Lu Jinger is a big belly into the palace, this is her first time into the palace, looking at the splendid and exquisite royal palace, she climbed a heart of uncontrollable embarrassment, if not compared with Lu Hao, she took a The identity of the prostitute has become a very noble side of the five princes, not to mention the Lu family now, apart from Lu Shiming, what is worth mentioning, she is a little bit... not reconciled.

"Landside, please come here." Hung Hom looked at Lu Jinger and led her to Huaqing Palace.

Lu Jinger put away the injustice in her heart, holding the lower abdomen in one hand and heading to the Queen’s Huaqing Palace. She was doing what the Queen had done at this time. Now the showgirl is in the palace, maybe she will fall out of favor after a while. There is no child, no woman, what is good, and it may not be as good as her.

Ye Hao lazily leaned on the soft couch, and looked up and saw Lu Jinger with a smug look.

"Chen Chen has seen the Queen Empress." Lu Jinger had already brought a bright smile when he stepped into the temple, and bowed his knees to Ye Hao.

"Landside, you are pregnant, you are not pregnant in the house, what is the matter in the palace?" Ye Hao asked faintly, for the rest of the Lu family, she said that it is feelings, can put them a way of life is already She looked at Mrs. Lu’s face.

Lu Jinger smiled and looked at the empress. She saw that she was even more charming and beautiful than in the squatting hall. Her heart was even more mad. "Since the wedding, the priests have not given you a compliment. Today, I specially brought a gift. Come to the goddess."

Ye Hao looked at her with a smile and smiled. "How do you remember that the Five Kings have already sent the ceremony, and Lu Yan, what is your gift?"

"Chen Chen is thinking about being a sister with the empress, so..." Lu Jinger laughed a few times. How could she be so pleased in front of Lu Hao, in the end, the identity is different.

"You will not enter the palace just for gifts, or have something to say." Ye Hao said faintly, she did not have that leisure and Lu Jinger here.

Lu Jinger remembered the purpose of her trip, and the smile on her face immediately brightened again. "The courtiers have something to ask for the goddess."

Ye Hao feels funny in her heart, Lu Jinger has something to ask her? It’s really rare, why did she think she would promise? "Sit down and talk."

Regardless of pregnancy, I have to go to the palace to ask her for a big belly. It is not a trivial matter to think about it.

"The Niangniang, Chen Yu knows that the young and ignorant times made you angry a few times. However, now the courtiers are no longer the same as before. Some things know how to think twice before the Wangfu’s guidance. Even the courtiers and queens are not playing. Small grow up together, there is no blood, but we can be regarded as a sister, and Chen is always thinking about the maiden. At present, the showgirls have entered the palace. It is definitely anxious to come to the maiden." Lu Jinger laughs Said, as if he said it makes sense.

Ye Hao listened and felt strange, dare to feel that Lu Jinger was planning to enter the palace for her?

"How do you know that the heart of the palace is in a hurry?" Ye Hao asked with a funny smile.

"The maiden is indeed the first beauty in Kyoto, but the man..." Lu Jinger smiled. "The emperor is also a man. The man will always be greedy and has nothing to do with the face. If the new girl enters the palace, it would be fine if she respects the maiden. There are a few unfamiliar buddies with the maidens, and the maidens are also blocked."

Ye Hao nodded. "What good strategy does the land side have?"

Lu Jinger’s eyes lit up, thinking that it was her words that finally said Ye Hao’s thoughts. “It’s not long before the maiden has just entered the palace. There is definitely no alliance in the palace. It’s better for the goddess to pick one or two girls who can see the pleasing eyes. In the future, can you become your confidant and win over the emperor's heart for you?"

"This is really a good idea. Does Lu Yi want to introduce which show girl to the palace?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Lu Jinger did not see the ridicule in Ye Hao's eyes. She immediately said, "This time Wang Shilang's daughter is also among the girls. Wang Xiu's wife is a courtier, quiet and sorrowful, not that. If you want to use her in the future, if the goddess reuses her, she will be able to use it for the goddess in the future."

Ye Haozhong smiled and looked at Lu Jinger. "This is the five kings who let you enter the palace, or is Wang Shilang asking you to say love?"

Lu Jinger smiled. In fact, Wang Shilang and Wu Wangye had a good relationship. Originally, the five princes wanted Wang Hao to enter the palace. However, the five kings said that they would refuse to come. She thought that there were still things to ask for Ye Hao, and they volunteered. I am asking for this errand.

She knows that Lu Hao is sure to be in a hurry. No woman will not be afraid of losing her favor, not to mention that she is still a queen without a child.

"Our prince also wants to work for the maiden." Lu Jinger said with a smile. "It was this thing that Wang Hao said, but Wang Hao did not want to enter the palace. He had to come to the court."

"Still my sister has the heart of the palace." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

Lu Jinger immediately said, "Isn't it, Chen Chen is now planning to work for the mother."

Ye Qi mouth corner micro-hook, eyebrows looked at Lu Jinger a look, "The palace feels your sincerity."

"Just..." Lu Jinger looked down and touched her stomach. "If the children of the future courtiers are useful to the empress of the goddess, that is the most important thing."

This made Ye Hao somewhat incomprehensible. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The Niangniang, the courtier is your sister who dared to say this. If Wang Hao’s child became a child, he might not be able to be a loyal prince in the future..." Lu Jinger whispered.

"The palace remembers that Shizi has always stood out." Ye Hao said faintly that she already understood the meaning of Lu Jinger. This is the most important purpose of her entry into the palace today. Does she want her child to become a child in the future?

It’s a big spring and autumn dream!

Lu Jinger didn't know this rule, so she hoped to ask the queen to help her. "The goddess, the courtiers just think about you, dare to have such an idea."

Ye Hao said faintly, "That must not be missed, lest you think too much and do something wrong."

"Yes." Lu Jinger smiled reluctantly, and he was comforted by himself. Still can't worry! When she goes down with the child, even if Wang Hao’s child is already a child, she has a way to make her child a child.

"What you said today, this palace remembers in your heart, don't go into the palace for this little thing, and raise your baby in the palace." Ye Hao looked at her and said softly, and sent Lu Jinger back.

Lu Jinger smiled and performed a ceremony. "Yes, the goddess, the courtiers retire."

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