Ye Hao didn't know how long she slept, only remembered that she was confused and inked her to eat something, then she went to sleep again, and when she woke up, it was already the next morning.

"Mother, have prepared hot water, do you want to bathe first?" Red Ling asked with a red face, eyes can not look at the skin of the leaves are all traces of sputum.

"Well, let's bathe first." Ye Hao said lazily, and he felt soft and weak.

Hong Ling put clothes on her body. "Mother, do you still go to the Cining Palace today?"

Ye stunned, she almost forgot to give the Queen Mother the peace of mind, "What time is it now?"

"It is already early." Hong Ling whispered back.

"This palace is still going to ask Ann." Ye Hao said softly, although the Queen Mother wanted to see her, especially yesterday, when Murong Zhan became so angry, it must have fallen all her grievances on her.

Hong Ling whispered quietly.

Ye Hao sat in the pool and the hot water washed away the soreness on her body. She felt as if she was awake. "When did the Queen Mother come to Huaqing Palace yesterday?"

Next to the 蒹葭 and the red 缨 look at each other.

"After you left, the slaves sealed the news. Even the palace gates were guarded by the guards. After an hour, the Queen Mother came with someone. If you don’t say anything, please come out..." He whispered.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Hey, then you should check it out. What is the loophole in Huaqing Palace?"

"Yes, the goddess, the slaves will definitely find out." The twilight was cold, and the Queen Mother would know that the Queen had left the palace yesterday. Obviously they were inside, and they seemed to be too negligent.

"Combine the dress for this palace." Ye Hao said softly.

After some dressing, Ye Hao has appeared in front of everyone in a beautiful and beautiful manner.

Emei came in with breakfast, "Mother, you still have something to eat and go to Cining Palace."

Yesterday, the Queen Mother was so busy with the maiden, the maiden was dripping, but not every day.

"Yeah, the maiden, in case it is the same as yesterday." Others also followed Ye Yan.

Ye Hao had no intention of continuing to hungry, she laughed. "Prepare."

After using the breakfast, Ye Hao went to the Cining Palace to give the Queen Mother a peace, the Queen Mother just got up, I heard that the Queen drove, sinking a face and saying no, directly let the palace girl send Ye Hao.

This is an unexpected thing, Ye Hao is not surprised.

She still insisted on waiting outside. Now she can support her to stand here and endure the resentment and confrontation of the Queen Mother. She is the protection and cherish of her before the Queen Mother. She still hopes that the Queen Mother will be able to wake up one day.

"Is the Queen gone?" The Queen Mother used the breakfast, looked at the sky outside, thinking about going out to the Royal Garden, but she did not want to see the Queen.

"After the Queen Mother, the Queen Empress is still outside." The palace girl whispered.

The Queen flirted impatiently. "The mourner doesn't want to see her, you go let her go."

The palace lady looked up at the Queen’s Eye and saw the impatience of the Queen’s face. She did not dare to say a good word to the Queen. “Yes, Queen Mother.”

Ye Hao stood outside the door, and the sun was moving more and more upwards. Her forehead had already sweated.

"Mother, are you tired?" Red Ling asked distressedly.

"No problem." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Slave Jinping has seen the goddess, the maiden Wanfu Jinan." The palace lady around the Queen's side went out with her head down and gave Ye Hao a knee-high knee.

Ye Hao gently beheaded, "flat body, the queen is awake?"

Jin Ping looked at Ye Hao, and his heart flashed amazed. The Queen's maiden was really beautiful. "Back to the maiden, the Queen Mother... The Queen Mother said that today's maidens don't have to come over and ask for it, the goddess still please come back."

"Oh." Ye Hao smiled. The Queen Mother was mad at yesterday. I didn't want to see her today. "There are Lao Jinping girls."

"Slaves don't dare to be." Jin Ping hurriedly stumbled down, where dare to bear a girl in front of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at the sleeping hall with a faint look. "In this case, the palace will come again tomorrow."

Jinping bowed her head. In fact, she felt that even if the Queen Mother came over tomorrow, the Queen Mother might not want to see her.

When I returned to Huaqing Palace, I saw Yuping watering the flowers in the courtyard. When I saw Ye Hao coming back, I rushed to the ceremony. "The slaves have seen the goddess."

Ye Hao coveted her and looked at her. "Yu Ping, how are you here to take care of these flowers?"

Yu Ping said with a smile, "The slave is used to it."

"Before, at home, you took care of the garden for the palace." Ye Hao thought that Lujia was indeed the medicine field and flowers for her in the courtyard. She looked at Yuping, "Yuping, you are How long has it been around the palace?"

"Back to the goddess, slaves have been around you for two years." Yu Ping said.

Ye Hao nodded gently. "It seems to be two years."

Many people around her are still rewarded when she is a princess, except for Yu Ping, who is also aunt, but the people who Ye Hao often bring around are red, if they don’t see it today in the Queen Mother. Jinping's palace lady, she has forgotten that Yuping is also a queen.

Yuping did not understand what the Queen meant. He looked up at her a little.

Ye Haoyue passed by her and went back to the house. After sitting down, he came in.

"Slaves have seen the goddess." A slap in the face, a condensed color on his face.

"Is it detected?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows, and some were amazed at the speed, which was too fast.

He whispered, "Returning to the goddess, the slaves only found that there is a place in the partial door that is relatively short and very concealed. It is estimated that the person is passing the message from that place."

"Do you know who it is?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"Slaves... I haven't found out yet, I'm not sure," he whispered.

Ye Hao nodded gently, "then think of ways to lead the snake out of the hole."

In the heart of the move, is the Queen also suspected? I don't know if the queen suspected the same person as she wanted to check.

Let the cockroaches retreat, and Ye Hao went to see the medicine field that she had opened a few days ago. She remembered what happened outside the Rende Hall yesterday.

"This palace goes to the library tower." Ye Hao whispered.

She never thought that there were things that could not be treated because she was sick. Yesterday, I realized that people who had no money could only go home and die. There are so many medical centers in the world. She cannot use power to force them to see the poor.

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Ye Xiuxiu's eyebrows squatted and held the hand of Hong Ling. The library tower was at the end of the palace. It took half an hour to walk. It was only sitting and sitting.

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