Ye Hao carefully pondered the words of Murong Cham, she has been entangled in the decline of the medical clinic, what is the reason, I think that the reason can be avoided, but the problems that the medical clinic will encounter, she may not encounter, did not encounter The problem does not mean that you will not meet in the future.

Since there are possibilities, what is she doing now?

"You are right. There is a reason why the former dynasty's medical school can't last for a few years. At that time, when the two dynasties alternated, I don't believe that the medical workshop will not be able to do it." In the arms of Murong Chong, he said with joy.

“I really want to open a medical clinic?” Murong Zhan smiled and looked at her.

Ye Haozheng nodded. "Of course, is there still a fake?"

"What are you going to do?" Murong Chong saw her so serious, only to feel so cute that people should be crisp.

"Do you have any choices to introduce to me?" Ye Hao’s eyes flashed and looked at Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan smiled and asked, "Who do you want?"

"There are too many people to use in starting a medical clinic. In addition to being cautious in selecting a site, it is also very important to choose the right doctor and medical doctor." Ye Hao thought carefully and felt that the most important thing was to have a replacement. The person who looked at the doctor's house outside the palace, it is best to be a woman, so that it is convenient to enter the palace and talk back to her.

"You can have a lot of people around you. Do you still need to pick them up for you?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

Ye Hao looked at him differently. "I use my own people? But they are either my ring or a civilian, let them do things, will it be inconvenient?"

"Hey, you are now a queen, and the hospital is still doing things for the court. Since they are going to do things for you, they will have official positions. Who will dare to marry them?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

It seems to make sense.

"Then I will go back and think about what to do next." Ye Xiao said with a smile, standing up from him.

Murong Zhan grabbed her hand. "I just want to leave?"

Ye Hao looked at Fu Gonggong, who was hanging his head outside, and kissed him on the face of Murong Zhan. "Thank you for the emperor's mention, the courtiers are grateful."

“I am grateful?” Murong Chong looked at her with an eyebrow. “Tonight, I will give you a chance to be grateful.”

"..." Ye Hao glanced at him.

Ink and Zhan's eyebrows are all smiling.

Leaving from the Qing Palace, Ye Hao remembered that she had a very important thing to go back. I don’t know if she would lead Yuping out. She actually hoped that it was not Yuping. After all, she had been serving her for so many years, even though she was the Queen Mother. She came, but their servants have no feelings? How can I sell and sell?

"Anniling..." Hung Hom came from the front and gave Ye Hao a ritual.

“How?” Ye Hao whispered, seeing the red dragonfly, she had already guessed the result.

Hung Hom looked at Ye Hao and looked at it. "Yu Ping has already recruited."

Ye Hao mouth floated a sneer, "How did you pass the message to Cining Palace?"

"From the gap in the door, I took people to hide in the dark, and saw Yuping to the outside of the paper..." Hung Hom whispered.

"I really want to go out from the palace, even how to pass the message can choose a good place." Ye Hao smiled.

"Yiang Niang, Yu Ping said to see you." Red Dragon said.

Ye Hao said faintly, "After all, the Queen Mother gave it to the palace. The palace didn't want to kill her. Let's find a reason to drive her out. It's good to go anywhere, and I don't want to see her later."

Hung Hom knows that this is the empress of the Queen, and she is merciful to Yuping. "Yes, the goddess."

Ye Hao did not see Yuping, nor did he publicize what Yuping had done. She only went to the laundry warehouse on the grounds that she made mistakes. It was the lowest palace lady in the palace.

It was not until half a day in Cining Palace that I knew about it.

"It seems that Yuping knows how to work for the mourning family. Hey, this Lu Hao is despicable and shameless, and actually designed to frame Yuping." The Queen Mother snorted. "She thought that she would not know what she was doing in the palace." what?"

"The Queen Mother, there were a few small palace ladies who were smashed out there today..." The embroidered screen standing next to the Queen Mother whispered.

The implication is that they are now without any eyeliner around the Queen.

The Queen Mother still has a well-being in her chest.



Murong Yu returned to the palace before dark. He didn't go to see Murong Zhan first. He didn't go to the Cining Palace first, but went straight to Ye Hao.

"Xunzi, you let Ye General teach me martial arts." Murong looked at Ye Hao with a look of hope, and his eyes almost drowned.

Ye Hao looked at him differently. "What happened? How did you suddenly mention General Ye?"

Murong said, "Today I went to the military department to take office. Just as the military department wants to take people to the light camp to find the generals of Ye, I saw the generals of Ye defeated the two big men, and the golden glitter, I heard her Wu Gong was also taught by Ye General. She cried the deputy of Xishan Daying."

"..." Ye Hao is a little quick to react, but what did her brother do today? Fighting with the soldiers of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Xishan Camp?

Inkor looked at Ye Hao with pity. "I want to learn martial arts. I said that I only need to be physically fit. The masters I am looking for are not masters... I want Ye General to be so powerful."

"You have to wait." Ye Hao raised his hand to stop him from continuing. "You said that you went to the light camp, and General Ye had beaten the soldiers again?"

"In fact, the people from the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Xishan Camp went to the door to find a fight. If you changed it, I would definitely have to fight back. Otherwise, it would be a shame." Today, Murong Yu feels that Ye Haonan is doing the right thing.

Ye Hao’s headache slammed his eyebrows. “You don’t want to follow Ye’s generals to fight people?”

"Of course not!" said Murong, who said, "General Ye is also very martial in Dongqing. I am studying the skills of fighting."

"Do you learn the skills of fighting?" Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh. "I really can't be the master of this matter. You still have to find your emperor."

Murong Chan obviously didn't want this younger brother to do something dangerous. He just wanted him to grow up well. Where did she dare to let him follow his brother.

"Zizi..." Murong looked at Ye Hao with pity.

"Auntie, I don't want to help you, it is not difficult for you to go to the light camp, but the Queen Mother will not want you to be in the military camp. After all, it is a place of hardship. You also know that the Queen Mother has misunderstood me..." Explain, "So, this thing can only be your eldest brother, I can't promise you."

Inkor’s face was disappointed and disappointed. “The emperor will definitely not agree.”

Ye Hao smiled and looked at him. "How do you know that the emperor will not agree?"

"The emperor is very embarrassed, and I will definitely ask myself to ask the mother." Murong whispered that the Queen Mother would never agree to go to the military camp.

"That's also true!" Ye Hao agreed to nod. "So, you still have to dismiss this idea. Your emperor has let you go to the military department is very good."

Murong screamed with sorrow, "Oh, your voice does not sound to comfort me."

"Then how do you want to comfort? Why do you want to comfort you a few words?" Murong came across from the outside with a calm face.

"Emperor!" Inkor’s frightened rabbit immediately jumped up. "I am joking..."

Murong Zhan glanced at him with a faint look. "Mother read your day, don't hurry to ask her."

"I will go!"

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