Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 751: Former noble lady

Murong has not yet passed through Wang Hao. When the Emperor was in power, he had already left Kyoto to study in the name of studying in the country. He did not return to Kyoto all the year round. Later, the emperor was obsessed, and he had long since ignored the emperor. As a leisure king without any threat, naturally Unrecognized, almost no one remembers that there was a six-prince prince in the court.

Regarding his marriage, it is really the Queen’s inadvertent mention of this, which also gave the opportunity of Murong Zhan, so that he has reason to call Murong back to Kyoto. In fact, he wants to know more about Murong Yu and Qian Luozha. Does it matter?

Murong squinted with a faint smile. "Chen, who likes to wander around, is not suitable for a family. I am afraid that I will live up to the Queen Mother's heart."

Murong Zhan knew that he would be like this. He smiled faintly. "It’s just that the old man has a heart, but it doesn’t seem to be long for you to come to Kyoto."

"It’s still the emperor knows the minister." Murong said with a smile, he could call Murong Zhan a younger brother in Dongqing, that is because Mo Rongzhan was not in the palace, his identity is not the emperor, now in the palace, There is still a courtesy to have.

"There is one more thing." Murong Chan looked at Murong Yu. "Six brothers still remember Zhuo Yunyu?"

"Remember naturally." Murong nodded. "How did the emperor suddenly mention the master?"

Mo Rongzhan’s slender fingers tapped on the table. “I’ve seen him in Fengqi City not long ago. I’m curious about his identity. I don’t know how much the Sixth brother knows about him?”

Murong Yan raised an eyebrow. "What identity does the emperor think Zhuo Yunyu will be?"

"The six brothers don't know?" Murong Cum asked softly.

"The emperor, you specially sent someone to return to Beijing, isn't it just for this?" Murong asked in surprise. "Chen and Zhuo Yunyu have not seen it for many years. At the beginning, he only knew that he was an orphan of Zhuo Lao. Later, I learned that he was the owner of Qingyun Mountain Villa. As for the others, Chen did not know."

Ink said, "It’s just a question."

"The emperor is doubting what Zhuo Lao and Zhuo Yunyu are doing?" Murong asked questioningly, but he was very clear in his heart that Murong Chan must have known the relationship between Zhuo Lao and Qian Luozha.

Is it true that Zhuo Lao’s actions in Kyoto are also under the eyes of Murong Cham? If this is the case, then he should be more careful when looking for Zhuo Lao.

He didn't want Murong Chong to focus on the thousand-roar brakes. The last time the Fujisawa deliberately let people kill and kill, has let thousands of Luosha lose a lot of generals.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "He is interested in Zhuo Yunyu's true identity."

"Isn't that simple? You called him to Kyoto and asked him if he didn't." Murong said.

"Oh, I really think so." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Just you and Zhuo Yunyu have not seen for many years, and will be in Kyoto for a while."

Murong Yu was in the heart. Apparently, Murong Zhan had arranged everything. However, he wanted to start with Zhuo Lao, or did he feel that he was blind?

"That is really good." Murong smiled and nodded.

Murong Zhan looked at him with a glance, and the two brothers had their own thoughts.



After the big levy, the agenda of the emperor's wedding was officially launched. Ye Hao didn't even want to go out at this time. Every day, there seemed to be a lot of things that he couldn't finish. He was so tired that he didn't even think about other things.

Soon after three days, Ye Hao was a chance to take a breather.

There are also many people who come to congratulate Ye Hao. Many of them are former classmates at the Women’s College. They just didn’t have deep friendships. Ye Hao didn’t want to deal with them. She knew too well that she couldn’t get her, now But what is the purpose of the person who comes to her with her?

However, there are still classmates who are very happy to see her.

"Hey, I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't dare to make trouble with you like I used to."

The girl who speaks is quite old and has a pretty body. She is full-bodied and the five senses are not too refined. However, she has a heroic and heroic attitude. She looks very generous and generous. She is the first good student of Ye Hao in medical school. It was later went to Sun Wen of Yumenguan.

"When are you going back to Kyoto? Are you doing well in Yumenguan?" Ye Hao said with a smile. When she was in medical school, she was still a bandit in everyone. Sun Wen was the first to help her protect her friends. .

Sun Wen said with a rare voice, "I am very good at Yumenguan. I am already a medical girl in the city. I will heal the wounded every day. Although I will not let me go to the battlefield, but... I think I will definitely I can go inside the military camp."

Ye Hao laughed. "I want to make things happen, no wonder it looks so good."

"Hey, I... I don't know if you want to get married. I didn't give you any gifts for coming back this time..." Sun Wen said with a red face, she really didn't know that Lu Hao was about to become a queen, but also wanted to see A good friend.

"Okay, I won't care about this with you." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Is this time with Sun Daren returning to Beijing to report?"

Sun Wen said with a smile, "Yeah, I only returned to Kyoto yesterday, thinking about looking at you first, then going to Chen Jinru, but they are medical doctors in the palace. I don't want to see them so easily. ”

Ye Hao remembered Chen Jinru and Xia Yaohua, who were still doctors in the palace. When they were still in medical school, they also had more exchanges with these students.

"I know that they will see them on the day of their rest," Ye said with a smile.

"You are right, I forgot to ask about this." Sun Wen grinned. "Oh, I am here to find you and I want to tell you something."

Ye Hao thought that Sun Wen wanted to say something interesting. She asked her when she poured tea. "What is it?"

Sun Wen said in a low voice, "I saw the former noble lady in Yumenguan last time."

"..." Ye Hao did not react a little, "What do you say? What noble lady?"

"Is that Lu Guifei, then I was not taken to the temple? You don't remember, or your Lujia girl." Sun Wen called.

Ye Hao certainly knows that the noble lady in Sun Wenkou is Lu Shuanger. What does it mean to see her in Yumenguan?

"Where did you see her?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

"I was in Yumenguan six months ago. However, I am afraid that I am wrong. Isn't she already dead?" Sun Wen whispered, although she saw it very clearly, but people would always look similar.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and she knew that Lu Shuanger was not dead, but she did not expect that she would appear again, even in the distant Yumen Pass.

"What do you see her like? Who is she with?" Ye Hao asked.

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