Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 763: It turned out to be him

"Chen Chen has seen the emperor." Murong Yu bowed his hand and then looked at Ye Hao, "I have seen the Empress."

Ye Hao looked sluggish and she did not respond.

"Six brothers are excused, sit down." Murong Zhan said faintly, Ye Hao did not know that he had seen Murong Yu in Dongqing, and he did not know that he had already known what Murong Yu was doing to her. , had to continue to pretend to unwittingly take Murong as a prince.

His name is Murong Liu's sixth brother? So, is Murong Yu the legendary six-grandfather?

Ye Hao didn't know what face to use to face Murong Yu. She only felt as if she was being played. Murong knew her identity when she was in Dongqing, and he actually told her...

Murong Yu looked indifferent. "I still don't congratulate the empress and the empress, I wish you a good birth."

“Thank you for the Sixth Brother.” Murong Chan said faintly, “When you enter the palace today, will you not say goodbye?”

"Ha ha ha." Murong smirked. "There are only emperors in the courtiers. Chen is going to go to Chengde Villa to give peace to the Queen Mother, and he will also see the emperor."

Mo Rongzhan thought that he wanted to leave Kyoto again. It was just going to Chengde Mountain Villa. "On this little thing, why should the Sixth Brothers come to the palace to personally say this?"

Murong said with a faint smile, "I always have to say a word."

"After going to see my mother, I am afraid that I will urge you to get married." Murong Zhan smiled.

"Chen has been used to drifting outside for a long time in the past, and I have never thought about this kind of life in marriage." Murong said with a smile.

Murong Zhan glanced at him and glanced at him. "It is because of this that the mother will always read you."

Ye Hao was listening to them, and you said a word to me. The shock in my heart has slowly calmed down. Murong is the six princes. When they met on the boat, he still didn’t know her identity. It was in the east. Qingguo only knows, so he did not deliberately approach her. As for why she did not tell her true identity, she felt that it was no longer important.

After a while, Murong Yu got up and retire. The corner of his eye swept Ye Hao, and his apex tightened. She was already a queen. Even if he liked it any more, she still belonged to someone else.

"The emperor, the minister has to hurry to go to Chengde Villa, he will retire first." Murong said with a smile.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, "Good."

Looking at Murong’s figure disappeared into the Imperial Garden, Murong Zhan looked back at Ye Hao. “Let’s go back first.”

Ye Hao said, "I have seen six princes before."

"Do you remember what happened when you were a child?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile, thinking that she would not tell him that Dong Qingguo and Murong Yu knew each other. He did not intend to ask. He knew that she was impossible for Murong. What are the feelings.

"No, I met him on the way to Dongqingguo, but I don't know that he was the six-prince." Ye Hao carefully recalled the scene of meeting with Murong, who said that the six princes are idle kings, she does not Doubt, but Murong Yu became the six kings, and many doubts appeared.

But this is only her doubts. She will not talk to Murong Zhan before she has confirmed and checked it, so as not to misunderstand Murong Yu in case of misunderstanding?

In the Eastern Qing Dynasty, Murong Yu was a mysterious person in her cognition. He seemed to be omnipotent and very powerful. Otherwise, Shen Yuexuan would not be so obedient to him, and respectfully like it. Serving the master, just the idle king who has no power and no power, will not be awesome.

There were also pirates on the boat... those pirates heard that he was the sixth lord, and the attitude changed immediately.

Liu Ye and Liu Wangye? Which one is the identity of the pirate?

Mo Rongzhan probably didn't think that Ye Hao would say so calmly that he had seen Murong Yu before. His mouth was high and his eyes were full of joy. His tone was still restrained. "Oh? You and he are still in the East." Have you seen Qingguo?"

"In fact, he also saved me." Ye Hao quietly looked at Murong Zhan, "I don't want you to misunderstand, I have never mentioned him. I didn't expect him to be the six princes."

"Hey, I won't misunderstand you." Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, he understood her feelings about her, how could she easily doubt her.

Ye Hao bowed her head and smiled. She simply said that Murong Yu had saved her. Then she remembered that Shen Yuexuan’s true identity was exposed. Murong Chan seemed to have met someone. She looked at him doubtfully. “You are in Dongqingguo. Have you seen Murong already?"

Murong Chan touched the tip of his nose. He still doesn't know what identity Murong Yu is in Qianluo, so some things can't be said with Ye Hao, "I have seen it once."

"Uh huh?" Ye Hao thought that he seemed to be glaring at her too many things, especially about Murong Yu. If he had already seen Murong Yu, then he already knew that Murong Yu had saved her. He actually No mention of one sentence!

"I don't mean to swear you, but I don't know some things. I want to check it out and tell you again." Murong Zhan said in a serious way that he would not admit that he was jealous because Murong had saved her.

Ye Hao looked at him with suspicion, "Is it?"

Murong Zhanzheng said, "Do you still lie to you?"

She wants to nod, but recently she is afraid that he will make her a while. "Then you gave Murong a marriage, can he promise?"

Ye Hao didn't want to mention Murong's thoughts on her. She did not say that he sent her a luminous jade. Anyway, she did not bring the jade into the palace, but also placed it in Lujia.

"He won't give him a marriage, but he won't necessarily be a mother." Murong Zhan laughed. "If he can let his mother shift his attention, that's good."

Ye Hao felt that Murong Yu was afraid that he would not easily agree.

Murong Zhan took her hand back to Huaqing Palace, and did not sit down and talk. There was a palace man’s obituary outside, and Ye Xiaonan sought the Queen’s Empress outside the palace.

"When you first deal with the memorial, if there is something, let Lu and He say it to him." Murong Zhan looked down at Ye Hao, knowing that their brothers and sisters would definitely not want him to be present.

The Lu He in the mouth of the Murong Zhankou is the general manager of the Huaqing Palace. He specially arranged to serve Ye Hao. Ye Hao also saw it in the past few days. He is a very smart and calm eunuch. He is not too old, he is in his thirties. It has become pure and white, and in less than a few days, Hong Ling and others have been convinced of him.

"I know." Ye Hao said with a smile, and while others didn't see it, she kissed him on the cheek of Murong Cham. "Come back to dinner with me tonight."

Ink Yan Zhan's eyebrows are all smiles. He bowed his head and kissed her lips. The kiss was deep and deep for a while before she let go of her. The rough fingers licked her red lips, and the voice said dumbly. it is good."

Ye Yanhong pushed his face away and asked the palace lady to come in.

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