Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 783: She is the queen of jealousy

Mo Rongzhan does not want to have too many conflicts with the Queen Mother. He knows that the Queen Mother is hypnotized. Otherwise, he will not change his temperament, but let him look at Ye Hao’s grievances. He is even less likely to do it. Wake up, he must watch Ye Hao be wronged for a lifetime?

"After the mother, the palace is allowed. You punished her. Do you think that you are doing something wrong, is there any majesty? If the mother feels that the king of this country can’t do it, then It’s better to punish the cockroaches together.” Murong Chan said with a condensate look.

The Queen Mother was so angry that she was so painful. Although she was a Queen Mother, what qualifications does she have to punish an emperor? How do people in the world comment on her?

"Okay, good!" The Queen's fingers trembled. She looked at Ye Hao with anger and said to Murong Zhan. "For her, you don't care about anything."

Ink Murray’s faint smile, “After the mother, she is the queen of the beggar.”

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan sideways, and there was a warm current in her heart. She was his queen, so he had to protect her like this.

"Emperor, you should not regret it in the future." The Queen said with anger, holding the hand of the palace lady and stood up, and hurriedly left the Huaqing Palace.

"Call! Scared to death, how can you know that the scorpion is out of the palace?" Murong slaped his chest and said.

Murong Zhan glanced at him faintly. "I know that when I get back, I will be tempered. Do you dare to take out the palace?"

"Emperor brother, I am wrong." Murong admits honestly.

Ye Hao pulled the sleeves of La Murong Chan. "I have to ask the aunt to take me out of the palace. It has nothing to do with him. Don't marry him."

"You go ahead." Murong Chan said to Murong.

"Yes, yes." Murong sighed and relieved, and left the leg.

Ye Hao was still wearing a small sloppy clothes. She looked up and looked at the face of Ink Murray's Qing Xiuyi. "I am too self-willed, thinking about going out of the palace, I didn't expect to let the Queen Mother know."

Murong Zhan low gaze at her clear and guilty eyes, the apex seems to be sour and soft in the water, he does not want to trap her after she sets her, not wanting her to only take up all the flying As a well-regulated queen, what he wants to see more is her bright smile.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao saw that he did not speak, thinking that he was really angry.

He didn't want to see any trace of nervousness and fear on her face.

Murong fiercely tightened her thin waist, not waiting for Ye Hao to react, she had already bowed her lips.

"..." Ye Hao rounded his eyes. What does this mean?

When Hong Ling and others saw such a situation, they all bowed their heads down.

"Emperor!" Ye Hao patted his shoulder, here is the main hall, not in the bedroom.

He clasped her in his arms and kissed her lips with force, as if to swallow her, fierce, overbearing, strong, not tolerate her rejection.

Ye Hao couldn't push her, she had to put her hand on his shoulder, and the tip of his tongue learned to hook his tongue.

The ink color of the ink became dark and deep, and the breathing gradually became heavy. The warm kiss went down her neck and her belt was pulled away by his hand.

"Go to the bedroom..." Ye snorted and his body was shaking.

Murong Chong hugged her up and strode to the bedroom.

Ye licked his neck and saw that his handsome face was covered with a faint blush. She knew that this was a harbinger of his emotions. "Not angry?"

"When are you angry with you?" Murong Cham asked in a hoarse voice.

"I sneaked out of the palace..." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong Chan pressed her on the soft couch. "You should be angry, so think about what to do."

Ye Hao's legs wrapped around his waist, sticking to his hot body. "How does the emperor want to marry you?"

“What did the Queen think?” asked Murong Zhan with a smile.

Ye Hao took the initiative to kiss him.

The sound of the cymbal sounded in the dormitory, and the red Ling and the red scorpion standing outside looked at each other. Both of them blushed and bowed their heads. The heart was relieved. When the other people appeared in Huaqing Palace, they really scared them. Now, how can they not understand how the Queen Mother will know that the Queen is out of the palace.

Fortunately, there is the emperor here, or the future is likely to treat the queen.



The moonlight was gently spread over the palace, and Ye Hao was slightly gasping on the body of Murong Cham, his fingers moving gently on his face.

Murong Chan grabbed her hand in the palm of her hand, and the other hand stroked her back. "Is it wronged at Ci Ning Palace today?"

"No, I didn't adapt to how to be a queen for a while. If I changed someone else, I might not feel uncomfortable." Ye Hao whispered.

“What does the Queen Mother do for you?” Murong Zhan asked softly.

Ye Hao buried his face in the neck of Mo Rongzhan. "In fact, nothing is a draft..."

Murong’s mouth was floating and smiling, and as he guessed, the only thing that the Queen Mother could make Ye Hao feel uncomfortable was this.

"The Queen Mother asked me to choose you." Ye Hao said quietly, thinking that there will be more women into the palace, even if Murong Zhan will not be lucky, there will always be a variety of women trying to see He, maybe he would feel pleasing to the eye someday.

"Is it worth your attention on this matter?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

"Is this a trivial matter? This year's draft is bound to be in progress. The Queen Mother will definitely choose for you. Can I stop?" Ye Hao said quietly.

Murong Zhan nodded. "This year really needs a draft into the palace."

Ye Hao looked up at him.

A pair of clear and moving eyes are like grievances.

Mo Rongzhan kissed her in her eyes. "Many of the ladies in this year are going to be released at the age. They pick the ladies from the show, and they don't want to choose the election. You will arrange it by the Queen Mother. ""

Ye grinned, "You are not tempted?"

“Move the heart!” Murong Chong turned over and pressed her under her body. “This kind of beauty is beside me, how can you not be tempted?”

"What are you going to do?" Ye Hao was pressed tightly by him. She was waiting for him in surprise. She had already felt the change in his body. "You...what is your energy, no, I am tired." , Azhan..."

Murong Chong bit her mother's ear whisper and said, "How many years have you endured, this is a long-term ... energy."

It’s really shameless! Ye Hao yelled in his heart, pushed and could not push him, and soon he was soft and hot, and he could only fall into the turbulent waves with him.

"Oh..." Murong Chong called her in a dumb voice. "You won't let you be wronged."

No matter who he is, even he is reluctant to let her be wronged, let alone other people.

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