Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 752: Don't regret it later.

Sun Wen said that she only saw Lu Shuanger and her ring in Yumenguan, and did not see other people. As for whether that person is Lu Shuanger, it is not certain.

Ye Hao faintly felt that the man was Lu Shuanger.

Lu Shuanger has not died yet. She hasn’t heard from her for so long. It turned out to be Yumenguan, but what about her going to Yumenguan? Ye Hao did not understand a bit, shouldn't she go to the wilderness to find Lu Yizhi?

I heard that Liu has taken people to the wasteland.

After Sun Wen left, Ye Hao thought for a long time. Now it seems that Lu’s whereabouts are of little use. She appeared in Yumenguan six months ago. It has been so long, she may have gone elsewhere.

Forget it, there is no need to think about it.

Ye Hao suppressed this matter. She originally wanted to enter the palace and said to Murong Cham, but her mother would certainly not let her enter the palace at this time.

"Girl, someone outside said that it was a letter from Xiao Wang." Red Dragon came in and handed a letter to Ye Hao.

"Auntie sent people?" Ye Hao looked a move, she had smashed ink before, after going to Chengde Villa, she would tell her the details of the Queen Mother every day.

The letter sent by Murong Yu is about the condition of the Queen Mother.

Last time because the Queen said that she had missed her mouth, Ye Hao guessed that the Queen Mother might be hypnotized by Ye Yaoyao in the way of reading, so she cooperated with her to add Lingquan's tranquil medicine. She asked Murong to study for the Queen Mother every day. The book that I read.

The Queen Mother just went to Chengde Mountain Villa or was very violent. She couldn’t sleep at night, and refused to take medicine during the day. Even Murong Yu was rushed several times. Fortunately, there was a tranquil medicine. Murong sneak secretly let the Queen Mother eat for two days. The Queen Mother had been able to sleep for a night or two at night, although she still couldn’t really rest well, but it was better than staying up all night.

After seeing the letter, Ye Hao finally can relax, and it is better to improve. Most of them are afraid that even Lingquan has lost its effect. Then she has no way to deal with the situation of the Queen Mother.

"Is the person who sent the letter gone?" asked Ye Hao.

Hung Hom said, "I haven’t left yet, I’m waiting outside, saying I have to wait for your reply.”

Ye Hao smiled a bit and asked Hung Hom to take the scorpion in the pharmacy and put it in the pill made by the Queen Mother.

In addition to the pill, she also wrote a letter, which is more detailed in teaching how Murong Yu calms the Queen Mother.

They are no way to do this. Ye Yaoyao will never let the Queen Mother wake up. They can only let the Queen Mother forget the existence of Ye Yaoyao. Maybe he can wake up from hypnosis.

If the emperor is just fine, but the world is so big, where should I go to find him?

I can only come slowly.



Ye Yiqing thought that when her daughter’s marriage had passed, she would have to go to the relatives. Although Zhaoyang’s relatives had been able to decide for herself, he felt that he still had to know Chuyang. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. He and Chuyang were in Hulu Lane. I met once, and the idle former king of the county did not do anything. The observation power was still there. I actually saw that he was Zhaoyang who said he wanted to marry again.

Chu Yang personally met Ye Yiqing, and he was still a wife and a wife. If he was not as good as Ye Yiqing, he would have to be arrogant.

"You are the leaf... Ye Yiqing?" Chu Yang knew that Ye Yiqing was Lu Xun's biological father. He had seen it once before, but he did not expect that it had been so many years. He still had nothing to change, as if it was still the same as ten years ago. young.

"Chuyang kid, will not forget this official so soon?" Ye Yiqing asked with a smile, before he was only Chu Yang is a younger generation, although not used, but in the end is Zhaoyang's big brother, his attitude is still Very polite.

Chu Yang naturally remembers him, just because he remembers the outstanding style of Ye Yiqing, he felt that the man in front of him was too magical, and there was no change.

"Ye Daren, I heard that Zhaoyang is going back to Kyoto with you?" Chu Yang unconsciously bowed in front of Ye Yiqing. He didn't really want this. He had already thought about Ye Yiqing. He had already thought about it. If you see the result, he can't say anything.

"Zhaoyang lived in Wangdu for a few days in Wangdu, just when I was going back to Kyoto, I came back together." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Chu Yang wants to ask him if he married Zhaoyang to marry her? As soon as he saw Ye Yiqing’s eyes, he just licked his lips. "Oh, Zhaoyang took care of Ye’s adults along the way."

Ye Yiqing nodded and smiled. "This is what you should, you don't have to apologize."

"That... Ye Daren will return to Dongqingguo?" Chu Yang asked in a small voice.

"After waiting for the emperor's marriage, it is natural to go back." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Chu Yang laughed happily, and the most important thing was still ignoring how to ask for export.

Ye Yiqing gave him a cup of tea with a smile. "Chuyang, are you looking for me today to ask these words?"

"Ye Daren, in fact, there is something about my sister." Chu Yang said succinctly, "I heard Zhaoyang said, she went to Wangdu City to marry again, you know that she is remarried, who still I will see her, Ye Daren, are you saying?"

"Zhaoyang knows Dali, dignified Xiuhui, can you marry her before I know how to cultivate the blessings of my life. What do you think?" Although this is Zhaoyang's eldest brother, I heard that he is so low that Zhaoyang is still not happy.

Chu Yang eagerly forgot the tension and shouted loudly. "Do you really want to marry Zhaoyang? Then how can you even mention the pro, Ye Daren, what do you mean?"

"It seems that you still have Zhaoyang as a sister." Ye Yiqing looked at Chu Yang with a smile, but he wanted to raise a relative, but Zhao ** did not treat them as a family member.

"My sister is not sensible, Ye Daren does not have to listen to her." Chu Yang said quickly.

Ye Yiqing raised his eyebrows. "Then you say, what do you want?"

"You yell at my sister, don't you have a bride price?" Chu Yang asked with some guilty conscience.

"So, you came to me for a dowry?" Ye Yiqing's voice was a bit cold. He thought that Chu Yang was concerned about Zhaoyang's lifelong events before he saw him. It turned out to be a gift!

When Zhaoyang didn't know when he came, he walked in from the outside with a cold face. "Since I have broken off relations with you, why do you want to hire a gift?"

"Sister, you are married, no maiden support for you, you are going to be wronged when you marry." Chu Yang hurriedly called.

"It’s good that you don’t let me be wronged.” Zhaoyang said coldly, "I really want to marry Ye Daren, but this matter has nothing to do with you, even if it is a dowry, it is my own collection. You can't think of the cheaper one from me."

Chu Yang heard furious, "Zhaoyang, don't regret it later!"

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