After the Queen Mother arrived at Chengde Mountain Villa, the mood was already very good. Especially when she saw Liu Zhihua and several other famous girls, she felt very optimistic. They looked even better and better than the girls in previous years, as long as they will enter the future. Palace, the harem is not the world of Lu Hao.

"The Queen Mother, this is the flower tea that the female daughter personally brewed, you try." Liu Zhi painting came in with a cup of tea, and looked at the Queen Mother with a soft and graceful look.

"Knowledge painting usually likes to drum these things. In the past, the courtiers liked Biluochun. Now they only love her flower tea. Not only do they sleep better at night, but even their faces are smooth." An Lao Wang smiled and said to the Queen Mother.

"Is it?" The Queen Mother looked at An Lao Wang Yan and found that her face was really smooth. "There is still such a skill in knowing the painting. Is there any other effect besides this?"

Liu Zhihua smiled and said, "There is also a flower tea that relieves fatigue, but the flowers are not easy to find, and the females only have some common teas that can be found."

The Queen Mother nodded with a smile. "It’s hard to get this mentality."

Liu Zhihua sent the tea to the Queen’s hand. “Taiwan, try it.”

"Well, it's very fragrant." The Queen Mother took a sip and sat down with satisfaction. The look of Liu Zhi's painting was full of appreciation.

When Anzheng Wang sees the Queen Mother, he seems to have liked Liu Zhihua very much. He has a lot of relief in his heart. Today, I saw other ministers come to Chengde Villa with their daughters. She is still nervous for a long time, and she is afraid that the Queen Mother will forget Liu Zhi’s paintings. presence.

However, it turns out that her niece is still the best.

The Queen Mother said, "The Emperor usually has a lot of tiredness in daily life. If there is a lack of flower tea, leave some in the mourning home, and the mourning family can give people to the emperor."

Liu Zhihua’s heart moved, remembering the handsome and handsome emperor, her cheeks were slightly red, "Yes, Queen Mother."

"There is no individual in this place. If you know that the painting is good, let her stay with the mourner." The Queen Mother turned to An Lao Wang.

The old king was pleading for nothing, staying at the Queen Mother, and the opportunity to see the emperor was even more. "The Queen Mother can see the painting, it is her blessing."

The Queen Mother seemed to be very satisfied with the old-fashioned Wang Shuo’s Ba Jie, and nodded with satisfaction.

"On the road, the boat is tired, the Queen Mother wants to be tired, and the courtiers don't bother here." An old Wang Hao gave Liu Zhi's painting a look. Although she is the old king, but the place is not here, but with The son-in-law of the other ministers is in another place.

"There is a lack of grief." The Queen Mother said, let Liu Zhihua send a message to An Lao Wang.

Liu Zhi painting sent An Lao Wang to go out.

"It’s an excellent opportunity to be around the Queen Mother, but you have to remember that everything should be calm, and I believe that the Queen Mother and the Emperor do not like the contemptuous woman.” An old Wang Hao whispered Liu Zhi painting.

"Aunt, you can rest assured, I know." Liu Zhi painting gently nodded, since the day I saw the emperor, her mind is all his figure, he is her dream husband, although he did not notice She, but she believes that as long as he can enter the palace, he will always know her good.

An old Wang Hao is very reassured to this prostitute. "A good service to the Queen Mother, if you can enter the palace, she is your toughest backing."

"I understand." Liu Zhihua said.

"You don't have to send it any more, just come here." An old Wang Shuo stopped, his eyes looked around and whispered, "There is definitely a reason for the Queen Mother to call other girls together. They are with you. For the showgirl, there is a possibility of competition. However, you must not let yourself down. Before everything is a foregone conclusion, everything you do may fall into the eyes of others and be careful."

Liu Zhihua was originally unhappy with the showgirls. When she heard the old man Wang Hao said, she immediately woke up, "I will not go to provoke others first, and serve the Queen Mother with one heart and one mind."

An old Wang Hao was almost the same, and felt that the prostitute had listened to it, and she left with confidence.

Liu Zhi painting returned to the house, and the Queen Mother had already slept.

Jin Ping bowed his knees, "Liu girl, the rear is only told, let the slaves take you to the Spring Hall."

"There are Lao Jinping girls." Liu Zhihua said with a smile.

The Queen Mother arranged the room of Liu Zhi's painting in the west wing of the nearest dormitory, which shows the importance of Liu Zhi's painting.

Liu Zhihua knows that this is the meaning of the Queen Mother's love for her. Her heart is also proud and happy, but she does not dare to show it on the surface. "Jin Ping girl, this is the sachet I made with dried flowers, don't give up."

Jin Ping looked at Liu Zhi's painting in a strange way. "Liu girl, slaves can't accept it."

"This is not a valuable thing, unless it is a Jinping girl." Liu Zhihua said with a smile, the sachet was put into the hands of Jinping.

"But..." Jin Ping did not want to accept it, fearing that he would fall into the dilemma of short manpower.

Liu Zhi portrait did not see her hesitation, said with a smile, "I will be around the Queen Mother in the past few days. I don't know what the Queen Mother has. If I don't do well, I would like to ask the Jinping girl to remind me."

Jin Ping whispered, "Liu girl, you are called slave silk screen."

"Good." Liu Zhihua smiled and looked at Jinping. She observed that there are two big palace ladies around the Queen Mother who are more valued. One is Jinping, the other is embroidered screen, and the embroidered screen looks like the most beautiful heart. However, my eyes seem to be too floating, and Liu Zhihua does not want to be with such people for the time being.

"The Liu girl will rest first, if the waking up will take care of you," Jin Ping whispered.

Liu Zhi painting nodded with a smile. "Thank you for your reminder."

Jin Ping smiled and left his head with his head down.

In fact, Liu Zhi painting does not feel tired at all. Instead, there is an inexplicable excitement. She feels that she can see the emperor again soon. This is what she is most looking forward to.

I heard that the emperor lived in the Qingquan Temple and should not be far from here.

Liu Zhihua walked out of the house and resisted the urge to go out. It was a good thing to be able to meet the emperor, but it was not at this time that she needed to let the Queen like her more.

"Have you seen the Queen Empress?"

"Looking at it from afar, it’s a stunning beauty..."

Next to the two small palace ladies whispered, they did not find Liu Zhi painting standing under the eaves.

"I also heard that the Queen Empress is the first beauty in Kyoto. It is no wonder that the Emperor only loves her alone."

"The first beautiful talent in the world is that I have grown so big that I have never seen the beauty as a goddess."

"I heard that the emperor did not go to the harem before, and it would be different to have a queen empress..."

"Don't say it, the Queen Mother doesn't like us to mention the Queen's Empress."

The first beauty? Liu Zhi painted a flash of sneer at the bottom of his eyes, this is flattering!

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