With the blessings of An Xiuzhen, other monks have opened their mouths to bless Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, but they accepted their blessings. Although they said that they may not be true, there is no dissatisfaction in their presence that they can be treated with ink and care.

"I used to hear that the Empress Dowager was the best in Kyoto. Today, when she saw it, she was really worthy of her name. The officials were really self-satisfied." There was a whisper underneath.

"Yeah, the Queen's maiden looks so good, no wonder the emperor is so different to you."

"Is this still used? The emperor is not different from the maiden. Is it different to you?" An Xiuzhen said to them.

Ye Hao has been listening to them with a smile, she can naturally hear the envy and envy of their tone, but what about? It’s hard to let her say that everyone is a sister. She will definitely make the emperor’s rain evenly, and open the leaves for the emperor as soon as possible.

Oh, she would rather be a beggar.

"Queen Empress, this is the sachet that the slaves have made to you personally, and the craftsmanship is rough, but I hope you don't mind." Just blushing and said, his hands are served with a delicate sachet.

He took it from her hand and did not take the sachet to Ye Hao, but gave her a look in her hand.

"Lin Biao is really a good craft, this sachet is very good." Ye Hao said with a smile, and the other person pleased her.

Lin Biao heard that the Queen's Empress actually knew who she was, and her heart was excited. "The goddess does not deny it."

Other people’s faces showed an unremarkable look.

For a long time, the emperor rarely appeared in the harem, they all felt that there was a difference between the empress and the empress, even if the emperor put all his thoughts on the political affairs, the empress would always persuade him to pay more attention to the harem, now the imperial court for the emperor The problem of not having a child is still very worrying.

They can't see the emperor, maybe they will please the Queen, everything is different?

Ye Hao listened to the bottom and was a pleased voice. Her sight was to look at Hu Yueer, who was sitting on her left side.

When Hu Yueer entered the palace, she had just returned to Kyoto at that time. I heard that Murong Zhan had only been pleased with her for some time.

It looks very soft and smooth. At that time, Lu Shuanger was still a nobleman in the palace. She could survive in her hands and support herself in the palace. Obviously this is not as weak as her appearance.

An Xiuzhen originally wanted to talk, but she saw that Hu Yueer still looked like she was still moving. She still couldn’t speak. She had already seen it in the palace these years. Hu Yueer’s birth was not as good as her, it also looks like A soft, weak and uncontested appearance, but her position is already above her, this is the ability of others.

Half an hour passed, and Ye Hao felt a little tired. Looking at everyone's enthusiasm and not wanting to leave, what else she didn't understand was that she hoped to see the emperor here.

"Today's weather is good, it's better to go to the Royal Garden. Although there is ice in this house, it is still stuffy." Ye Hao was so sleepy that he saw that the weather outside today was not so hot, but he wanted to go out. .

Hu Yueer smiled and stood up. "Chen Yu was only coming from the Royal Garden and saw a lot of flowers. The goddess just went to enjoy it."

"Yeah, the flowers in the Imperial Garden are very good." An Xiuzhen immediately said in a postscript.

"Well, let's go together." Ye Hao said with a smile.

When I arrived at the Imperial Garden, Ye Hao was not used to having a group of people behind him.

"Today, there are a lot of peony flowers in the Imperial Garden." Cao Yu, who had never spoken in the partial hall, smiled and said, "Chen Chen remembers that the former noble lady likes peony flowers. The Queen Empress is Lu Guifei's sister. I don't know if I like peony?"

Suddenly mentioned Lu Shuanger, not just other cockroaches that did not respond, even Ye Hao was stunned, and looked at Cao Yu who spoke to the mouth. Even Lu Shuanger liked peony flowers and knew that this person was very close to her. of.

"When did Cao Yu enter the palace?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"Back to the Queen, the courtiers were selected into the palace three years ago." Cao Yu smiled back.

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "Oh, three years forward, it is known that Lu Shuanger has been abandoned as a Taoist. How can I still have a noble lady?"

Cao Yu’s face changed slightly. When she entered the palace, she was valued by Lu and her children. Therefore, when others were afraid to take care of Lu Shuanger, she was grateful, although she knew that Lu Shuanger might just want to use her.

She will mention Lu Shuanger in front of the Queen Empress, thinking that the Queen is a parent in the land after all, and Lu Shuanger should have sisterhood, but what does it mean to listen to the Queen Empress?

An Xiuzhen covered his mouth and slanted Cao Yu. "That is, Cao Yu, you really remembered Lu Shuanger."

Cao Yu’s face was blue and white, and the trembling was terrified.

Ye Hao felt impatient, and was about to open all of them. The voice of Fu Gonggong came from the front. "The emperor drove."

Hu Yueer’s eyes were slightly bright, and he turned his head and looked in the direction of the ink to go.

Except for her, other cockroaches are difficult to cover up the excitement.

"Emperor Wanfu Jinan." Everyone was short and bowed.

Murong Chong faintly raised his eyebrows and strode to Ye Hao's side and helped her up. "How come to the Royal Garden?"

"The weather is good, come out to breathe." Ye Hao smiled.

"Hey, walk with you." Murong Zhan whispered, with a big hand, "You all retreat."

Hu Yueer gently bit his lip and looked at his back, "Chen Chen retired."

An Xiuzhen was even more reluctant. She had been honed in the Queen for so long to see the emperor. She finally waited for the emperor to come. How could she be willing to leave like this, who knows when it will be the next time he sees the emperor.

Unfortunately, her expectations were not seen by Murong Cham, who had already taken Ye Hao’s hand to the other side.

"The emperor is different from the emperor." I don't know who whispered behind.

Hu Yueer’s twilight was slightly moving. She looked at the back of Murong Cham deeply. As long as she waited patiently, she would always wish to achieve it. Now that the Queen is in the palace, the emperor will certainly not see it as often as before. Faceted.

"I can't easily see the emperor, do you leave like this?" An Xiuzhen asked Hu Yueer.

"Otherwise?" Hu Yueer smiled and left the Royal Garden with his own palace lady.

An Xiuzhen slammed her feet, otherwise? Can she still run up to compete with the Queen? The emperor will definitely not let her go.

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