrow. Although Ye Yaoyao’s words made her feel a pain in her heart, she still looked calm and did not want her to see her uncomfortable. .

Ye Yaoyao is a helpless look. "What hypnosis you said, I can't understand."

Murong Zhanhan looked at Ye Yaoyao coldly. "How did you survive?"

"God does not let me die, I can naturally escape." Ye Yaoyao looked up at Murong Zhan, watching her clear and moving eyes, her heart tipped a while, "Imperial, I don't understand why you want I am dying, what am I doing wrong?"

"It seems that the Queen Mother is very confused by you." Murong Zhan said faintly, "You can let you die once, naturally let you die for the second time, but you will not have a chance to survive for the second time." ""

Ye Yaoyao laughed. "The emperor, you want me to die. I naturally have no ability to compete. However, if I am dead, the Queen Mother will not live for a long time. Is it necessary for the emperor to be an indirect aunt's emperor?"

Murong Cham’s face was gloomy. “What are you talking about?”

"Ye Yaoyao, what did you do to the Queen Mother?" Ye Hao asked sharply.

"Nothing, just let the Queen like me, I can't live without me. I am not the first to die. My life is worthless in your opinion. However, the life of the Queen Mother is expensive." Ye Yaoyao said with a smile.

"You..." Ye Hao was filled with anger, she naturally did not care about Ye Yaoyao's life and death, but the Queen Mother's life and death can not be ignored.

Murong Chan slowly walked over. "Hey, you won't let you die. However, the desire to survive can't be killed, it will not be better than you are in the wilderness."

Ye Yaoyao's face changed slightly, and she looked at Murong Zhan with resentment. "Why? I don't look good enough? I can't compare it with Lu Hao, you don't even look at me with your eyes, you have to kill me. ?"

"Do you also compare with 夭夭?" Murong Chong asked coldly.

"Why can't you compare? Where is she better than me?" Ye Yaoyao was not willing to ask.

Murong Zhan even felt disdainful in answering this question. "Take her up until she says it will wake up the way, otherwise... don't let her die."

"What do you want to do to me?" Ye Yaoyao exclaimed. "If I don't go back to Cining Palace, the Queen Mother will definitely be mad, do you want to live alive and die?"

Fu Gonggong told Murong Zhan that the Queen Mother had said in Cining Palace before, "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother wants her to be around..."

"In the eyes of the Queen Mother, isn't it better to be a palace girl?" Murong Zhan looked at Ye Yaoyao with a sneer. "A traitor who is a hedgehog, what will the Queen Mother look like?"

Ye Yaoyao finally changed his face. "Let me go! The emperor, I am not willing..."

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