The air in the dormitory is filled with a touch of fragrance. Some of the palace ladies, such as Hong Ling, stand shyly outside the hall, and the account is windless and automatic, and the shredded voice brings out the extravagant taste.

"The emperor..." Ye Hao’s voice was dumb and charming. "Are you not going to be early today?"

Murong Chan's breathing is heavy, but there is no sound after a word, and all his attention is on her body.

I don't know how long it took, the movement in the account was stopped, and Ye Hao was soft in the arms of Mo Rongzhan.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Murong Zhan floated his eyes and worried. How could this little girl be so delicate? Every time he had to get some, he could not let her up for a long time.

Ye Qibai’s cheeks were filled with Xiaguang’s cheeks. She shook her head gently in his arms. It’s not uncomfortable, but he’s too temperate these days, although she can get the ultimate fun, but this is too... ... ridiculous.

Murong Zhan kissed her cheek, and the smile in the corner of his eyes deepened. "Let's sleep for a while, then come back to see you later."

"Yeah." Ye Hao lazily responded, and turned from his arms into the quilt.

Looking at her smooth back with his traces left, his throat moved a little, but he couldn’t help but sigh. It’s not the first time. He’s getting more and more inseparable from her, and he doesn’t feel bored at all. Every time, he can feel the beauty he has never seen before. He kissed her on the shoulder and whispered, "There should be someone coming over to ask you today, you don't have to deliberately get up early, don't want to see them, don't see them."

Ye Hao suddenly turned around. "Who will come to see me?"

Murong Zhan looked down at her surprised eyes. This girl has not yet become a queen. Since she is already in the palace, other people will naturally try to please her, "the other people in the palace."

"Oh..." Ye Hao understood it immediately. He stretched his voice and raised his eyebrows to see him. "Your other woman, no see."

"That's not to see." Murong Zhan laughed softly, and his slender fingers smacked her little mouth. "I also said that I wouldn't be jealous. How long have you seen them, is it worth your life?"

Ye snorted. "I am not angry. They come to me and ask for peace. In order to please you, I am not pleased."

Murong Chong bit her earlobe. "Hey, it's so easy to please."

"You are going to go to the early morning." Ye Hao remembered last night she tried to please his begging for mercy, blushing and pushing his arm.

It was not too late, and Murong Chong had no longer teased him. When he got up, he asked the outside palace lady to come in and waited. He was glanced at Ye, and then he laughed and let the ladies go out and called Fu Gonggong in.

On the first day, when he got up, the palace lady came in and waited for the dressing. The little girl was still upset. Afterwards, she said that she could not bear to see other women see him. He had to let Ford come in to serve.

When Fu Gonggong came in, he only saw the emperor. He hurried forward to wait for the grooming. He thought that his majesty was really a spoiled queen. He had never seen a nephew who was still sleeping when he was up. It was a former favorite. For a moment, Lu Guizhen was sent to the emperor's door outside the temple.

Murong Zhan put on a bright yellow robes, opened the account and wanted to say a few words with Ye Hao, but found that he had fallen asleep again. His eyes flashed with a smile, and he kissed her on the cheek. Take a light foot to leave.

Ye Hao has been sleeping until he gets up three days.

When I was combing, I walked in from the outside. "Returning to the Empress Dowager, the other goddesses in the palace are looking outside, and the Tao is trying to give you peace."

Still really coming...

Ye Hao looked at herself in the mirror, I wonder if it was an illusion. After the wedding, her temperament was better than before. The whole person looked more beautiful and beautiful. She was afraid of being Murong Cham. This will be tossed, she will definitely look bad.

Really got her Lingquan, she found that Lingquan is more and more supportive.

"Let them go to the temple." Ye Hao said, anyway, it will be seen sooner or later. Before, she was not a queen and did not live in the palace. Naturally, she could avoid these shackles. Now she has become a queen. May have been avoided.

She knows that Murong Chong has barely touched them, but they are ultimately his name in the name, and this taste is still not very good.

"Mother, do you wear this Jiufeng?" Hongling whispered, and I wished that I would dress Ye Hao more beautifully, so that those who are not good will be reluctant to retreat.

Ye Hao glanced at it. "No, just like this."

Next to the Emei, he said with a smile, "If the maiden does not apply rouge, it will be the whole Kyoto."

Hong Ling nodded seriously. "Yes, our goddess is the first beauty in the world."

"The more you say, the more exaggerated." Ye Hao glanced at them with a funny smile. "Well, I will be there for a while."

In the temple, all the nephews stood awkwardly. The highest among them was Hu Yueer and An Xiuzhen. When Hu Yueer was just in the palace, he was summoned to go to the Qing Palace to serve, but only she knew the most, the emperor. At that time, she did not touch her at all. Even so, the emperor was promoted to her because of her neat compliance, and she was the highest in addition to the Queen.

Then there is An Xiuzhen, an expensive person.

There are more than a dozen other promises from the showgirls. In the palace, even the emperor’s face has not been seen. Today, all of them came to Ye Hao to ask for security.

When Ye Hao came to the temple, he saw a group of beautiful and beautiful nephews standing face to face.

"The Queen's Mother is driving." The palace man outside the temple saw her and immediately shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately looked back. They all heard that the Queen’s Empress was absolutely unparalleled. They had never seen the truth before. It was only after today’s meeting that the legendary description was considered polite.

What is the grandeur of the magnificent, what is the peerless unparalleled, probably said that the Queen is such a character.

Originally, they had already dressed themselves up this morning, but now they can hardly describe their inferiority.

"Chen Chen met the Queen's Empress, the maiden Wanfu Jinan." Hu Yueer was the first to react. When Ye Hao walked into the temple, she had already bowed her knees.

Others instantly returned to God and hurriedly followed the ceremony.

Ye Hao was seated in the seat, and smiled and looked at them. "It’s all flat, it’s all sisters, and you don’t have to do such a big gift in the future.”

Speaking of the word sister, Ye Hao feels awkward in her heart. If she doesn't care about the Queen's face, she will definitely not say such a thing.

"Thank Queen Empress." Hu Yueer stood up with his head down and stood down with a low eyebrow.

An Xiuzhen carried a quiet look at Ye Hao. "I still don't congratulate the Queen's Empress, and I wish the empress and the emperor to be old and old."

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