Listening to Ye Yaoyao's sharp questioning voice, Ye Hao turned to look at the ink to the ink, "What she said... Do you think it is credible?"

According to what Ye Yaoyao did to the Queen Mother, it is not enough to die ten times. But if she said that if she died, the Queen Mother could not live, no matter how abominable she is, Murong Cham is absolutely Can't kill her.

"Do you believe it?" Murong Zhan whispered.

"I don't know..." Ye Hao shook his head gently. "In case she really hypnotized the Queen Mother, she controlled the will of the Queen Mother? Azhan, the safety of the Queen Mother, we can't take risks."

Murong Zhan licked her head. "There will be a measure. Now she knows that she is Ye Yaoyao. As long as she does not let her go to see the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother will not be confused by her."

Ye Hao sighed. "Who is Yao Yaoyao's hypnotism? I think that talent is really terrible. Will he be more powerful than Ye Yaoyao?"

"So I can't let Ye Yaoyao die, otherwise how to find the person behind her, I want to keep her life and lead the people behind her." Murong Zhan said quietly.

"Is it so close to her?" Ye Hao asked.

Murong Chan smiled a little, he did not tell Ye Hao, Shen Shen they have a set of methods to force people to tell the truth, but the process is not ordinary people can stand it, just like he said, life can not be killed, None of his dark guards are vegetarian. Ye Yaoyao can count for three days and she is awesome.

"She will tell the truth." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Don't worry."

Ye Hao sighed, how could she not worry about it, they are too underestimated Ye Yaoyao, will let her have the opportunity to get close to the Queen Mother, "A Zhan, the Queen Mother certainly do not want to see me at this time, you go with her."

"Hey, let Auntie go with her. She met me and I must ask Ye Yaoyao." Murong Zhan whispered, he also cares about the Queen Mother, but now the Queen Mother is thinking that he is partial, he will go on instead Angry her.

"Then I will go back first." Ye Hao whispered, she still wants to tell Ye Yaoyao still alive.

Murong Chan pulled her back. "Don't feel bad, my mother loved you before. It's sincere. If she is awake, she will be very happy that you will become her daughter-in-law."

Ye Hao glanced at him with a shy look. "Who is your wife, it is not counted now."

"How can it not be counted? How can it be counted?" Murong Zhan whispered, bowed his head and kissed her cheek, whispered in her ear, "Hey, after waiting in the palace, you are not allowed to eat again." Avoiding the pill."

"How do you know?" Ye Hao's cheeks suddenly became red, and he thought he was not aware of it.

Murong Zhan took a kiss on her lips with a funny smile. "We get along with each other day and night. If we don't care about it, you should doubt if you are not working hard enough."

Ye Hao didn't push him away. "Whenever is it, there is still no way to speak."

"How does the father-in-law plan to deal with the county palace?" Murong Zhan is seeing her frowning and not fighting her, and she does not want her to think too much about the Queen Mother.

"Why do I have to deal with the county palace?" Ye squinted and looked suspicious.

Murong Zhan ordered her forehead. "Do you even want to squat?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head seriously.

"He's into the palace to expose Zhaoyang's things, but also let the Queen Mother out of your body, if the father-in-law can tolerate it, then it is not Ye Yiqing." Murong Chan is clear about Ye Hao's position in Ye Yiqing's mind, now The two most important people are being bullied. Can he hold his breath?

Ye Hao took the initiative to hold his arm. "The emperor, don't you want to persuade me not to provoke the county?"

"You talked to you, what is the handle of the county palace in your hands?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

"Do you even know this?" Ye Hao looked at him in surprise. What did he not know?

Murong Zhan laughed, "I guess."

Ye took a look at him. "After Wang Hao is not his body, she was not a good thing. She was not clear with Chu Yang. For Zhaoyang's dowry, she actually used Zhaoyang's descendants."

"It seems that she won't lose her name." Murong Zhan laughed. He didn't care about the county palace. Since he dared to provoke Ye Yiqing, he had to prepare for the consequences.

"Just let her reputation damage is already cheaper." Ye Hao stunned, Zhaoyang almost ruined for the rest of his life because of this incident, "I want to go out of the palace, Ye Yaoyao to tell the truth, you must let People say to me."

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "Good."

After Ye Hao left the palace, she did not return to Lujia. She went to Qianjin.

"Girl, you are here." Hong Ling came out from the inside and greeted Ye Hao. "I have already done it according to your instructions. The king of the county government is actually pregnant, and in the past few years, it has secretly destroyed a few. Liu Dafu is her doctor, and she has received a lot of money. This time, after Wang Hao, Liu also asked her to secretly open the fetus.

"Opened?" asked Ye Hao, raising his eyebrows.

Hong Ling whispered, "Master let Liu Dafu give her a fetus."

Really! Ye Xie said silently in his heart.

"Then let her raise it well." Ye Hao smiled faintly. "After Wang Hao’s affair with Chu Yang for so many years, isn’t the county king knows?"

Hong Ling said, "The county king is the niece of He, even if you know it, you can only succumb to the stomach."

"When you know the wrongs, you can find someone to lick her anger. This is really a thing for her." Ye Hao said softly.

"Yes, girl." Hong Ling should.

Ye Hao looked at the upstairs. "Where is the lord?"

"I was still here, but I went out not long ago, maybe I went to Hulu Lane." Hong Ling said.

Just as she wants to go to Zhaoyang, "I have to go there, and the things of the county palace will be handed over to you."

Hong Ling should have a voice.

Ye Hao came to Hulu Lane and saw Ye Yiqing here. Zhaoyang was playing the piano.

"Is it not in the palace? How come?" asked Ye Yiqing.

"Hey, the palace lady around the Queen Mother is Ye Yaoyao." Ye Hao did not go to anything else and told Ye Yiqing what happened in the palace today. "... She also said that if she killed her, the Queen Mother would live too soon."

Ye Yiqing stunned. "There is no hypnosis in this world that will connect the lives of two people together."

"But the Queen Mother really can't do without her now." Ye Hao said helplessly, "Hey, do you have a life method?"

"You let me think about it." Ye Yiqing said, "Ye Yaoyao said that she did not hypnotize the Queen Mother, but said she was dead, will the Queen Mother live soon?"

Ye Hao nodded. "She said so."

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