Standing at the forefront of the main hall is the old Wang Hao and others. They have long heard of how Lu Hao has fallen into the country, otherwise he will not be obsessed with the emperor. Today, he finally has a chance to meet, and it looks like It is also very similar to the previous Qin Wangxi.

"You are flat." Ye Yan opened his mouth with a smile, looking around at everyone and letting them sit down and talk.

An Lao Wang looked up at Ye Hao. I couldn’t think that she had said so much before she was too late. She still wanted Lu Hao to be a queen. She thought she could send her niece to the palace. “I finally saw the emperor’s wedding. I hope that the Queen’s Empress will soon make a small emperor for the emperor.

Ye Xie looked at her, this is the elder in the ancestral room. For this old Wang Hao, she is heard. I heard that it is notoriously difficult to get along with, and even did not even enter the palace to give peace to the Queen Mother. Wang Hao is a famous man, and some look down on the Queen Mother. However, I heard that I have been in the palace for the Queen Mother.

"Yeah, the emperor has not been a child for several years, and now there is a goddess who can be a master in the palace. It is a good thing." Another old man said with a smile.

Ye Hao nodded with a smile. "Thank you for your concern about this palace."

In fact, she wants to say that this kind of thing does not need to be pointed out by outsiders, not to mention that she has not been in the palace for a month.

"Is the two old kings anxious? The Queen's maiden is still young, and the emperor is in the prime of life. Are you afraid that there is no prince?" I don't know who said.

Ye Yan looked at it. She was a lady wearing a second-class suit. She thought for a while before she knew who it was. It turned out to be the wife of the cabinet minister, Liu Daren.

"Is there anything else in the palace? For so many years, the emperor is not a prince. It is not because there is no Queen Empress in the side, the emperor put all his energy on the political affairs, and later there is a queen emperor to arrange the arrangement, naturally It is different." An Lao Wang said faintly.

The meaning of this statement is very obvious, that is, to remind Ye Hao, in the future, it is necessary to arrange other trips to serve the emperor. This is mostly for the emperor drafting women. Don't just focus on the pets. It is the right thing to pass on the ancestors to give birth to more little princes.

Ye Hao picked up her eyebrows. She wouldn't put her heart on the unkind words of An Lao Wang. But, is the old Wang Hao a little look down on her? "This palace is also a service to the emperor. Where can you do the emperor's Lord? Are you not making this palace difficult?"

The old king was unhappy on the face. "How is this the emperor's Lord? This is for the royal family, in order to open the branches to the emperor."

"This palace naturally hopes so." Ye Hao smiled faintly, she is hopeful, but Murong Zhan is willing to let other women leave the leaves, that is his business.

"An old man is not the elder of the ancestral family. It’s not long before the empress and the emperor get married. You are in a hurry." The middle-aged woman sitting next to her smiled and smiled, but the smile in her eyes looked Some disdain.

"I am concerned about the emperor." An old Wang Hao said faintly, looked up at Hu Yueer and An Xiuzhen. "The emperor does not like to go to the harem. It must be a person who has no intimacy. Since the empress has already entered the palace, it is natural to pick the emperor again. Something, this is not a time when the Queen should do it?"

Ye Hao’s eyes were slightly cold, and his mouth floated shallowly. “An old Wang Hao said that you seem to know how to be a queen. It seems that this palace really wants to ask you.”

Although Ye Hao’s tone of voice sounds soft and gentle, it is not very gentle in listening to everyone’s ears.

Everyone saw it. The old Wang Hao didn't seem to put the Queen in his eyes. Where did he go to the palace on the first day, please let the Queen choose the new person for the emperor. Isn't this the queen's face?

An Lao Wang did not converge because of Ye Hao’s words. She had despised this queen and thought that her birth was not worthy of marrying the emperor. If she had to look a little bit, she could not even be a blind man, but it was It’s impossible to be favored for a long time. "Chen Chen did not dare to act. It was only a few years long. It was more insightful than the Queen Mother. I heard that the Queen grew up in the border town."

It seems that there is no such thing as growing up in the border town. Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Yes, this palace grew up in the border town since childhood."

An old Wang Hao showed a smile that seemed so self-satisfied. "The Queen Empress has been in Kyoto for a few years. I don't know if I can adapt to life in Kyoto?"

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Is the old man Wang Yi feel that the palace does not seem to adapt?"

"Chen Chen is just asking." An old Wang Yan said with a smile, and he has already decided that the queen is a village wilderness. Even if he looks good, he can’t compare with the daughter of Qian Jin who was trained in the famous door. She tried to send her niece to the palace, and naturally she could easily fight this queen.

Ye Hao said with a smile, she already knew that many people in Kyoto looked down on her identity. In their eyes, she was a girl of Lu’s parents. Lu’s family used to be a merchant. Even if she later made a meritorious deed, she was not Did you get back to the original? She grew up in the border town. I want to make the lady who has always been higher than the top really respect her. It is not just the identity of the queen.

This is not something that will make everyone change in one day. She is not in a hurry.

"I heard that the Queen's maiden doctors are brilliant, isn't it the same as the front-end Hui Queen?" Someone said with pleasing.

Qi Yuling is well versed in medical practice, and has a great influence on later generations. No one in the world dares to disrespect her.

"But a little understanding of the fur, compared with the Qi Queen." Ye Hao said that she never dared to compare herself with Qi Yuling.

An old Wang Hao seems to have made up his mind that he must humiliate Ye Hao in front of everyone. "Speaking of the Queen, the courtiers think of an unwritten rule. After the emperors of the dynasties enter the palace, they will write a word. At the Women’s College, encouragement, don’t ask the Queen’s Empress to send a word to the Women’s College today.”

Isn't this obvious that the Queen Empress is embarrassed? I know that the Empress Dowager did not go to the Women’s College before she went to the medical school, and the Queen’s Empress was born in the Border Town since childhood, a border land, how much can the Queen’s Empress learn? It’s hard to say that it’s a village girl...

Hong Ling took a deep look at An Lao Wang Yu, and his eyes flashed a sneer. These ignorant and ridiculous people, their maidens were the first talented women in Kyoto. Can't even write a word?

Ye Hao faintly smiles, "Since there is such a rule, then the palace will write a word, the palace is learned from the medical museum, then write a pair in the medical museum."

An old Wang Yan showed a sly smile.

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