Fu Gonggong looked a little dumbfounded to see the Queen's horse, this ... how does this make him talk to the Queen Mother? If you say it truthfully, will it be mad at her old man?

"The Queen's Empress is gone." The soldier who came along with Fu Gonggong whispered.

"Crap, I don't have eyes to look at it?" Fu Gonggong gave him a sigh of relief.

The soldier smiled. "That... what should I do?"

What else can I do? Fu Gonggong sighed helplessly in his heart. "When you go back, you can't find the queen, remember?"

"What Fu Gonggong said, we have never seen the Queen Empress," said a little **** with a smile.

Everyone else nodded and agreed, "Yes, I didn't see the Queen."

Fu Gonggong glanced at him with appreciation, and it was really smart.

"Continue to find another, wait until the time is almost up and then go back to the cross." Fu Gonggong said.

Ye Hao, who had already run with Jin Shanshan, felt the wind blowing in the mountains and felt a relaxed mood. If she really went back to take into account the Queen Mother’s views on her, she would regret it.

She wants to understand, anyway, it is impossible for the Queen Mother to change her opinion in a short period of time. If the Queen Mother is hypnotized, it would be useless to do her best. If there is no hypnosis, the Queen Mother is just so disgusted because of Ye Yaoyao’s arrogance. She, no matter what she does, she will not like her anymore.

Then why should she find herself boring before going to the back?

"The Queen Mother is looking for you, can you not go back?" Jin Shanshan caught up with Ye Hao and looked at the smiling smile on her face, asking in disbelief.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "I’m going back now, I’m going to wait for me to hunt back, so why should I go back this time?”

"The Queen Mother... don't like you coming out to hunt?" Jin Shanshan asked, and then she found out that she had asked too much. "I am curious, nothing else."

"Maybe." Ye Hao smiled lightly. How could she explain that the Queen Mother did not have such a temperament before. If she was a former Queen Mother, she knew that she would follow Murong Zhan’s hunting today. Maybe she would call her to play more prey, and then go back and follow. She ate a big meal.

Jin Shanshan no longer asks more questions. Since the Queen does not care, she does not have to worry that she will be blamed by the Queen Mother.

"What is that?" Ye Hao has slowed down and looked at the jungle not far away.

"It seems to be a wild boar." Jin Shanshan whispered.

Ye Hao turned over and slid down, carrying a bow and arrow and slowly approaching the jungle.

Jin Shanshan followed her, and both of them breathed, for fear of scaring away the wild boar in the jungle.

"Don't move!" When she was close to the grass, Ye Hao's palm burst into pain, and there was an ominous sign in her heart.

"What's wrong?" Jin Shanshan whispered.

Ye Hao whispered, "There is no movement, it is a bit wrong."

"Is the wild boar running?" Jin Shanshan listened to the ear, as if it was really no sound.

The wild boar was so alert, and ran away at once?

No, they didn’t hear anything at all, and the wild boar was clearly still in its original place.

"Retreat!" Ye Hao shouted.

They only walked a few steps backwards. Some tall grasses came and they screamed. Ye Hao looked back in surprise and a hill appeared in front of them.

Jin Shanshan looked at the giant behemoth in horror.

This... is this wild boar?

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed in panic, and this is a wild boar, which is simply a mountain.

"You go first." Jin Shanshan blocked the front of Ye Hao and looked at the terrible wild boar with a stern look.

She had seen wild boar before, and a normal wild boar would be five or six hundred pounds. But the wild boar like this hill looks like at least a thousand pounds.

It is impossible for her and the queen to kill it.

Ye Hao didn't talk, she knew that even if she turned her head, she might not be able to escape.

"Queen Empress." Xue Lin and Shen Yi appeared on the other side at the same time. They had secretly protected Ye Hao and saw that the wild boar appeared. They wanted to protect Ye Hao and it was too late to leave.

Seeing them, Ye Hao’s heart has added a few points.

Jin Shanshan grasped the sword in his hand and whispered to Ye Hao. "I am blocking it, and you will leave immediately."

Ye Hao looked at her and smiled. "I am afraid I can't run."

The words of the wild boar have been running fast, and the wild boar has been running fast. It feels that there are only two weak human beings in front of him, and there is no threat at all, which will definitely make her full.

At the moment of its running, the arrow in the hand of Ye Hao has already shot out and is in the middle of his eyes.

The wild boar screamed fiercely and ran towards them more terriblely.

Shen Yi and Xue Lin have come quickly, standing around Ye Hao, "Queen Empress, hand it over to us."

"It's too late." Ye Hao cold sweat said, "Arrow!"

She had an arrow and shot on the boar's leg.

The wild boar's skin is too thick, and the arrow does not even cause any damage on its front legs.

Ye Hao stepped back a few steps under the protection of Xue Lin.

Jin Shanshan and Shen Yi took the sword and cut it to the wild boar.

"Be careful!" Ye Hao called out to Jin Shanshan.

"Damn beast!" Jin Shanshan was almost killed by a wild boar, and she roared at the behemoth and grabbed the sword in her hand.

Ye Hao shot another arrow.

The wild boar furious and ran quickly in the direction of Ye Hao.

Jumping to the head of the wild boar, lifting the sword to cut its head, was smashed out by its brute force.

Jin Shanshan plunged into the leg that had just been shot by Ye Hao.

"Hey--" The wild boar screamed fiercely and slammed into Jin Shanshan.

Ye Hao was guarded by Xue Lin. She saw Jin Shanshan being knocked open, her face suddenly changed, and the arrow in her hand shot faster. "Xue Lin, cover the palace!"

"Mother, be careful!" cried awkwardly, jumping back to the top of the wild boar.

Jin Shanshan is lying on the ground and does not move.

Ye Xie was in a hurry, his hands were getting more and more stunned, and even ten arrows were in the same place on the chest of the wild boar.

Shen and Xue Lin joined forces, and the two men's swords stabbed the wound at the same time, finally letting the wild boar stop.

"Jin Shanshan!" Ye Hao did not go to the other, went straight to the direction of Jin Shanshan, carefully checked whether there was a wound on her body, and checked her pulse, but fortunately... still alive.

Ye Hao hurriedly took a pill from his arms and stuffed it into Jin Shanshan’s mouth.

Fortunately, Jin Shanshan is fine, otherwise she still does not know how to explain to her brother, this girl is really sincere and lovely, her brother let her protect herself, she really does not even have her own life.

When Ye Hao’s heart couldn’t tell, when she was about to stand up, she suddenly felt a shadow behind her. She changed her face. When she heard Xue Lin’s and Shen’s cry, she heard the wild boar. Howling.

She felt that she must have been dead, and Jin Shanshan suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed the sword at hand and flew out.

The eyebrows of the wild boar.

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