"Queen Empress, I am not saying that I am fine? You don't have to come to see me personally." After Jin Shanshan came back, he did not go out in the camp. He was planning to lie down and rest, and he heard that the emperor was later.

Ye Hao ignored her and pressed her back to the couch. "This palace knows that you seem to be fine. However, this palace still wants to see your injury with your own eyes, in case of injury?"

Jin Shanshan was shyly clutching her chest. Her injured position was more private. She didn't even ask the doctor. "I... I am really fine."

"Do you want the palace to let you hold your body check, or tell yourself where the injury is?" Ye Hao looked at her with a smile and asked.

"I... I come by myself." Jin Shanshan cried with a red face, secretly swearing that their two brothers and sisters' temperament is really similar. Can't understand what others refused?

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, indicating that he and the red dragonfly temporarily retreated outside the door.

Jin Shanshan shyly untied the clothes. "It’s just that the chest has been hurt by the claws of the wild boar. It has already been taken, and it should be good soon."

"The wound is so deep?" Ye Hao frowned at the wound of Jin Shanshan's chest. Although she had already taken the medicine, it still seemed to have a little blood. If it was not the Lingquan pill she had fed today, Jin Shanshan could not support this time.

"I will clean the wound for you first, then re-medicine." Ye Hao whispered, "You don't want to stay in the future."

Jin Shanshan blocked his chest with one hand. "This is not on the face, even if it is left."

There are other scars on her body. From small to large, she didn't know how many times she was injured. She didn't put these scars on her body.

“Nothing?” Ye Hao smiled and glanced at her. “It’s okay to let your husband see it in the future.”

Jin Shanshan’s cheeks are even redder. “Who said that I want to be a relative.”

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head, knowing that Jin Shanshan now shoulders the murder of the father, and should not put his mind on the children's personal feelings.

She cleaned the wound for Jin Shanshan, and then took the wound medicine with Lingquan. "Change the medicine tomorrow. This bottle is applied to the wound. This bottle will scar you later. If there are other scars on the body." Can also be used, the girl's family always hopes that the body is white and white, and wherever you want to leave scars."

"Thank you for the goddess." Jin Shanshan whispered.

Ye Hao looked at her. "It should be that this palace thank you. If it is not you today, the injured is the palace. Why did you stop in front of the palace? Don't you die?"

"The general said to protect you." Jin Shanshan whispered that she did not have a strong sense of mission to Lu Hao, but Ye Yinan said that she must protect the Queen, and in any case, she would protect Lu Hao.

"Because my brother's words, so you can not even protect the palace?" Ye Hao was even more surprised.

Jin Shanshan nodded gently.

Ye Hao didn't say anything more, and wrapped her wounds for her. "Is it going to hunt tomorrow?"

"Go." Jin Shanshan said that her injury is actually not particularly serious.

"That will continue to stay with the palace tomorrow." Ye Hao said, with her Lingquan, Jin Shanshan's wounds should be halfway tomorrow, as long as it is not too intense fighting should be okay.

Jin Shanshan was originally planning to protect her, and naturally there was no other objection.

"You have a good rest, this palace will go back first." Ye Hao said, "Red Dragonfly is left to take care of you."

"No, no, my god, I am really fine." Jin Shanshan hurriedly yelled. She used to have a lot of rings around her, but she knew what she is now, and she was said to be the grandmother of the Queen. .

Ye Hao said, "This palace does not worry that the little palace girl will look after you. Hung Hom is the person around the palace. She knows how to change medicine for you."

"Anniling..." Jin Shanshan was not good at words, and did not know how to refuse.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, this palace is also inseparable from the red dragonfly, she will look after you for one night." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Jin Shanshan had to bow her head.

Ye took a few words for her to rest, and she left with a donkey.

"Yiang Niang, if you are good to enter the mountain tomorrow, please bring the slaves too." He whispered to Ye Hao.

Today, because the Queen was following the emperor, she and Hung Hom did not follow, and learned that the goddess almost died, and I feel that I will follow in any case tomorrow.

Ye Hao had this intention. She smiled and nodded. "Good."

On the campfire, Ye Yinan and Hou Peidong came together to salute.

“What do you say so happy?” Mo Rongzhan asked with a smile. “Hou Peidong, I was the first to see you on the autumn hunt.”

Hou Peidong laughed a few times. "The emperor, the minister is going to wash his mind. After deciding, he must exercise and ride."

Yan Tuo revealed a contemptuous smile. "The emperor, General Fang Caiye bet with the minister. Hou Shizi said that he wants to compare the archery with the court. If he wins, the court will give him all the prey captured today. If Hou Shizi loses. General Ye will withdraw from this autumn hunting competition."

"Fart! When did we say this?" Hou Peidong yelled.

"Let's relax!" the Queen Mother screamed. "In front of the emperor, are you so arrogant?"

Hou Peidong looked at Yan Tuo coldly. "It’s a rudeness to return to the Queen Mother. It’s all because he has nothing in the world. We have never said anything like this.”

"Is it not said, or said that I dare not admit it, I am afraid that I lost no face?" The Queen Mother asked me with a mockery.

Ye Zhaonan originally wanted to refute, and when he lifted his eyes, he saw his sister who was not far away. He didn’t want to go out and didn’t want to fight for anything. But for his sister, he felt that some things could not always be dumb.

"Since the deputy will like to challenge others, then Chen has to play with him." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "The emperor, let Hou Shizi and the deputy will compare the archery, if Hou Shizi loses, then this year's autumn hunting Chen, it’s time to get together."

Hou Peidong looked at him nervously and whispered, "I will hurt you."

Ye Yinan only looked at him deeply. "Nothing, anyway, it is not the first time you are tired."

"Good brother!" Hou Peidong said gratefully.

Yan Tuo's eyes flashed a smug smile.

"Then how do you want to compare?" Mo Rong Zhan asked faintly, he naturally saw the difference, but since Ye Xiaonan himself agreed, he would not say anything.

"Since it is a test with the vice-president, it is naturally not too simple." Ye Hao slowly came over and looked at them with a smile. The voice said coldly, "Isn't it just catching a dozen wild pigeons? See who shot If you get the most, whoever wins is."

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