Murong Chan will hold Ye Hao down and see the Queen Mother standing outside the camp. He looks at Ye Hao with a low smile. "Because it is too late, I don't want to stay in the camp?"

Ye Hao licked his bright, clear eyes and looked innocent. "I didn't think so, the emperor, how come you think of this?"

"Will it stay with the Queen?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

"There was someone who was accompanied by the Queen Mother. I don't think I would like to see me." Ye Hao smiled and looked up at Liu Zhi, who was standing next to the Queen Mother. I don't know which is the famous show that the Queen loved. Female.

Murong Zhan looked at her sight. She did not recognize that Liu Zhihua was seen in the palace not long ago. He just smiled. "After the mother is accompanied, as long as it is not Ye Yaoyao."

Ye Xie chuckled in his heart, not Ye Yaoyao, but he was also a person who had no thoughts on him, but at least he would not be hypnotized.

"The slaves have seen the emperor, the empress of the empress." Fu Gonggong went to the ceremony and looked up at Ye Hao.

Queen Empress? When Liu Zhihua heard Fu Gonggong’s words, his face became a burst of white. Before she heard that Queen Empress was the first beauty in Kyoto, she was still convinced in her heart. She thought that there is no real beauty in Kyoto. If she is in Kyoto, where? He also got Lu Hao... Now, looking at Lu’s magnificent and graceful look, she feels like a slap in her face.

It hurts and rings! Let her be caught off guard, I don’t know how to react.

Murong Cham and Ye Hao came to the Queen Mother and took a gift. "How come you after the mother?"

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao, who was whispering coldly. "Oh, if the mourner is not coming, I don’t know that the Queen is here too."

When she mentioned her, Ye Hao could not continue to speak silently. She looked up and smiled and looked at the Queen Mother. "After the mother, the courtiers like to ride and shoot. The women of our country have always been riding and shooting as a hobby. This is a rare autumn hunt. I asked for the emperor and allowed the courtiers to enter the mountain. If I knew that the Empress Dowager had come to the camp, the courtiers would not dare to enter the mountain and must be here to serve you."

"As a queen, follow the emperor into the mountains to hunt, what is the body?" The Queen Mother did not care about the presence of others, directly reprimanded Ye Hao.

Murong Zhan's face is a little deep, "After the mother, what's the matter to go in and say."

“Don't the emperor think that the mourner is wrong?” the Queen Mother asked coldly.

"After the mother, the courtiers remember that the women’s college in Jinguo was looking for a woman to shoot. It’s rare to have such an opportunity. Chen’s voice doesn’t feel bad.” Ye Hao’s voice retorted lightly, and he didn’t want to be as obedient as before.

"You..." The Queen Mother had a sigh of relief.

Murong Zhan said faintly, "After the mother, there has been no stipulation that the queen can not participate in the autumn hunting since ancient times. Why are you so harsh?"

Is she harsh? The Queen’s face was blue and green, and at the same time she felt sad in her heart. Ye Yaoyao was right. Once Lu Hao became a queen, the emperor would definitely be deceived. Even her mother would not be in the heart, so it was.

"After the mother, I beat a wild boar, let's go ahead." Murong Zhan smiled and looked at the Queen Mother. He didn't want to hit the Queen Mother, but he didn't want the Queen Mother to embarrass.

The Queen Mother snorted and turned and walked into the camp.

Liu Zhihua looked up and looked at Murong Zhan, and shyly lowered his head. He thought that the Queen was next to her. Her face changed and she looked at it quietly.

The Queen did not squint, as if she did not see Liu Zhi painting next to it.

This kind of careless indifference makes Liu Zhi painting even more embarrassing.

She was well prepared to appear, and thought that she could compare the legendary queen, but she did not expect that the last person to be compared was her, and she also broke her army.

Murong Chan pinched a bit of Ye Hao's palm and looked at her in a low-pitched manner.

Ye Hao returned to him with a faint smile. She knew why the Queen Mother hated her. How could she remember those hurtful words, but one ear listened in and the ears kept letting go.

Liu Zhihua looked at the emperor's deep feelings, and there was an unprecedented embarrassment in his heart.

Back to the camp, Murong Cham did not let the Queen Mother have a chance to be awkward again. Although the Queen Mother was angry with her stomach, she still didn't want to make it too ugly with her son, not to mention the presence of other ministers.

At night, Murong Chan was camping around the campfire with everyone in the open space outside the camp.

On this day, the person who captured the most prey was Pingyang Hou Shizi, who was the deputy of Xishan Daying. This time, he participated in the autumn hunting and wanted to give a sigh of relief to them. Therefore, he was inevitably exposed to Ye Haonan.

"What is the strength of the day, today is the first day, there are two days." Hou Peidong sitting next to Ye Xiaonan shouted disdainfully.

There are three days in the autumn hunting competition. Today is the first day. The most prey caught today is not necessarily tomorrow.

Yan Tuo smiled and looked at Hou Peidong. "Hou Shizi, you are actually here. I thought that what you are best at is drinking and listening to music. I don't know if you can still shoot, how many prey are you shooting today?" I won't be in the two small wildspots. I just come to join in the fun. I won't compete with you for the first place. If I accidentally won you, isn't that making you shameful?" Hou Peidong smiled Said, there is no irony and shame because of the extension.

Yutuo sneered, "I will wait for you to win me!"

Ye Yannan glanced at Yan Tuo, "How about winning?"

"Ha ha ha." Yan Tuo laughed loudly, "Ye General, you really can see Hou Shizi, he can't even get a bow, how can I win?"

Probably his laughter was too loud, even in the upper seat of the ink Rong Zhan heard, he turned to ask Fu Gonggong, "What happened there?"

"It must be a pleasure, ask them to ask and ask." said the Queen Mother sitting on the other side.

Murong Zhan smiled and gestured to Fu Gonggong to call Ye Yinan and Yan Tuo.

"Is that the Queen's brother?" the Queen Mother asked Murong Cham.

"Yes." Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and thought that the Queen Mother would not want to marry Ye Xiaonan?

The Queen Mother sneered, "It really looks like Ye Yiqing."

"After the mother, I am very concerned about Ye Yannan." Murong Cum said softly, meaning the meaning of the words, he believes that the Queen Mother understands.

"The emperor, isn't it true that the mourning family will treat him?" The Queen Mother was unhappy and cold, and was very unhappy to be guarded by her son.

At this point, Ye Hao didn't know what was going on here. She went to see Jin Shanshan. Today, she is watching the wild boar to see Jin Shanshan out. She is afraid that Jin Shanshan will have internal injuries, so she must come back to the clinic once again.

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