At the corner of the street not far from Lujia, two men rode on horseback and looked at the lively scene outside Lujiamen.

"Everyone is already married, are you still not dying?" The man wearing white clothes was handsome and handsome. He looked at the handsome man next to him and asked some sarcasm.

"Which eye do you see that I am still not dead?" the man in dark blue clothes asked faintly.

They are not others, they are Fujisawa and Murong Yu who have just returned to Kyoto.

Unexpectedly, just coming back is the day of her coloring.

Fujita smiled. "If you are dead, how can you still stand here and not go? Isn't it a woman? If you can't let it go, it's better to take her over and see that she hasn't become a queen yet."

Murong looked back at him coldly. "What do you want to say?"

"I didn't say anything, just see you for a woman's tea and don't think about it, give you some advice." Fujita said with a smile.

"Don't forget the purpose of our return this time." Murong Yan took his eyes back from the Lujia Gate. He said that she would let go of her. If it wasn't for something that had to be solved personally by Qian Luosha, he would not Will return to Kyoto.

Let him see her married to her younger brother, Murong felt that he was not so generous and accepting it.

The unscientific smile on Fujisawa's face was immediately collected. "It is actually some remnants of Zhuo Lao. It is easy to clean them up. What are you worried about?"

"You don't forget what Zhuo Lao really wants to do. Although it is only a remnant of power, we don't know how much it is, and there is also a Zhuo Yunyu..." Murong said with a frown, if not thinking about Zhuo The identity of Yunyu, he thinks that Zhuo Lao is useless even if it is awkward.

"What happened to Zhuo Yunyu? Can it be more orthodox than Huangfu?" Fujisaki asked with a smile. "Moreover, what does it have to do with you? The old man is the emperor of Murong Cham, you are Wang Ye, that doesn't have much to do with you. You don't care about the identity of the prince anyway."

Murong squinted at the vine. "Do you think that if he rebelled in the name of a thousand Rakshasa, can we still stay out of it?"

Fujisawa thought about it carefully and felt that it was unlikely. When they became rebel forces, Murong Chan would definitely not let them go.

"Well, what are we going to do next?" asked Fujisaka.

"My advanced palace to see the emperor, he has been looking for me for a long time, you go to check the whereabouts of Zhuo Lao." Murong said faintly.

"That's how it is done." Fuji said that he turned the horse's head and said with a smile, "Is the emperor aware of your thoughts on Lu Hao? You said that he will take the opportunity to marry you this time?"

Murong twilightly looked at the vines coldly, "roll!"

Fujisaka laughed. He felt that with Murong’s ability, he should not only become the owner of the thousand Luosha. He should have a greater identity. However, nowadays there are only ambitions, Murong is a woman. I don't want to come to Kyoto. If it is not because of Zhuo Lao, I am afraid I still don't know where to go.

Lu Yan... Will this woman let Murong be ignorant in the future?

Fujisawa is somewhat hopeful that Lu Hao has this use.

After the vines left, Murong Yu looked at Lu Jia silently. When she became a queen, he could really let go.

Still not to see her, so as not to be more reassured.



Ye Hao was looking at the list of the princes, and his face suddenly came in with some ugly look. "Girl, two masters and two ladies have come, and now the second lady is still wrapped around her wife and wants to see you."

"How did they come?" Ye Hao frowned in disgust. When Lu Lao’s wife died, the couple immediately separated, and they broke off the relationship with their three rooms. How come they now, isn’t they already intimate? ?

Emei said, "The slaves listened to the second lady saying that I would like to congratulate you on adding makeup."

Hong Ling snorted and said, "Do we still need her girl to add makeup?"

Ye Xiaomei said, "Mrs. has always been soft, Hong Ling, you have to stop for her, don't let Wang come in, I don't want to see her."

"Yes, girl!" Hong Ling said crisply, not yet outside the door, has seen Wang's eyebrows open and smiled, surrounded by a gloomy face.

"Hey, Hong Ling girl, where are you going?" Wang did not have the money in front of the next person, and actively greeted Hongling.

Hong Ling ignored her, but looked back at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao put down the list in his hand and slowly walked out and gave a gift to the family. "Mother, are you not going to entertain guests? How come you have time?"

"Mrs. Lu Er wrapped me around for a long time and said that I would like to congratulate you." Yan is also very disgusted with Wang. If the family does not want to turn over, she has already asked the couple to go out.

Wang Shi seems to have forgotten the unpleasantness with Ye Hao before. She took the hand of Ye Hao actively and said with a smile. "Hey, Er Bo Niang has long said that you are a blessing. You see, this is not going to happen. Was it a queen? When the old lady was alive, I also said to her, and the family of our family must have a blessing in the future. It was really what I said."

Ye Hao looked at her like a smile and smiled. She pulled her hand back. "Mrs. Lu Er, I don't know if I remember badly. How do I remember that you don't seem to say this? You don't mean that I can't enter this kind of person. Palace, let us not end your life in the future?"

"I... I didn't say anything like this," Wang said.

"Mr. Lu Er is really a noble person to forget things." Ye Hao laughed. "But since they have been separated, when you said that the two are not coming, then don't break the credit, Mrs. Lu, you said yes? ”

Wang’s face is a burst of white. If she changed her name, she would have left her sleeves, but now she can’t do it. She also hopes to hold Lu’s big Buddha to her son and daughter in the future. Future.

"Hey, this is all the old thing. We are a family. Is there anything else to remember the hatred of a lifetime?" Wang said in a low voice. "It used to be Erbo Niang, I will give you It’s a gift.”

He looked at her strangely. It was really a long time to see everything. Wang always used to be arrogant. Even if he made a mistake, he couldn’t admit his mistake. What happened today?

Ye Hao did not eat her. "Mr. Lu Er’s words are heavy. How big is it? We haven’t been in the heart for a long time. However, even the patriarchs and grandfathers were invited, and the black and white words were clearly written. This is not always bad."

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