Ye Hao is a little depressed, how come so many uninvited guests recently? In the morning, Murong just walked away, and it was dark all of a while. This Zhuo Suer appeared inexplicably.

However, how did Zhuo Suer find her? She doesn't seem to know that she is Lu Hao?

"Zhuo girl, you are really supernatural, you can find it here." Ye Hao looked at Zhuo Suer faintly said.

Zhuo Suer was arrogant in front of Ye Hao. Now she knows the identity of Ye Hao. She doesn’t like it any more and she doesn’t dare to arrogate again. “I also know it unintentionally. The original three brothers are the emperor.”

"When did you come to Kyoto?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Zhuo Suer whispered, "I came here a while ago, and I am jealous."

“Oh?” Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. “So, you have been in Kyoto for a while, what have you done?”

Ye Hao is really very curious, did their father and daughter not follow her before? Be careful not to let others know where they are, now what is Zhuo Suer looking for in person?

"Actually, I want to ask you something." Zhuo Suer suppressed the shame. For the sake of the future, she must first bow in front of Lu Hao, and wait for her to achieve her purpose in the future. Naturally, she would not be so whispered.

Ask her something? Ye Hao feels more funny. What happened to Zhuo Suer today? I also asked her to come forward, "What?"

"I want to see the three brothers, I mean, I want to see the emperor." Zhuo Suer looked up and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at Zhuo Suer faintly. "See the emperor? Zhuo girl, you want to see the emperor should go to the palace to find her, what is the use of coming to me?"

"If I can go to the palace to find the emperor, I will not come here." Zhuo Suer said, "I see the emperor, there is a secret to tell him."

"This way..." Ye Hao looked at her like a smile. She naturally saw Zhuo Suer’s thoughts on Murong Chan. Now she knows that Murong Cham is the emperor. It is estimated that he wants to be closer to him. Why don't you tell me what it is, I will tell you to the emperor for you?"

Zhuo Suer immediately said, "No, this secret can only be known to the emperor, can not tell you."

"In this case, you will find a way to see the emperor. I can't go out now, I am afraid I can't talk for you." Ye Hao said faintly, although she knew that Murong Chong could not be interesting to this Zhuo Suer, but She also reluctant to be stared at by others.

"When you enter the palace, tell him, I can wait." Zhuo Suer said quickly.

Ye Hao looked at her with a funny smile. "Why do I want it? I don't know what you want, in case you are trying to stab the emperor? Then I am not an accomplice?"

Zhuo Suer secretly angered in his heart. "How can I smash the emperor? He is my third brother. I am for him... you just don't want me to see him. Are you afraid that I will threaten your status?"

"You? Threatening my status?" Ye Hao looked at her with a funny look. "Zhuo girl, what do you think you can threaten me?"

Zhuo Suer's cheeks are reddish. No matter where she is, she is not as good as Lu Hao, but what about it? "You can rest assured that I will not threaten you as long as I can see the emperor."

Ye Hao stood up lazily. "If the emperor wants to see you, I don't need you to come to me. You have already seen him."

"Don't the Emperor want to know what identity Zhuo Yunyu is? Don't want to know what I am going to do in Kyoto? These are the secrets that threaten the Emperor Jiangshan. If you don't tell him, he will blame him in the future. Don't blame me. "Zhusuer called.

Zhuo Yunyu's identity? Ye Hao looked at Zhuo Suer for a while. "Since you have so many secrets, it is very easy to see the emperor. If he will blame me in the future, it will be my business. I will not blame you." ""

Zhuo Suer bit her lip and glared at her. "You prevented me from seeing the emperor. Can you stop other women from approaching her?"

"Zhuo girl, you think too much." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Send customers."



"Zhuo Suer went to find Lu Yan." Fujisaka looked down at the chessboard on the table, sitting opposite Murong.

Murong’s eyes flashed a sneer, “Want to see Azhan?”

"You guessed it." Fujisawa raised his head with a smile. "It seems that I want to get close to Murong Zhan. Zhuo Lao has left Kyoto. Does she think she can enter the palace as a blind man?"

"Hey, she won't let her see the emperor." Murong said faintly, with her temperament, in the future, she will not let Murong Zhan go to favor other women.

Fujita laughed. "Is it possible that Murong Chong will be able to spoil a queen in the future? You are so upset."

"I like it." Murong whispered that if she was willing to marry him, he would also like to be alone with her for the rest of her life. Other women are nothing compared to her.

"You are really crazy!" Fujisawa said with no anger.

Murong faintly said, "Zhuo Lao’s departure from Kyoto is estimated to be to find the emperor. You are secretly following, although he may not have killed the emperor, but I am worried that he will be killed by the emperor."

Fujita said, "He is not really an apprentice to you, you still care about his safety."

"Others are ruthless and unscrupulous, and you don't have to think of yourself as something." Murong sighed and said, "As for Zhuo Suer, it is nothing more than trying to get close to Murong Cham. You don't have to pay attention to her. Anyway, Azhan's people are early and early. Just staring at her."

"What about us? Is it left or left?" Fujiko asked, and their affairs were handled almost the same.

Murong Yu looked at the chessboard. "Since I am back, it is not easy to leave."

Fujisawa put down the piece in his hand and looked at him coldly. "What happened? Is it that Murong Chan still wants to detain you in Kyoto? What does he want to force you to do?"

"Becoming a pro." Murong said faintly, "The Queen Mother asked me about my affair. Now, in a few princes, except for the aunt, I am only Wang Hao."

"Oh, I understand, this is the king who wants to leave you in Kyoto can suppress you?" Fujita smiled. "Then you just pick a king, anyway, your sweetheart will marry someone else, there is What is it called?"

Murong stunned him coldly. "You don't mention if she will die?"

"No, I can't understand how you are trapped by love."

"I will decide after the emperor's marriage." Murong whispered, always looking at her as a queen, he can completely die.

Fujisaki sneered, "Is Murong Chan knowing that you are the owner of Thousands of Rakshasa, so I called you back?"

"He just suspected that if there is evidence, I have already left me in the palace." Murong whispered, "My brother is not as suspicious as the emperor, you don't have to worry."

It’s not good to deal with it! Fujisawa did not think about it.

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