Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 757: Big wedding night

The Queen's phoenix came to the dry palace, and under the guidance of the tribute to the woman, Ye Hao walked out of the phoenix. At this time, Christine’s wife took over Jin Ruyi in the hands of Ye Hao, and at the same time handed her a bottle with pearls, coins and other gold and silver treasures.

Ye Hao embraced the bottle into the dry palace, crossed the brazier under the guidance of the woman, and then went to the Qing Palace and then changed the door to the peacock's top sedan. From the Thai Palace to the empress of the Queen's Palace Huaqing Palace, the Queen's House, the Queen. Should live in Kunning Palace, because Kunning Palace used to be Lu Shuanger lived, and Murong Chan felt that he was not happy, and he ordered another Huaqing Palace to be built as a palace of the Queen. There is also a saddle on the threshold of Huaqing Palace. Under the saddle, two apples are pressed, meaning that peace is safe, and Ye Hao has to cross from above to enter the cave.

After the completion of the book, it was the cave room ceremony of Murong Cham and Ye Hao.

Unlike the ordinary people, the emperor and the empress of the emperor and the empress of the emperor have a ritual of etiquette, in addition to the tribute to the sacrifice of God, some busy, it is already dark.

Murong Cham will still want to stay in the palace to serve, and even if he does not meet the rules, he will not care.

Under the bright light, his queen was bright and moving, and the tiredness between the eyebrows could not be covered.

"Oh..." Murong Zhan took the phoenix crown for her, and the deep scorpion took the tender affection and the charming smile. "Tired?"

"Tired." Ye Hao licked the neck that had been sore. "If I know that when the queen is so tired, I am..."

Murong Zhan bowed her head and kissed her lips. "No nonsense."

Ye Hao took a bite on his thin lip. "I didn't say anything."

"Hey, I am very happy today." Murong Zhan kissed her lips, and he finally made her his queen.

"Me too." Ye squatted on his neck and said, tonight is their real big marriage.

Murong Chong held her in her arms and breathed a bit heavy.

"Wait, this kimono wears a day, I will go and change it first." Ye Hao did not want him to smell the sweat, this hot weather, wearing such a thick kimono can not sweat.

"Don't change." Murong Chan stopped her. "He took you to a place."

Ye stunned, "Where?"

Murong Chong kissed her on the cheek. "When you go, you know, you are ready."

"Is it out of the palace?" Ye Hao looked at his posture as if he was preparing to go out of the palace. She asked strangely, "Can you still go out tonight?"

"Nature is not allowed." Murong Zhan endured a smile. "But, on the big wedding night, who dares to be so uninterested to disturb?"

Ye took a look at him. "When are you, where do you want to take me?"

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "You will know when you come with you."

"I am tired." Ye Hao took his hand and refused to move. Tonight was still a big marriage. He actually went out of the palace. She didn't want to accompany him at all.

"It won't be tired for a while." Murong Chong held her in her arms and groaned as she kissed her cheek. "I don't know how long I have waited for today, there is a place to take you there."

Ye Hao softly whispered in his arms. "Then I will take off this kimono first and go out in a big red dress. If you are seen, you will not scare people."

Murong Chong took her up. "No, it's like this."

"The emperor..." Ye Hao had no time to guard against the fact that he had been taken out by Mo Rongzhan. The red diamonds and other people who had entered the palace had already been sent, and only Fugong was kept outside.

It seems that Murong Chong has long been premeditated, thinking about taking her out of the palace tonight.

She buried her face in the arms of Ink Chong, and she was brought out by him anyway. She didn't want to know what he was going to do, and she had to know sooner or later.

The summer breeze is refreshing, and I have blown away a lot of tiredness from Ye Hao. She was taken into the carriage by Mo Rongzhan and looked up at his beautiful jaw like a jade carving. "How do we marry each time? different?"

Murong Zhan’s deep scorpion looked down at her. “Where is it different? Isn’t it all a family room?”

Although they are all the same, they don't seem to follow the usual gift.

"Azhan, the Queen Mother, she..." Although it was mentioned that the Queen Mother was very disappointing at this time, she was married to Murong Cham today, and the Queen Mother was still at Chengde Mountain Villa. According to the emperor’s wedding ceremony, they should also go to the Empress Dowager. .

"If you know that you are the queen of you, you will be very happy." Murong Zhan whispered in her ear.

The implication is that the Queen Mother is still not awake, so she still opposes her marriage to him.

Ye Hao smiled bitterly. "I hope the Queen Mother will wake up quickly."

Murong Chan touched her head, "Yes."

The carriage turned forward, because it was at night, the rolling sound was particularly obvious, I don’t know how long it took, the carriage slowly stopped.

Ye Hao was taken off by Murong Zhan, and she looked at the familiar Wangfu Gate with amazement. "Here..."

"Come in." Murong Zhan said with a smile, holding her hand into the former Qin Wangfu.

How come here? Ye Hao looked at the shadow of Murong Cham in confusion, waiting for her to come to the backyard, watching the lanterns and the festive atmosphere of the house, the long-lost memory a little awake in her mind.

This kind of scene seems to have met each other. When she married him, he was the king of Qin. The Qin Wangfu that night was like this.

"Why..." Ye Hao wanted to ask him why he had a happy event here, but she didn't ask for an exit, and the voice had choked.

Murong Zhan gently glared at her. "This is the wedding night that you owe to you. Oh, sorry."

Ye Xie couldn't speak, saying that she was forgotten. How could she have no regrets in her heart? How worried she was at that time, thinking that she could finally form a relationship with his beloved one. Who knows that there will be so many things happening behind.

She used to think that she had no connection with him, and she could not be together in this life.

"Plus the year..." Murong Chan kissed her pink lips, "I owe you two rooms."

Ye Yanhong glanced at him with a blank face. "I didn't want you to return."

Murong Chong hugged her up and strode into the happy room. "I don't like to owe others things, especially the cave room."

"You let me down!" cried Ye, she was too aware of how long he had been in these days, and she would see someone tomorrow.

"You haven't used the clean room you have done yet?" Murong Zhan was ignorant, and she took her into the clean room in the house. This was done according to the specifications of Ye Hao's previous boudoir. A small pool, two people are just right inside.

Ye Hao saw that there was already hot water in the pool. Her cheeks were as red as the morning glow. "Since it has not been used, then you should bathe first, then I will..."

How did Murong Chong give her a chance to slip away? The moment she put her on the ground, she pressed her on the floor stand and kissed her with thin lips. His kiss was soft, gentle, strong and strong. Overbearing, like to swallow her, the big palm skillfully untied her skirt...

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