Ye Yinan met Mo Rongzhan outside Huaqing Palace. He paused for a slap in the air, "The Emperor."

Murong Zhan smiled and looked at him and nodded. "Look inside and wait for you."

"Yes." Ye Xiaonan actually had a little resistance to Mo Rongzhan. It is conceivable that he has decided to stay. The younger sister has become a queen. He must admit that he will have the ability to protect his sister in the future. I still need to rely on this man.

Murong Zhan looked at him and looked at him. "You stay in Jinguo, I am very pleased."

Ye Yinan did not speak, just nodded a ceremonial, sideways to send ink to leave.

Came to Huaqing Palace, Ye Hao has been waiting for him in the partial hall.

"I have seen..." Ye Yinan is going to salute, and has been stopped by Ye Hao.

"Brother, do you still need such a ceremony between you and me?" Ye Hao directly took his hand. "Sit down."

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "The ceremony cannot be abolished. You are now a queen, and how can I be the same as before."

"Don't I be your sister now?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry. "I heard the emperor say that you want to stay in Jinguo, brother, do you want to be clear?"

"I want to tell you about this in the palace." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "I was not very willing, but... I grew up here after all, and it is good to stay."

Ye Hao heard him say this, knowing that he is not reluctant to stay. "Brother, just like this, your achievements in Dongqingguo may be wasted in these years."

"Those who have calculated what, I will not let me go to Dongqing is not only for you, but also for me. If I am going to continue in Dongqing, I will be jealous of Li Wei in the morning and evening. It is better than staying in me." Jin Guo." Ye Xiaonan smiled.

Ye Hao carefully thought about it and had to admit that he had considered it very well. Since ancient times, no son of a prime minister has been able to become a general. Even if he is a military commander, it is impossible to hold military power.

It is not a wise choice to let Ye Yinan go to Dongqing.

"Then you stayed..." Ye Hao slightly frowned. "Can the emperor of Dongqing State agree?"

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "You can definitely solve it after you go back. Don't worry."

"Since you and Yu have already decided, then I don't have to say more, just... you don't have to think about me everywhere, I can take care of myself." Ye Hao is afraid that Ye Yinan will give up her pursuit for her.

Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "I will be measured."

"Right, when is Zhao and Zhaoyang planning to become a relative?" Ye Hao whispered. "How is it planned? I will always tell you."

Their father's succession is not a trivial matter, let alone the Zhaoyang County Lord.

Ye Yinan said, "If you want to go to Dongqing and become a pro, you should go back in a few days. After all, he is the prime minister of Dongqing, and can't leave too long."

"How come you don't go back in Kyoto?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly, Zhaoyang is a person of Jinguo.

"This is what you mean." Ye Xiaonan whispered, "Before we came back, the emperor seemed to be giving marriage to him. Maybe I want people in Wangducheng to know that he is married."

Ye Hao thought that he always had his own ideas. He certainly did not want to grieve Zhaoyang. He would choose to go to Dongqing to become a pro, and certainly have his own reasons.



Murong Yu left the palace, and Fujisawa was already waiting for him outside.

"Did you see your sweetheart?" Fujiko asked with a smile.

"Shut up." Murong squinted at him coldly. Although he was not in full view of the palace, he could come out in the mouth of Fujisawa, but it became him for her to enter the palace.

Fujisawa understands Murong's temper and sees him unhappy. Although he still wants to say something more, he still shuts up honestly. After a while, he said, "Zhuo Suer left Kyoto."

Murong’s eyebrows were slightly picky. “Have she left Kyoto?”

"It is estimated that there is no way to see the emperor, so I want to go to Zhuo Lao, Murong Chan arranged to monitor her dark guards and disappeared. I thought that Zhuo Suer did not have any threat." Fujisawa whispered, "You How many things did you know about Murong Chong?"

"Besides my identity in the thousands of Luosha, I am afraid I already know it." Maybe he is already suspecting that he is a thousand Luosha people, but there is no evidence.

Fujisawa also expected Zhuo Lao to be able to stir up what happened. Who knows that his every move has long been in the grasp of Mo Rongzhan, if they did not promptly rush to Kyoto to stop, then maybe they will be implicated, even if If you know how, he can still kill you."

Murong faint smiled, "I won't kill me, but I will kill you."

"..." The vines heard the silence, and he remembered the killing of the land.

"Go." Murong walked forward.

Fujisawa chased him and asked, "Where?"

"Chengde Mountain Villa." Murong said faintly, although the Queen Mother is not his biological mother, but now the name is the mother, he has returned to Kyoto, anyway, please go to please.

"Going to see the Queen Mother?" Fujisaki looked at him strangely. "Isn't I afraid that this one will come back with a king?"

Murong’s eyes swept the vines and looked at it. “You seem to care about this matter recently. Do you want to be embarrassed to be a protagonist? I can make a medium for you.”

Fujisaki rolled his eyes. "I just want to know when we will leave Kyoto."

Murong Yu did not answer him, but just jumped on the horseback and went to the direction of Chengde Villa.

In the days after the illness of Chengde Mountain Villa, the mood began to get irritated again. Although she could sleep in the reading of Murong Yu at night, she learned that after Ye Hao had become a queen, she began to swear by Murong Zhan.

Murong Yu sent all the waiting palace people down, but looked at the Queen Mother with helplessness.

"After the mother, for a Ye Yaoyao, you even hurt the emperor. For you, is Ye Yaoyao so important?" Murong whispered, "Do you know what the word Xiaoxiao means for the emperor? He is the king of a country. Isn't it good for you? When you were in the old age, are you here to take care of you, have you forgotten?"

The Queen Mother yelled, "If he is filial, he should not blame Lu, he is going to suffocate his sorrow!"

"Besides you, no one is better suited to be a queen than her." Murong said.

"You have to come to sorrow and mourn, isn't it?" the Queen Mother asked with anger, "Lu Yan is a wicked woman, she will kill your emperor!"

"After the mother..."

The voice of Murong’s voice was raised. There were people from the palace who came in and the six kings came to give peace to the Queen Mother.

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