On the way back to Kyoto, Ye Hao had some enthusiasm for the request of Mo Rongzhan. Today she knew that he had been restrained before.

The so-called owe to her two caves originally meant such a thing, simply double toss her.

She didn't know how to go back to the palace. When she was awake, she was already the next morning.

"Hey, let's go to the temple to worship the ancestors and go to sleep again?" Murong Zhan had already been refreshed and refreshed in a good spirit. At this time, he was holding his sore leaves in his arms and whispering. I woke up with her.

Ye Hao tried to open his eyes and glanced at him. "I am sleepy, I don't want to move."

Murong Chong looked at her face like a jade, but also tired, especially the black circle of the eyes, a little regret that it should not be too strong last night, he is too excited, plus it has been close to her for some days. The body, and in the new house he personally arranged, he lost his sense of time.

"When you know that you are tired, we will go to the temple to get a fragrance, and come back to sleep." Murong Chan whispered in Ye Hao's ear.

Ye Hao had a half-sound with her eyes closed, and suddenly sat up and tried to open her eyes. She remembered that today is the second day of her marriage. According to the etiquette in the palace, she should go to the temple and The first hall is fragrant.

"Oh..." Murong Zhan looked down at her and sat up, whispering.

"Let Hong Ling come in." Ye Hao said, it still looks like it is not really awake.

When Murong Zhan’s eyes were low, she saw her pearly white body printed with a little red mark left by him. The memory of extravagant indulgence last night was reappeared in my mind. How can he let others see this? She, even her ring is not good.

"Help you," he whispered, taking the tube top and putting it on for her.

"..." Ye Hao is only awake for six points, and still looks at Murong Zhan in a confused way. "You are planning to grab the work of the palace girl?"

Murong Chong kissed her on the smooth shoulders. "I don't want others to see you like this."

She certainly doesn't know how fascinating she is today.

Ye Hao felt his hand on her chest, and then she realized that she had not worn anything in her body, and she remembered that she had been tossing for help in the Qin Wangfu last night.

"It's all you!" Her hand didn't even have the strength to slap him. He could only bite on his shoulder.

Murong Zhan lightly coughed, "Yes, it's not good, it will converge next time."

Ye Hao yelled at him. "Do you still think about the next time?"

"I don't want to use that posture anymore, don't worry about it." Murong Chan was heated by her pair of sorrowful waters, fearing that she would be unable to control herself for a while, and quickly put on her clothes, "Today Go to the Taimiao Temple and the Fengshang Temple, and don’t have to go to the morning for three days. I will accompany you these days."

"Who wants you to accompany you." Ye Hao's mouth twitched slightly.

Ink Murray confirmed that she had already wrapped her tightly, which allowed them to come in and give her a haircut.

After this cleanup, Ye Hao was finally fully awake. She glanced at the ink and ink behind her. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be like a broken body this morning.

This man! On weekdays, it looks like it is very cold and serious. There is not much smile on an iceberg face. When I talk about mixing and teasing her, she is really out. She is too shy to listen, let alone toss her. When she was in various patterns, she suspected that his cold and indifferent appearance was deliberately pretending.

The sleek smile of the darkness of the ink-filled scorpion is so much to her.

Originally, this morning, in addition to going to Taimiao and Fengshang Temple, I have to go to the Queen Mother to ask for peace, but the Queen Mother is not there, and this matter will be gone.

From the temple and the Fengshen Temple, Ye Hao’s eyes were almost incapable of opening. When she returned to Huaqing Palace, she had already slept on the phoenix, or Murong Chan held her down.

It was not until the afternoon that she finally woke up and her body was sore.

Murong Zhan is not in the dormitory, Ye Hao called Hong Ling to come in and change clothes for her.

"Annivorous, are you awake?" Hong Ling said with a smile. "The emperor just left, I am here to accompany you all day."

Ye Hao gave a slight glimpse, "What is he doing here?"

Red Ling said with red, "The emperor knows that you are not feeling well, and you have pressed it all over the body."

Everyone knows what happened to the emperor and the empress last night. She still complained that the emperor did not know how to pity the empress, but he could see him staying here all day. She suddenly felt that this empress would not be wronged as before. .

"Is the emperor?" Ye Hao's heart is like a honey.

Hong Ling said, "The slaves don't know. If Fu Gonggong came to talk, the emperor went to the royal study room and told the slaves if you wake up and let you go to him."

Ye Hao looked at the sky, "Let me change clothes."

Just changed clothes, Ye Hao has not left the palace, and Murong Chan has returned.

"Wake up?" Murong Zhan's cold face had softened when he saw Ye Hao, and reached out and took her back. "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "It's been a lot better."

Ink and ink are very bright, "That's good."

"I don't feel comfortable after a day of sleep. Go to the Royal Garden and take a walk." Ye Hao pulled the hand of La Murong Chan.

"Good." Murong Zhan whispered in her ear, "Don't say tired tonight, I don't want to sleep alone."

"..." Ye Hao was ashamed to break his hand. "If you are afraid of sleeping alone, there are other beauty in this palace. You can go find it."

Murong was so upset and laughing, "Do you really?"

The corners of the eyebrows are all playful smiles. "Of course it is true."

"That is not to knock over the small vinegar altar, it is the vinegar sea to roll." Murong Zhan said seriously.

"Hey, who is rare." Ye Hao glanced at him. "When they come to me for peace tomorrow, I will look at it carefully. If there is any one who looks particularly talented, I will tell you."

Murong Zhan nodded. "The Queen has a good intention, and he can only accept it."

On the way to the Royal Garden, I will pass through the Kunning Palace. Ye Hao thinks of Lu Shuanger. I feel that she should have said that she had appeared in Yumenguan with Murong Cham. "Right, are you not going to check the whereabouts of Lu Shuanger?" Do you know where she is?"

"I only know that she used to appear in Yumenguan. I don't know where I am now. What happened?" Murong Zhan is the most unwilling to mention this person, which will remind him of a stupid past.

Ye Hao nodded faintly. "Sun Wen said that she had seen her in Yumenguan, but it was already half a year ago."

Murong Zhandao, "After Yumenguan is Qiguo, she should not be in Jinguo."

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