Ye Hao is determined to have a must-have for starting a medical clinic, but she still doesn't know enough about the medical workshop, so I really want to know from Qi Qi what the medical workshop is like.

"Mother, how come you suddenly asked about the medical workshop?" Qi Qi asked in confusion.

"I saw someone outside the palace on the day because I didn't have money to see a doctor. I almost remembered the hospital because of a little cold, so if I set up a medical clinic in Kyoto, many people would not be dragged into a serious illness because of a small illness, and they could avoid the immune disease. Appeared." Ye Hao sighed softly. "Qi medical officer, what do you think?"

Qi Qi bowed his head. "The lower official thought that... it is not a good thing to start a medical clinic. At that time, I am afraid that even the tired mother will be attacked without any reason."

“What do you mean?” Ye Hao frowned. “I wasn’t the original intention of the Princess to open a medical clinic for the people of the world? Later, although the emperor’s abdication was abdicated, the medical workshop could actually survive, and the reason why the medical clinic really declined What is it?"

"Mother, it is good for the people in the world to open a medical clinic. But for those who are dignitaries and most medical institutions, this is not a good thing. They will feel that they have been divided into interests, and even... even later, the situation will get worse. In order to show their identity, some nobles and nobles will go to the medical clinic to see a doctor. When will they show them or not? Sometimes they do not know how to cure the disease, but they want to have a face... The original intention of the workshop will change." Qi Qi thinks of the difficulty of the previous medical workshop, she does not think that the Queen's Empress can make the existence of the medical workshop better than before.

Ye Hao bowed her head and carefully considered it. She had thought about these problems. Her position in Kyoto is not strong enough. Many people are waiting to see her jokes. But this is not the focus of her concern. Acknowledgement is good, she is a queen, only the world in this world can make her status threaten.

"If you set the rules for medical treatment?" asked Ye Hao.

Qi Xiao shook his head in a wry smile. "The lower official feels that it is of no use. It can be worth a while, not a long-term solution."

"How can it not be a long-term solution? As long as it persists, it will last for a long time." Ye Hao said with a deep voice. "It is imperative to open a medical clinic. If someone feels that this palace is obstructing them, I will probably come to the theory of this palace." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Mother, then, are you planning to open a medical clinic in Kyoto, or is it to be opened in the whole country?" Qi Qi asked.

Ye Hao said, "Now try it in Kyoto. If it is successful, it will be time to open a medical clinic in all parts of the country."

Qi Qi actually hopes that the medical workshop will be reopened, but she is very clear that this is a very difficult thing. "The maiden, this thing... still has to be long-term."

"This palace understands, so I asked you to come over and ask, do you know who else is familiar with the operation of the medical school that year?" asked Ye Hao.

"This..." Qi Xiao bowed his head and thought for a while. "The lower official was young at the time, but he was only a drug boy. It didn't take long for the medical clinic to close, and he didn't know much."

Ye Hao sighed, "It is not easy to start a medical clinic."

"The maiden is kind, and will be able to open the medical clinic." Qi Wei said that if the real medical clinic can be reopened, it is a good thing for both the people of the world and the medical doctors of the medical museum.

"Next, the palace will often ask you to discuss this matter. If you have a book about the medical workshop, please bring it to the palace." Ye Hao whispered.

Qi Qi bowed his head and said, "Yes, the goddess."



Ye Hao didn't know more about the medical workshop here, she was a little hesitant. I don't know if I want to start a medical clinic. Is it right or wrong? If I really want to start it, how many difficulties and setbacks will I encounter?

"Anniling." He stepped on the outside and walked in from the outside, stopping at Ye Hao's side. "The slaves came out."

"Yu Ping?" Ye Hao put down the book in his hand, and looked up cold and cold.

Looking at her in amazement, "Is the goddess already known?"

"Guess, but this palace has always hoped that it is not her." Ye Hao said faintly, "How did you find it?"

"The slaves found that she only didn't know where to go. Although she didn't go out, she had a way to pass the news." He whispered.

Ye Hao said softly, "Now you can't take her without any evidence. Let me lead her out."

Hey, look up slightly, "mother, what do you mean?"

"This palace is going to do the Qing Palace for a while, do you know what to do?" Ye Hao asked.

"The slaves understand." He nodded gently.

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"Hong Ling, change clothes for this palace." Ye Hao called Hong Ling.

She changed a set of plain clothes, and the surface seemed to be ready to go out of the palace. When Ye Hao left Huaqing Palace, he immediately kept people at every door, just did not want people to go out and report to the Queen Mother.

In the courtyard, the jade screen of the flowers and plants was seen, and his face looked strangely.

Murong Zhan is playing a book in the royal study room. I heard that the Queen's Empress is coming, and his cold and serious face has eased.

Ye Hao walked in with the food box. "The emperor, the priest stewed the soup."

“Specially for 朕?” Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and smiled at her beautiful face. “The queen is afraid of cockroaches... The body will lose money, so I have to make up for it?”

"The emperor is wrong. The courtiers are asking for something, so they only want to simmer the soup to please you." Ye took a look at him and put the food box on the table. In fact, she told me in the morning, just heard him. If you don't adjust, you don't want to tell the truth.

Murong Zhan took her hand and sat next to her. "Talk, is there anything that is required to come here?"

"Drink the soup first." Ye Yan said with a smile, personally poured the soup to him, the soup is added to the Lingquan, although he is very good now, but she still wants to use Lingquan to regulate him.

"Well, the Queen worked hard." Murong Chan kissed her on the cheek.

Ye grinned, "Azhan, I want to know everything about the medical clinic."

Murong Zhan drank the soup and looked at her with a smile. "What else do you want to know?"

He thought that so many diaries about the medical clinic and the medical doctor, she should know almost.

"I want to know why the medical clinic has declined, and what has happened in it, so that I can avoid it when I arrive." Ye Hao said.

Murong Zhan put down the bowl in his hand and said in a deep voice, "Hey, many things are not what you want to avoid, as long as you want to start a medical clinic, what happened before and in the future is not the same, as long as You believe that you can do well."

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