The emperor’s wedding is a national event. Although Murong Zhan is not the first time to become a relative, for him, this big marriage is what he is looking forward to. The first time and the bridegroom are the same bride. His mood is completely different.

There is a minister who is not the first time that the emperor is married. He hopes that the emperor will not greet Lu Hao with a wedding ceremony, and he will be refuted by Murong Zhan on the spot.

He has already owed you Ye Yi once, and he is still willing to let her suffer wrong again.

Because of Murong Zhan's insistence, this time, only the big wedding ceremony will be used to bring Ye Hao into the palace. No one in the court officials dares to say that this is wrong.

The marriage is getting closer and closer. The Qin Tianjian, who is in charge of the astronomical calendar, has chosen the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies of the ceremonies. Month twenty.

Because this is the first time after Murong Cham became the emperor, the whole Kyoto is treated with rigor and looks forward to the wedding of the emperor.

Since Ye Hao left the palace, he was ordered to stay at home. In addition to studying the rules in the palace, and the etiquette of the big marriage, he also needed to learn. It was an unsuccessful joke to avoid getting wrong.

In fact, some rules have been learned before Ye Hao, but she can't say this to Yu, so she can only stay at home and not go out. It is something to find Zhaoyang, she can only let her ring for her. Send a letter.

The Lujia up and down are also busy, and under the mention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the entire mansion has been carefully decorated.

Soon after the eighth day of the eighth day, the honorary deputy of Murong Zhan’s life came to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in a respectful manner, and listened to the commander’s announcement that the emperor had ordered him to “receive the rituals” and then three to nine. Hey, the rate squad and the Nassau gift went to Donghuamen to go to the house of Lujia.

In the palace to teach the aunt's point of mention, Lu Jia up and down outside the door to welcome, Lu Yizhi and Ye Yiqing listen to the command of the system, they are the father of Ye Hao, the mood of marrying women are the same.

Ye Hao was in her yard, listening to the lively voice coming from outside. She felt that this scene was too strange.

Before she married to Murong Cham... At that time, although Murong Cham was not an emperor, but she was already a prince, but because she was not favored, and there was still a prince on it, she married both quiet and dull.

"Girl, it’s so lively outside." Emei came in from the outside. "The emperor rewarded the two masters with a lot of things, and also rewarded twenty chapters of banquets. The slaves of most of the court officials came."

Ye Hao smiled faintly. The officials who came today should be more than two. I heard that these people had never attended Murong Cham and her wedding, or later the prince went to Qin Wangfu, and these talents followed.

"See my brother, are they?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"The young master and Ye Shaoye are both receiving guests outside, and the slaves have not seen them." Emei smiled and said, "But the slaves see the emperor's gift for you, all on the Dan, the slave has never seen so much. Treasures, I heard that these are all brought back to the palace with makeup."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Since it is a dowry, it is natural to bring it to the palace first. I also want to go outside and have a look."

The cockroach next to it whispered, "Girl, the lady said that you can't go out these days."

"That must be suffocating." Ye Hao cried sorrowfully.

Today, it is rare to wear a brightly colored 裴 from the outside, just to hear Ye Hao’s words, she glanced at her daughter. “What good day, what are you talking about?”

Ye Hao spit out a small tongue, "Mom, I just talk about it."

"Today is busy outside, the court has come to most of the officials, you and Ye Daren are busy to entertain them, I took the time to come in and warn you, don't stare at me and stare at you and sneak out." Said to Ye Hao.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't slip out." Ye Hao promised to guarantee.

He said, "It won't be the best. Today, it has already been levied. After a few days, it is a big marriage. You give me a good time to study etiquette at home, so I don't know when to do it."

"Yes, mother, I will definitely learn." Ye Hao said seriously.

Lujia’s excitement is almost entirely known throughout Kyoto. The second room in the former residence of Lu’s family is so jealous that it’s going to be dizzying.

"You see no, the third place is the banquet of their family." Wang's hiding in the carriage, watching Lu Shiming not far away is entertaining guests, her tone is sour and envious.

Lu Shixun’s face is also gloomy and terrible. Wang does not recognize those people. Can he still recognize the outside world? Today, Lu Shiming’s family is all the second-class members of the imperial court. They are not counted as the princes of the princes. Lu Shiming is the national governor of Jin Guo.

Wang whispered, "I knew that today, I shouldn’t have done it with the third child."

"Oh, no matter what, he is a Lujia person, can he still dare not recognize us?" Lu Shixun said coldly, did Lu Shiming still dare not recognize him?

"Then we really want to go?" Wang asked, there are distinguished guests, and they will run out and will be driven out by Lu Shiming.

Lu Shixun said, "Lu Hao is my niece. Now she is going to get married. Can we not have a drink in the past?"

Wang thought and thought it should be like this. "That's good, anyway, we brought a gift."

The couple looked at each other and walked down from the carriage to the Lu family.

Lu Shiming is welcoming the guests outside, because they are facing them, so they don't know their arrival. They are seen by Lu Xiang who is standing next to him.

"Hey, Erbo and Erbo Niang are coming." Lu Xiangzhi had no feelings for the second room. When they drove the three rooms out, they didn't have any family ties. They also said that they should sever the relationship. Come here today. What means?

Lu Shiming stunned. When he turned around, he saw Lu Shixun and his wife. His eyebrows wrinkled and walked over to them. "Two brothers, two sisters, how come you?"

"Three uncles, you asked this question too politely. Today is the day of the big levy. How can we be the second brother and the second emperor?" Wang said with a smile, completely without the original The arrogance of the flames when separated.

Lu Xiangzhi smiled coldly next to him. "How do I remember that your second house has long since broken the relationship with us? It seems that the big levy has nothing to do with you."

"Let's relax!" Lu Shixun drank Lu Xiang. "I am still your elder, so you talk to your elders?"

Lu Shiming told Lu Xiang not to argue here, but said faintly, "The door is a guest, Xiangzhi, please let them go in."

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