Chengde Mountain Villa covers an abundance of land, and the surrounding forests are lush and lush, so the animals in the hunting grounds are easy to gather and breed. It is the best place for autumn hunting.

There are already palace people waiting here, Ye Hao and Murong Chan together to the Qingquan Temple, and the Queen Mother is next to the listening to the Spring Hall.

"You have to rest first, and there is still something to be done, and come over to eat with you later." Murong Chong simply brushed and snorted with Ye Hao's hand.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Good."

Hong Ling has a haircut for the leafhopper. "The goddess, I heard that the Queen Mother is accompanied by several young women on the road."

"This time, in addition to the niece of An Lao Wang, the Queen Mother also let several ministers bring their daughters or prostitutes to Chengde Villa. It is normal for someone to accompany them." Ye Hao said faintly.

The Empress Dowager is nothing more than trying to cope with her. She wants to take advantage of the autumn hunting to let the emperor pay attention to other women. If there is no guess, except for Liu Zhihua, other young women should also be the showgirls this year.

"When the Queen Mother looks for more women to come to the palace, how can the emperor not look at them more, there are empresses here, other women are accompanying." Hong Ling said with a smile.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Don't talk about it. It is a good thing that the Queen Mother likes to be accompanied by others. As for whether the women will become the masters of the palace in the future, it is still unknown. You should be careful when talking outside."

Hong Ling knows that the Empress Dowager does not want them to leave a message. She is not guilty for the Empress. She is so filial to the Queen Mother that she does not appreciate it. She always wants to find the Queen’s wife’s fault, as if she can’t wait for the Emperor to hate the Empress. Ok, I have never seen an old woman so vicious.

Ye Hao actually has a number of hearts. Murong Cham is a young emperor and has no children. Her queen has just entered the palace and it is not stable. The whole Kyoto does not know how many girls want to enter the palace. I think I just want to get the emperor. Pamper, they may be able to give birth to the emperor before her queen, then their life will become different.

Although she is a queen, she does not have the authority to prevent these girls from entering the palace. What she can do is to believe that Murong Zhan believes that he will not make her sad.

"Odd girl, my wife is coming." Hung Hom came in from the outside and smiled and said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao slightly stunned, and soon remembered that Lu Shiming had passed the filial period, he has officially reinstated his position, and is also the status of the national governor, this autumn hunting is to accompany the driver.

"Please ask my wife to come in." Ye Hao stood up happily. Since she entered the palace, she has not seen Mrs. Lu San, and she still misses it.

Yan was soon led by the red dragonfly. At first glance, she saw her ruddy daughter standing at the door waiting for her. Her eyes couldn’t help but turn red. She almost wanted to hug Ye Hao and finally hold back. Now, she remembers that her daughter is no longer the former little girl, but the empress of the queen.

"Queen Empress." He stopped his footsteps and looked straight at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao went up to hug, "Mom, I finally saw you."

He sucked his nose and resisted the urge to cry. "Mother also missed you. I couldn't enter the palace before. Now your father has officially reinstated. Today I can come here together."

"After the mother can often enter the palace." Ye Yan said with a smile, holding the hand of Yan's hand and went to the window of the big window to sit down, "Mother, I have a lot of words to tell you."

"They are already Queens, and they are just like a little girl." Yan said with a smile, but the eyes are all favored by Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "What happened to me as a queen, isn't it a mother's daughter."

He smiled softly and asked in a low voice, "How is it in the palace? Queen she... How about you?"

"Mother, I am very good in the palace. As long as I don't want to provoke the Queen Mother, she can't get my fault, and isn't there a emperor? You don't have to worry about me."

"How can I not worry, when you are married to the emperor, she will not come back." He remembered that the Queen Mother had reprimanded her daughter before she got married, and she did not think how good the Queen Mother would be.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "Mother, the Queen Mother doesn't like me anymore, I am already a queen."

Hey nodded. "It’s also true that even if she is a queen, she can’t really be like you.”

"Mother, is the big brother back to Fengcheng?" Ye Hao whispered, not wanting to see their mother and daughter hard to meet but said something unpleasant.

"Go back in the first two days, but you whispered to me that next year your big brother will go to Kyoto to serve, I plan to find a parent for your big brother first." Speaking of his son, Yan's eyebrows are carried A smile of joy.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I also heard the Emperor mentioned this matter. The performance of Big Brother in Fengqi City is definitely excellent. Mother, what girls are you looking at?"

He said, "I just have this idea in my heart. I haven't found a matchmaker yet."

"This should be slowly found, to find a big brother likes to do." Ye Hao cover a smile, thinking of Lu Xiangzhi's personality, should find a calm and virtuous talent.

"That is natural. If your big brother doesn't like it, how can I nod." He smiled and said, "Oh, yes, two days ago, you went to find me again."

When it comes to Wang, Ye Hao is a little disgusted and frowning. "She is bothering you again?"

He whispered, "She wants to ask for help, and Erbo does not do business several times. I want you to help find the way."

"Why can you find a way, don't bother with her." Ye Hao said coldly.

"I told you so much, but you are still soft-hearted." Yan sighed. "And, Wang also said Lu Jinger's business..."

Ye Hao’s face was a little deep. “Mother, if she wants to ask you to speak for Lu Jinger, then let her die, what kind of person Lu Jinger is, I know clearly.”

A white-eyed wolf, how to treat others at the beginning, and now count on others to help her.

Hey nodded. "I didn't promise her, but the little five, I like it."

Ye Hao raised her eyebrows and thought about it. She remembered that Lu Jia had the youngest girl, Lu Paner. When she had only seen it several times, she should have not had much impression. The age seems to be not big, but she feels like Wang. Such a person, the daughter raised is estimated to be like that.

"Mother, you will see Wang less later, it is better to put your mind on the big brother to find a wife." Ye Yan said with a smile.

He smiled and nodded. "I think so too."

Ye Hao knows very well what Wang is thinking about. He looks at Lu Shiming’s reinstated position and wants to recognize his relatives. So if he forgets the words of the year, he will sever the relationship, but they will say that they naturally have to speak.

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