The most nervous thing around Ye Hao is only Emei. She doesn’t know that the Queen Empress she is serving is not the Lulu who grew up in the border town. She only knows that Lu Jing’s girl is not able to write except Lu Jinger. I have nothing in the first place, but if the words written by the Queen's Empress are placed in the Women's College for viewing, isn't everyone aware that the Niangniang is very low?

Hong Ling calmly prepared to prepare pen and ink. She knows Ye Xie best. Today, she is so ridiculed by the old man Wang Hao. For the sake of identity and demeanor, she will not care about this old woman, but she can use other methods to face her face.

"An old Wang Haode is highly respected, and he is a famous person. It should be an example. Why don't you also inscribe a piece to the women's college?" Ye Hao smiled and asked Anzhen Wang.

"Ten Chen is not as respectful as a life." An old Wang Hao laughed in his heart. He felt that the Queen was humiliating himself. At this time, she made her inscription. She learned calligraphy from a young age. Writing a beautiful font, although not comparable to the big calligrapher, but she thought that no woman in Kyoto can compare with her.

Everyone else can only look at Ye Hao with sympathy.

Hongling has already prepared the pen and ink, and the palace man has also moved to the desk. Ye Hao smiled and said, "When you are old, you can please."

An Wang Wang, who had the desire to suppress Ye Hao, had stood up in a polite manner. "The courtiers were ugly."

Ye Hao’s face was calm and his eyes were mild, just nodding with a smile.

It’s shameful to be quiet and idle.

An old Wang Shu thought about it and wrote this sentence on rice paper.

The leaves are so cold, it seems that this old man is really too much to take himself seriously, and he does not put her in the eye. Now he still wants to use this irony and Zhaoyang.

I am quiet and leisurely, and I am shameful. This sentence comes from Ban Zhao. It is said that the prostitute does not marry the two husbands. Obviously, the things of Zhaoyang and Hey are shameful in the eyes of this old woman, but she is afraid of the anger of the embarrassment. speak out.

She suppressed the anger in her heart. No matter what, she must not be angry with this sentence. Not everyone can understand the irony implied in the sentence of An Lao Wang. If she is angry, she may have an excuse. Said that she is guilty.

"Queen Empress, please give the word." An old Wang Yan smiled and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Xie looked at her coldly.

An old Wang Hao jumped in his heart, feeling that there was a cold breath blowing, and she almost didn't breathe.

"As everyone knows, this palace has been reading with famous teachers for less than a year, and the words are not very good." Ye Hao said faintly, holding his hand slowly and walking to the front of the table.

"How can the Queen's word be bad?" An Lao Wang said with a smile, "I heard that the first queen wrote a good word."

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and saw, "Have you seen the words written by the Queen?"

"Just heard it." An old Wang Hao said, "Mother, please."

"It turned out to be the case." Ye Hao smiled and took over the sheep handed over by An Lao Wang Yu. "Since it is to be placed in the medical hall, the palace will encourage a few words."

Boji medical source, diligent and tireless.

The words of An Lao Wang Shuo are calm and beautiful. It is indeed a good word. It is very difficult for a woman to write like her. Everyone thinks that the Queen’s Empress will definitely be crushed and defeated. Flowing clouds and water, the font is more beautiful and long, charming if the silver hook, tolerance and romantic, more than a few aura of the old Wang Yu.

The height was immediately divided.

An old Wang Hao’s face was blue and white. She was a person who loved calligraphy. She naturally admired many calligraphy and paintings. Ye Hao’s words were not comparable to her roots. She felt that her face was invisibly hit. Times.

"Don't write for a long time, a little embarrassed." Ye Hao put down the pen and whispered, "Lu He, today sent the two words together to the Women's College and handed it to the Dean."

Lu and the eyebrows calmly smile, "Yes, the goddess."

Ye Hao then turned to look at the old Wang Hao, "An old Wang Hao, do not know what rules there are when the Queen entered the palace?"

An Lao Wang’s mouth screamed and pulled out a smile. “No, the good words written by the goddess are really hidden.”

"This... I have been studying for a year and I can barely see people." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"..." An old Wang Hao feels like there are a number of knives poked to the heart, she has learned a lifetime of words actually can not compare to one year of learning?

Mrs. Hou Guohou’s mouth smirked and laughed. “The goddess is talented and talented. It’s easy to learn what to learn. Some people are not as good as you for a lifetime.”

An old Wang looked at her coldly.

Ye Hao sat down again, as if he didn't see the embarrassing face of An Lao Wang. "Some things really need talent, this palace is not here, and I don't always like to offer ugliness."

"If the maiden is not talented, then we really don't have to live." Mrs. Hou Guohou said with a smile.

An old Wang Hao was not willing to be humiliated. She looked at Ye Hao and raised her spirits. "There is still a proposal from the courtiers to start the Queen."

Ye Hao knows that this old man, Wang Hao, came here with no good intentions and asked faintly, "What proposal does An Lao Wang have?"

"Jin Guo has not issued a plaque for those widowed women who have been widowed. Should the Empress be commended for these women?" said An Lao Wang.

"Recognizing the guardian woman?" Ye Hao smiled and raised his eyebrows. "This palace remembers that the Queen has said a word, a woman should not hang on a tree, the tree is dead, is it still going to die? According to this palace, it is a very stupid thing for a young woman to keep the festival for her dead husband. Let the palace issue a ceremonial archway. Is this palace ruining all the life of the world that wants to marry a woman?"

An old Wang Hao probably did not expect that Ye Hao would say such a direct and clear support for the widow to marry again, and he could not speak on the spot.

"The meaning of the Queen's Empress... Is it okay to think that the widow will marry again?" asked the five kings sitting on the side and whispered.

Ye Hao said with a light smile, "This palace thinks that this should be based on her own wishes. Her willingness to be widowed is her deep affection. She does not want or need to be forced."

"A nonsense!" Ann Wang screamed in anger.

"Let's relax!" Lu and cold eyes glanced, "An old Wang Hao, can you be rude to the Queen?"

An Lao Wang Yan took a deep breath. "Mother, you say so, don't you think that the world's women don't have to keep the festival, it is against the ancestral system..."

"The system was originally set by people. Since Qi Queen can support the widow to marry again, why can't this palace be?" Ye Hao asked quietly, staring quietly at the old Wang.

An old Wang Hao still wants to argue again, but he can't find anything to say.

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