When the day was still not bright, Ye Hao had already been called up by the aunt from the palace. She couldn’t open her eyes when she was sleepy. She only saw the dark sky outside and the stars shining, and the family was already bright.

Ye Hao stumbled up and thought that today is the day of her big marriage.

"Girl, wash your face with hot water first, and then your aunts are coming to give you a haircut on your head." Red Diamond came in with a copper basin and twisted his towel to wash his face. "This is the time in the palace." Everyone is here, the master and the lady are preparing, the adult and the young master have just arrived."

"Oh." Ye Hao yawned with a cover, and she actually wanted to go back to sleep in the bed.

He just came in from the outside and saw that she couldn’t help but look like she couldn’t help but say, “Hurry up and wake up. Today is the day of your big marriage. If you look like this in the civil and military, then it’s not a joke. ?"

Ye Hao smiled at the clan, "Mother, I am awake."

"He Aunt is here to comb your hair, the Queen's kimono has been sent." Yan smiled and said that she was naturally happy after her daughter was married today, but she was surrounded by her. Without an intimate little cotton jacket, she felt a little bit sad.

Standing next to He Aunt gave Ye Hao a ritual, "Queen Empress, this comb is dressed to look at the time of the Kyrgyzstan, the slaves will give you a makeup comb, the time is almost."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and nodded, but she felt a little emotion in her heart. She was not married to Mo Rongzhan for the first time. When she was married, it seemed to be a lot lighter, and even her mood was different.

At that time, she was too young and innocent, and she was full of embarrassment and nervousness about entering the life of Qin Wangfu. I don’t know if Murong Zhan can recognize her. Will she recognize her after she recognizes her? Although her mood is now tense, she is more expecting.

She is looking forward to being inseparable from his ability.

"The maiden's hair is so good. The slave has combed the hair of the whole life in the palace. I have never seen anyone like your hair so black and supple." I have never seen such a beautiful woman, the eyebrows and the eyes are just like painting. Like the fairy who came out, it is no wonder that the emperor was so obsessed with the big marriage. I heard that several times I ventured out of the palace to save the queen, and even the other shackles of the harem could not enter the eyes of the emperor.

Waiting for the Queen's Empress to enter the palace, I am afraid... No one in the palace can make a difference.

Ye Hao smiled and looked at her aunt. She used her hair bath to wash her hair almost every day. How could her hair be bad?

Then, it was another busy change of Kyrgyzstan.

Today, Murong Cham in the palace is also not free.

Although the Queen Mother is not in the palace, some etiquette can not be ignored. In the middle of the night, he sent the Qin Tianjian to the heaven and earth and the Fengxian Hall to inform the Mozambique’s ancestors that today is the day of his marriage, then he I also went to Chengde Villa in person and gave a gift to the Empress Dowager.

Although the Queen Mother could barely fall asleep in these two days, her temper remained unchanged. She looked at Murong Zhan coldly and heard that he was finally going to marry Lu Yan. Her anger suddenly came up.

"Since you have to insist on marrying her, why bother to tell the mourner, the mourner will not recognize this daughter-in-law, and you will not have to bring her to the mourner in the future," the Queen Mother said coldly.

Murong Zhan looked at the Queen Mother quietly. "Hey, he married the wedding ceremony. Regardless of whether you recognize her or not, she is the queen of Jinguo."

"The emperor, the mourner has something to say first. If she becomes a traitor to the country and the people in the future, you must regret it." The Queen Mother said.

If Ye Hao really can confuse him like this, he is quite happy, and Murong’s mouth floats with a hint of faint smile. “After the mother, Ji Shi is coming, and he will return to the palace first.”

The Queen Mother cried, "Azhan, Lu Hao does not deserve to be a queen, don't regret it!"

The dark scorpion of Murong Chan sagged slightly. He knew that these words were not the original intention of the Queen Mother. Therefore, even if he listened to the regenerating gas, he would suppress his anger. "If you don't marry her, then it is the last regret of this life." ”

He has failed her once and will not have another second.

During the time of the ink-filled palace, the layout of the ceremony in front of the Hall of Taihe was also in full swing. When Murong Chong returned to the palace, he immediately went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to read the Golden Book, and the Hall of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. In the middle and south, there is a festival, the golden case is in the west, the Jinbao case is in the east, the emperor’s method is set in front of the temple, and the Zhonghe Yule is set up under the east and west. The Tanjung Middle Road displays the Hummer. This is undoubtedly Murong Cham. The biggest festival since he was enthroned, he smiled and looked forward to his eyes. When Kyrgyzstan arrived, he ordered the embassy to hold the gold festival to celebrate the Queen.

Lu Jia, Ye Hao had already been prepared, and saw that she was dressed in a queen's costume, and everyone in the room was amazing.

On weekdays, the appearance of the leaves and the lightness of the leaves is already very impressive. Nowadays, the makeup is exquisite, and the beauty of the country is everywhere. It seems that I feel awkward at first glance, and even the breathing becomes cautious.

Hong Ling looked at Ye Hao, who was once again married to the emperor, and his eyes were reddened somehow.

This time... it will be different! They are such a good girl, will not go through the lonely and lonely days, and will not stand alone again!

Ye Yiqing and Ye Yinan walked in from the outside. They saw Ye Hao and they all stumbled.

"Hey, brother." Ye licked his lips and looked at them and smiled.

Ye Yiqing walked up to her and looked at her in a low voice. "Hey, this time I won't regret it, is it?"

"No." Ye Hao whispered that she would not give herself a chance to regret.

"Ji Shi is here, let your brother carry you out." Ye Yiqing patted Ye Hao's shoulder.

Ye Yinan glanced at Ye Hao deeply. This is the second time he has married her. He hopes that this sister can be truly happy. "Hey..."

"Brother, I know what you are going to say, you can rest assured, no." Ye Hao whispered, "He is different from before."

"You are a ghost for him." Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief, "I am carrying you!"

He Aunt put a golden wish in the hands of Ye Hao and said with a smile, "Welcome to the Queen."

Outside the Lu family, the Queen Feng Yu was already ready, and Ye Xiaonan slammed Ye Hao on the phoenix, and the joy also rang.

The two sides of the street are almost full of people who are onlookers. They all want to see what the Queen of the Kings looks like, and they can show off with their children in the future.

When Feng Xiao arrived at the Qing Palace, Murong Chan was already waiting in the West Warm Pavilion in a bright yellow robes.

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