Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 762: Six princes want to see

"I didn't tell you, if you don't like to see them, you don't have to see them?" Murong Zhan took Ye Hao's hand and walked slowly. When he came over, he saw her impatience at a glance, obviously Today is being scared by those women.

Ye Hao smiled. "Can you still avoid seeing you forever? Anyway, they just ask for peace."

Murong Zhan confirmed that she would not feel unhappy because she saw their existence, and she smiled a little at the corner of her mouth. "You don't have to ask them to come and ask for it every day, and you will have to work hard to cope with them."

"Yeah." She thought so too. Not that she didn't want to see them. She had already known that Murong Chan couldn't touch other women. Naturally, she wouldn't eat such dry vinegar. She just didn't want to endure their pleasing. The act of being a drunkard is not impatient with her behavior.

"There is one more thing..." Murong Zhan stopped and stood face to face with her. "Your brother should stay in Kyoto in the future."

Ye Hao thought that Murong Zhan said Lu Xiangzhi. "So fast, let my big brother return to Kyoto. Isn't he doing well in Fengqi City?"

Ink said that "Yu said that it is Ye Xiaonan."

This is the next leaf, she is a bit skeptical whether she has misunderstood, how her brother will be willing to stay in Jinguo, he is already a general in the Dongqing country, and there is no merit in Jinguo, and there are Ye Yisong’s foresight of the car, he may not be able to stand firm in the Jin Guo court, even if Murong Chong believes him, can he still bring him to fight?

She couldn’t figure out why Ye Haonan had stayed.

"How did you know this? I never heard from me." Ye Hao said, I can't wait to find her brother now, she wants to know what is going on.

Murong Zhan whispered, "This is what the father-in-law told me. You want to know the reason. Your brother should go to the palace today. When you come, ask him again."

Ye Hao looked at him, "What do you think?"

She wants to know what he thinks about his brother’s stay in Jinguo. Will you feel jealous?

"Why do you ask this?" Murong Zhan was so dark, she thought that he would still be worried about Ye Ye's because of Ye Yisong? Or she is worried that he will suppress Ye Haonan not let him out?

Ye Hao gently took his hand and looked at him in clear and bright eyes. "If you didn't guess wrong, your brother stayed in Kyoto not for anything else, just for me, maybe in my opinion, if they all go Dongqingguo, then I have only one person here, so he hopes that his brother will stay. My brother will give up all the credits of Dongqing. You naturally will not doubt him, but what about the other people in the court? I am afraid... ..."

Murong Chan clenched her hand, "What are you afraid of?"

"I am afraid that he will be unreasonably embarrassed." Ye Hao whispered.

"There is a sigh, even if someone is framed, he will not allow it." Murong Zhan whispered, "Ye Yinan is a good player to lead the war. If he stays in Jinguo, he is very happy."

As a result, Jin Guo has one more general.

Murong Zhan had the determination to conquer the world. He needed more talents to stay in the court.

Ye Hao certainly knows that he won't, but she still feels that many people will not watch Ye Xiaonan regain his foothold in Kyoto, and he will not hope that Ye Family will make another comeback.

"If Ye Xiaonan really stays, he will let him go to the border town first, and wait for him to make a contribution and have his own power. No one in Kyoto has dared to frame him." Murong Zhan smashed her. The palm of his hand, he is willing to let Ye Xiaonan get up, not only wants to cultivate a general who can fight with him in the future, but also hopes that he can become the backing of Ye Hao in the future.

Ye Hao is a queen. If her family is not obvious, there will be someone in the future who wants to bully her.

"Do you really?" Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan in surprise, and couldn't believe he was willing to cultivate his brother.

Murong Chong looked at her helplessly. "In your opinion, is it a suspicious and useless emperor?"

Ye Xiao smiled. "You are the emperor of the wise, holy, so good!"

"Unsatisfactory." Murong Zhan pinched her nose, deep eyes are full of pets smile.

Fu Gonggong walked over with his head down. "The emperor, the six kings asked for it."

Ye Hao was a bit different, six lords? The legendary idle king actually came back.

Ink Murray’s sorrowful sinking, he glanced at Ye Hao. “When you go to see the Six Brothers, you should go back to Huaqing Palace first.”

"When did the six princes return to Kyoto? I saw him when I was a child." Ye Hao asked curiously, her impression of the six princes was already vague, but she vaguely remembered that she had seen him.

"I came back a few days ago." Murong Zhan said in a deep voice, thinking about whether or not to let Ye Hao know that Murong Yu is the six princes. "Previously the Queen Mother remembered that he hadn’t smashed Wang Hao, just as he came back, he still thought. Give him a marriage."

Ye Hao smiled and said, "I remember that the six princes are still not married. When he is married, it is time for the aunt."

Murong Zhan suddenly said, "You should haven't seen your sixth brother yet. It's better to see you."

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. She also wanted to know what kind of style the famous King of the Year was in Kyoto. Her grandmother still liked him.

"Go to the six kings to the Royal Garden." Murong Zhan said to Fu Gonggong.

Fu Gonggong went away.

Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand and walked to the gazebo. “When I was young, my sixth brother took care of him. The father didn’t care about him, so he left Kyoto. I haven’t known how many places I have been in the past few years.”

It sounds like this, the feelings of Murong Cham and the six princes seem to be good, and Ye Hao can hear it from the tone of Murong Cham.

"Fortunately, you did not leave Beijing when you left, or I will not meet you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Murong Zhan looked at her in a low-pitched manner. "Yeah, fortunately, I have not left."

Ye Hao was a little shy when he saw it. His eyes were smiling and avoiding his eyes. He only saw a figure coming slowly in front of her. She only felt very familiar. When she looked at it carefully, she had already seen it. Living.

Isn't that Murong? Why is he here?

When Murong Chong stood still, she knew that Murong was coming. He had a glimpse of his heart, and she was unprepared to know the true identity of Murong Yu. Will it make her feel uncomfortable?

When Murong Yu entered the Imperial Garden, she had already seen Ye Hao, and she also saw the sweetness and affection of her eyes when she looked back at Murong Cham.

"Six princes, please here." Fu Gonggong led the way in front, and when he took Murong to lead the outside of the gazebo, he had already stopped.

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