After leaving the Lu family, Murong returned to his palace. The palace has a large garden. It passes through a secret road in the garden. It is an ordinary three-entry house. In the hall, Fujisawa is already waiting for him. In addition to Fujisaka, there are also old father and daughter.

"Two brothers." Zhuo Suer was the first to discover Murong Yu, and she stood up nervously. "You are here."

"Master, Suer." Murong Yujun's face with a shallow smile, looking at Zhuo Lao.

Zhuo Lao looked at him and looked at him. "Auntie, you let Fujisawa bring me to you in the early morning, what is it for?"

Murong Yu sat down opposite Zhuo Lao. "Master, I also heard that you only let Fujisawa find you in Kyoto. We haven't seen you for so long. Shouldn't we meet?"

"Do you want to see me, or do you want to stop my big thing?" Zhuo old asked coldly, the last thing he regretted in his life was to accept two apprentices dressed in sheepskin, whether it was Murong or Murong Cham, they It is not a simple role.

He actually thought that these two people could help Zhuo Yunyu to regain his strength.

It’s two wolves!

Murong sneered, "Master, what is your big deal?"

Zhuo’s old face sank. “Don’t pretend that I don’t know anything, Murong, let’s say, what do you want to do?”

"Master, you, my mentor, I don't want you to go on the road of no return, some things are not what you want to be able to succeed." Murong said faintly.

"Do you think I am not self-reliant?" Zhuo Lao yelled.

Murong smiled and said, "Master doesn't be angry. Now, what you call the old dynasty dynasty, don't say it's a squat, that is, there is no ability to get close to the emperor. Why do you face the iron-clad army of Jinguo?"

Zhuo Lao is going to refute, Murong said, "Is the master brother an orthodox descendant of the emperor? Does he have the ability to help those who are loyal to the dynasty dynasty?" Master, don't forget an important thing. It was the Emperor's dynasty that took the initiative to pass the Jiangshan to the Mohist family. Now you don't have to worry about how to squat. Do you know how much power is left in the Emperor's dynasty? Do you want to kill the emperor, do you have that ability? If those are against the emperor The loyal old department of the dynasty knows that you killed their old master. Will they still listen to you? Master, you should be awake."

"You know so much." Zhuo Lao said sarcastically.

Murong faint smiled. "If you don't know so much, how can you solve problems for Master?"

"Are you solving problems for me? You are not good to stop me." Zhuo old snorted.

"Master, wanting to restore the Emperor's dynasty is just a dream of you alone. Others may not want to lose the peace and peace of life. Why do you force others for a ridiculous wish? Masters are afraid or unwilling." Murong Said faintly.

Zhuo’s face has become very ugly. “Are you teaching me?”

"Don't dare, I just want to tell you a fact. I don't want you to go the wrong way. When you forcibly handed me the thousand Luosha to me, I naturally wouldn't let Qianluosha be buried. For many years, Qianluo has already been It’s not the organization that was maintained by murder in the past, Master, for so many years, you should also know that the Emperor Kamko is not the ignorant and useless person you imagined.” Murong said faintly.

"You have long known that Rong Zhan is the emperor of Jin Guo?" Zhuo old cold eyes looked at Murong Yu asked.

Murong smiled. "Since he brought me to see you, he naturally knew his identity. However, at that time he was only an unadorned prince, and later he would become an emperor. I was also unexpected."

"You are blocking me for him?" Zhuo Lao asked.

"Master, why can't you still listen?" Murong sighed. "You can't succeed. It will only let more people go to die with you. Fujisawa has already persuaded all your old ones." Now, I haven't helped you, how do you get things done? And the master, he wants a calm and unresolved life. If you treat him as a son, you should give him everything instead of forcing him."

Zhuo Suer nodded to the side. She knew that after the third brother was Murong Chan, she did not want to listen to her father’s words and rebelled. If she accidentally lost her life, if she could enter the palace, she would not be afraid of wealth in the future. ?

"It seems that even if I don't agree, I can't control it. Thousands of Luozha are controlled by you. Now even people in Kyoto have been convinced by you. What else can I rely on?" Zhuo Lao sneered and asked.

Murong said, "Master can go to the mountains to play with water and have some comfortable days."

Zhuo Lao snorted and did not speak.

"Two brothers, do you have a way to let me enter the palace?" Zhuo Suer asked in a low voice.

Murong faintly said, "What are you going to do in the palace?"

"I... I will see the head of the three brothers," said Zhuo Suer.

Zhuo Lao heard this and looked at his daughter. Because Murong Yu was destroying his plan in the back, he could not do anything he wanted to do. If the daughter could enter the palace, maybe she could use her daughter to deal with Murong Cham. ?

This is also a way.

Murong said, "I can't do this, no one can enter the palace."

Zhuo Suer lowered his head in disappointment. Not everyone can enter the palace. What should she do? She suddenly thought of a person!

If Lu Yan will take her into the palace?

"Suer, what are you thinking about?" Murong looked at her thoughtfully and asked her faintly.

"Oh, nothing." Zhuo Suer hurriedly shook her head. She was still a little worried about this second brother.

Zhuo Lao said coldly, "Since you have nothing else, then we will leave. You will be your brother of the Thousands of Rakshasa and continue to support your kingdom of the kingdom."

"Master, where do you want to go?" Murong asked.

"How? Do you have to agree to where I go?" Zhuo Lao said.

Murong smiled and shook his head. "Nature is not. If Master feels that no one is on the road, I am willing to accompany you anywhere."

"You don't want to die, I will do it." Zhuo Lao said, pulling her daughter and striding away.

"Hey, the two brothers are actually right. We have no chance of winning. And, our people have not listened to us. Only us... can't do anything at all." Zhuo Suer said.

Zhuo Lao said, "Mu Rongzhan has no children. As long as he is dead, this world will be in chaos. You, if you enter the palace, can you approach him? As long as he kills him and Huangfu, all problems will be solved."

"Hey, you still don't give up?" Zhuo Suer asked in surprise.

Zhuo Lao did not hear Zhuo Suer’s questioning. "You want to enter the palace to kill Murong Cham. I personally went to kill Huangfu."

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