"Yang Niang, what is the meaning of the Lubian side?" Hong Ling changed Ye Zi to a cup of tea, how she listened to Lu Jinger's meaning as if not for the Queen.

"What does she mean? I don't know?" Ye Hao chuckled. Lu Jinger was thinking about her for her sake. What is the purpose? Can she not see it? However, she did not want to puncture her mind and let her play her own joy.

Hong Ling said, "I also said that it is the sister of the goddess. If you really think about the maiden, how can you say these things make you uncomfortable."

Ye Hao chuckled. "She said nothing can make the palace uncomfortable."

She didn't put Lu Jinger in her heart at all. As for the position of the world she mentioned, there is nothing more to say. Don't say that she is the queen who has no right to stand and decide who is the world, that is, she can decide the decision of Murong Cham. She will not do this kind of thing.

"Mother, then... Do you want to see those girls?" Red Ling whispered.

Ye Qi mouth corner micro-hook, "Is there to see what is the use now, can you not see it later? Hey, go call her, there is something to be done in this palace."

"Yes, the goddess." Hong Ling smiled and said, "I don't know when Xiaoqi will enter the palace."

"Today, let Hung Hom go out to the palace to pick it up." Ye Hao took a smile in his eyes, and Murong Zhan had promised her, let her take Xiaoqi to the palace, so as not to be killed at home with Black Dragon.

The black dragon is the name of Ye Yinan's black leopard, saying that it is as fast as a dragon, so it has a black dragon's name.

I soon came in, "Anniling."

Ye Hao looked at her and said with a smile. "Hey, you didn't serve people in the palace. Let you stay in the palace as a palace lady. This palace has always felt that it is overkill and will grieve you."

"The niece, the slave does not feel wronged, is it a slave who does not do well to provoke the maiden to be angry?" He said quickly, thinking that he was doing something wrong, she really did not want to be a palace girl, but she was originally a criminal Even if she can live freely in the military camp, since the emperor let her wait for the queen, she is naturally sincere and sincere, she is afraid to do anything wrong.

"This palace is not talking to you, you are very good, so this palace only thinks that you should not stay in the palace." Ye Hao said, "This palace wants you to do things outside the palace for the palace."

Looking at Ye Wei strangely, "Mother, what do you mean?"

"Hongling once took care of the palace for the palace, the palace is very clear about her ability, you are good, some things are not allowed by Hongling, but you can do it, this palace wants you two in the future Do things outside, report to the hospital about the situation at any time." Ye Hao said, "Although there are women in the dynasty outside the palace, there are always exceptions. The palace has also asked the emperor, and will let you The way the female officer works in the hospital."

"Odd girl, who is waiting for you?" Hong Ling hurriedly asked, she often beside Ye Hao, knowing how important the medical clinic is, but if she and her sister are out of the palace, then the girl is not nearly two Serving people?

"Is there not a red dragonfly and an eyebrow?" Ye Hao laughed. "Moreover, there will be a new palace lady to be selected immediately. Then I will pick a few more to use the red dragonfly to adjust the teaching."

Hong Ling said, "But..."

"No, the Palace only believes in you. The establishment of the medical clinic is too important. The palace can't make any mistakes in the hospital. It is more difficult to do things outside than in the palace. Except you, this palace does not know who can count on it. At that time, the palace will find a helper for you again." Ye Hao whispered, only the two women, Qi and Hongling, are not too secure. There must be a man who is good at handling things.

But who can she look for? Ye Hao suddenly remembered Hou Peidong.

Hou Peidong archery is a good thing, but it is just hunting. It is definitely not good to let him go to the battlefield, but this population is only good, and it is a good person in Kyoto, and although it is a child, there is no errand on him. If you are willing, that is the best candidate.

"The slaves will definitely do good things for the mother outside the palace." Hong Ling and Yan looked at each other. They couldn’t convince the goddess. They only had to work for the mother in the future.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "After two days, we will go out to see the palace. First, we will choose the location of the medical clinic. It is best not to rebuild it. It is best to have a ready-made shop."

"Yes, the goddess."

This matter was settled. It was only about whether Hou Peidong was willing to be the principal of the medical clinic. She also wanted to ask his own opinion.



Dry Qing Palace, the Chamber of Deputies.

"The emperor, this is the letter sent by Xiliang Wang." Tang Yan handed a letter to Mo Rongzhan.

Murong Zhan took a look and asked faintly, "How does Xiliang Wang know that Yan Xi is in Jinguo?"

"The messenger said that the Witch King had calculated it. However, as far as the court sees it, I was afraid that someone had revealed the news and went back." Tang Yu whispered, "Is it the last killer I met in the mountains?"

"Maybe." Murong Zhan remembered the woman she met in the mountains. Even if other people did not recognize his identity, Qian Xue used to be a palace lady. She must know who he is, probably because she had sent a message to Xiliang.

Xu Lao asked, "Imperial, is the Xiliang prince really in Jinguo?"

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "He saved him in Chengde Mountain Villa and left him in Chengde."

"The emperor, are we going to send Yan Xixi back to Xiliang?" Tang Yan asked again, Xiliang Wang sent messengers to come, if they did not hand over Yan Xi, I am afraid it is not easy to explain.

"If you don't hand over the Xiliang prince, I am afraid that Xiliang Wang will not give up." The Ministry of Military Affairs said Huo Shan.

Ye Xiaonan looked at Murong Zhan, "Imperial, if it is finished, Yan Xi, it seems not appropriate."

"What's wrong?" Huoshan looked at Ye Xiaonan's frown and asked, "Isn't Ye General not afraid to bear hatred with Xiliang?"

"Even if you don't finish Yan Xi, Jin Guo and Xi Liang are not friendly allies." Ye Xiaonan said faintly, he wanted to play Xiliang for a long time.

Huoshan laughed. "Ye General, it’s Xiliang and Dongqing’s resentment, not with Jinguo, don’t make a mistake.”

Ye Xiaonan looked at him faintly and did not speak, and said it was in vain.

"The meaning of Xiliang Wang, if you don't hand over Yan Xi, he is not welcome?" Murong Zhan waved the letter in his hand. "Xu Yanxiang, you come back to Xiliang Wang and tell him if he is Give the Xiliang Wuwang and Lu Yi to the donkey, then you will send the finished Yan Xixi back."

"Emperor!" The others were shocked. This is clearly an enemy of Xiliang Wang.

"Lu Yizhi? The emperor, how can Lu Yizhi be in the West?" Tang Yan is even more surprised about Lu Yizhi.

Ink Murray is very cold, "Tell me to ask the Xiliang Wuwang."

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