As the wild boar crashed down, Jin Shanshan spit out a sigh of relief. "It is good to be born with great strength."

Ye Hao laughed softly, and the twilight looked at her with a clear smile. "Yes, at least saved me and your life."

Jin Shanshan nodded seriously. "I just thought I was going to die."

Not to mention her, even Ye Hao feels that he can't escape the attack of this wild boar.

Shen Yi and Xue Lin ran over, their clothes were stained with blood, and they looked nervously at Ye Hao. "Greedy, are you okay?"

"Nothing, how is your injury?" Ye Hao asked, taking out the pill from his arms. "First eat this."

"There is no big problem under the genus, just a little skin trauma." Shen said, eyes staring at the wild boar.

Ye Hao helped Jin Shanshan to stand up. "This wild boar should not appear here."

Generally, wild boars that are rare in the world will only live in the deep forests. It is not a deep mountain, and the human race is not scarce. If the wild boar that seems to be at least a thousand pounds exists long ago, no one knows, it is impossible to estimate. Live to the present.

"The goddess, here is dangerous, or go back first." Xue Lin said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at Jin Shanshan and said to Shen Shen, "Let people pull this wild boar back."

"Anniling?" looked at Ye Hao with amazement.

"Jin Shanshan, you go back to rest." Ye Hao said to Jin Shanshan.

"It’s just a slight injury, it doesn’t get in the way.” Jin Shanshan looked at the injury on his body and did not pay attention to it.

Shen Shen was originally ordered to protect the Queen's Empress. He still dared to let Ye Hao continue to stay here again. "The Niangniang, it is too dangerous here. What if there is such a wild boar? Please return to the camp first. ""

Ye Hao was about to talk, and a hoof sounded in the mountain forest. In a short while, a dark-colored embroidered silver line of ink-filled ink appeared in their sight.

Xue Lin and Shen Yi have already kneel down.

The cockroaches in the eyes of Murong Zhan softened when he saw Ye Hao, but when he found a wild boar next to the hill, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"The emperor." Jin Shanshan also followed.

"Get up." Murong Zhan waved his hand and quickly came to Ye Hao, carefully checking his hands on her shoulders. "Is it okay?"

Ye Hao smiled and moved his hands. "Look, it's okay, it's very good."

Murong Chan kissed her forehead and turned to look at the wild boar. "How did you meet? You have never seen such a big wild boar."

"We have never seen it before." Ye Xiaonan came over, but her eyes kept looking at Jin Shanshan. When she found that her clothes had blood, her face changed and changed.

"Fortunately, the goddess's archery skills are superb." Shen Yi said with a smile, looked at Jin Shanshan, "Golden girl martial arts had been able to shoot a wild boar's head, or we may not be able to kill it."

Murong Chong looked at Ye Hao deeply and asked with a smile. "Do you want to take the first place this year?"

Ye Hao smiled. "This is the first day. The emperor should not make a decision too quickly. Besides, if there is no Jin Shanshan and Xue Lin, I will not be able to escape the attack of this big stinky pig."

Ye Xiaonan looked down at Jin Shanshan and asked, "Is you hurt?"

"A little skin trauma." Jin Shanshan whispered.

"First return to the camp." Murong Zhan screamed, "carry this wild boar back."

On the way back, Ye Hao was held on the back of the horse by Murong Zhan, and she whispered, "I can ride myself."

Murong Zhan is silent, just embracing her in front of her body. "You still don't want to go into the mountains tomorrow."

"..." Ye Hao was not willing to look at him, "Why?"

"Danger." Murong Zhan whispered that if she met only the ordinary wild boar, he would not naturally be in the heart, but the wild boar was too large, and Shen and Xue Lin could not kill it.

Ye Hao said with no anger, "Drinking water is to be careful to be killed, where is not dangerous."

"Hey, how come you meet the wild boar?" Murong Zhan knew that he was too nervous, but he just couldn't see her at risk.

"I saw it in the grass, but I think it is very strange. This wild boar should not survive there. It should be run out of the mountains." Ye Hao said his doubts.

Murong Zhan gently nodded. "Tomorrow into the mountains and take another look."

"I will go too!" Ye Hao whispered. "I don't want to stay in the camp anyway. You have to worry, I will be with you, just when you are a little girl to get an arrow."

"So don't want to stay in the camp?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

Ye Hao nodded hard, "I don't want to."

Murong Zhan nodded. "That tomorrow you can only stay with you, you can't leave yourself."

"Okay, I promise you." It’s better than facing the Queen’s in the camp.

Ye Haonan, who is not far behind and behind Murong Zhan, is also asking Jin Shanshan, "How come you are so careless and hurt yourself?"

Jin Shanshan said with a blank expression, "Is it because I want to be injured?"

Ye Yannan frowned. "Let you protect the Queen, how come you meet such a big wild boar?"

"The wild boar is there, we want to hide and can't hide." Jin Shanshan sighed with anger, feeling both wronged and angry.

"That... what happened to your injury?" Ye Yannan saw her driving in front of the horse, and then chased it and asked.

Jin Shanshan sneered, "I can't die, I haven't revenge yet, how can I let myself have something."

Ye Yinan feels inexplicable. He cares about her a few words. How is he angry?

At this point, in the camp, I have waited for Ye Hao, who is still in the wrath of the half-day, she thought that people would go out and look for Lu Hao, then Lu Hao will definitely come back soon, but the sun has to go down, actually there is no her Figure.

"The emperor is back." I don't know who is shouting outside.

The embroidered screen smiled and said to the Queen Mother, "The Queen Mother, someone outside has a message, the emperor is back."

The face of the Queen Mother finally smiled, and the hand holding Liu Zhihua stood up. "Go, go and have a look."

Liu Zhihua’s heart was happy, her heartbeat accelerated her cheeks red, and she forced her to calmly support the Queen’s hand and walk out of the camp.

Jin Wuxi falls, the golden glow of the sun shines on the top of the mountain, and Murong Zhan takes Ye Xuan and others to step on the sunset. Liu Zhi’s gaze only sees the figure of the handsome and handsome, which is the emperor of her dreams. .

"Others are back." The Queen Mother said with a smile, except for Murong Cham, other families who set off in the morning and went out of the mountain.

Liu Zhi's paintings are obsessed with obscurity and look at the more and more handsome face.

"The demon girl!" The Queen Mother snorted in a cold voice.

"The Queen Mother?" Liu Zhi painting looked at her strangely, and finally found out that there was a woman in the emperor's arms.

That is... Liu Zhi painting stunned, the woman wearing a light green dress, lined up her body is long and exquisite, the most important thing is, how can there be such a good-looking woman? The eyebrows are exquisite and picturesque, and the appearance is beautiful and beautiful. Compared with her, she seems to be a unique roadside flower. The self-righteous Liu Zhi painting is uncomfortable to blow up.

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