The two brothers finally managed to put the Queen Mother to sleep, and Murong Chan slowly walked out of the Cining Palace. Murong squatted down behind him.

"After being said a few words, I will show you who can't be loved." You should listen to your mother, and quickly find a king for you, so that you don't have any **** all day." Murong Chong looked at his brother, cold. He snorted.

Inkor rushed for mercy, "Emperor brother, don't, I am only a few years old, don't be so close, I just... I just don't want to be in the Ministry of War, I want to go to the light camp."

“Hmmm?” Murong Chong looked at him faintly. The light-riding camp was about to leave for the wilderness. He thought about going to the light camp.

"Yes, I want to send troops." Murong squatted up the waist, but did not dare to speak too loudly, for fear of being heard by the Queen Mother in the temple.

Murong Zhan sneered, "If you agree to let you go to the wasteland, then go."

"Emperor brother." Murong screamed reluctantly. "You know that you won't let me go to the camp by the mother. She can't wait for me to stay in the palace and don't go anywhere."

"That's not exactly, you stay in the palace to accompany your mother." Murong Zhan said with a smile, he did not want to develop his brother, a prince who could not achieve anything, so that he can go out at such a young age, he does not want to.

When Murong saw that Murong Chan had stepped up and left, he followed up quickly. "Emperor brother, now it is not necessarily fighting. I will follow it, even if I really fight with Xiliangguo, General Ye. I will definitely not let me go to the battlefield. How can I get back when I go, you will talk to my mother for me, or will you... or will you wait for me to come back and tell her?"

"You think it's quite thoughtful." Murong Chong squinted at him. "If you know it later, you will definitely be furious."

Inkor Chen heard that Murong Chong seemed to nod and promised. He asked, "I am sure that I will take care of myself and will not trouble Ye General."

"Don't think about it, you won't let you go." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Desperate."

"Emperor brother..." Murong revealed a disheartened expression.

Murong Zhandao, "Qin Tianjian selected the day when you left the palace to open the house, you will arrange it yourself, and when you want to entertain, it is also your own decision."

"Oh." Murong snorted, and the excitement of the opening of the government had disappeared.

"Go." Murong Chong looked at the younger brother again and took a big step away.

Murong looked at his back and reluctantly crept. He didn't want to rely on the prince who could only rely on the emperor's blessing. Even if he didn't have to stand up for military service, he didn't have to go to the battlefield. Then he went out to see the head office. From small to big, he would Can only survive in Kyoto, he listened to Ye Yinan talking about the world outside, in addition to yearning for longing.

He must follow the wilderness.

At that time, he quietly mixed in the soldiers, waiting for the wilderness to write a letter to inform the emperor and his mother, they also have no way to take them.

Murong Chan came to Huaqing Palace, and Ye Hao was making a medicated meal and sent it to the Queen Mother. He did not find that he had come behind him.

Hung Hom found the emperor to drive, and hurriedly bowed down.

"Go on." Murong Chong waved his hand and looked down at the sly Ye Hao.

"What's wrong with this?" Murong Zhan asked her with a funny smile.

Ye Hao whispered, "I didn't expect to faint the Queen Mother. Although it didn't matter, my heart was still unwilling to go, and the Queen Mother came to the present day. This is not my intention."

"It's not good to deal with." Murong Zhan sighed and held her in his arms. "Every time I want to pick up my heart and send the Queen to go to the palace, it is not easy to think of her and it will be soft."

Ye Hao leaned her head on his shoulder and she felt a little tired.

"After three days, Ye Xiaonan will be sent out." Murong Zhan patted her back.

"So urgent?" Ye Hao looked up.

Murong Zhan arranged the broken hair of her horns for her. "Xiliang is already on the border. This time, the expedition will let Yan Xi follow. He is the big prince of Xiliang after all. If he is there, he may have A little bit."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "I have never doubted that you have finished Yan Xi?"

Although Wan Yanxi looks like a prince who is framed, she can think about it in the past two days, and she feels that it is too clever, so she happened to be met by them in the mountains.

Murong Zhan looked at her with a low smile and smiled. How could he have no doubts? "I am going to go to Xiliang and secretly check it. The Xiliang Grand Prince is indeed convicted of killing the mother. However, how can Wan Yanxi come to Jinguo, naturally? It’s not just a coincidence, it’s someone who is leading him here.”

"Who?" Ye Hao asked in a vigilant manner.

"I can't guess, but Jin Guo and Xi Liang have a battle, I am afraid that someone has been looking forward to it for a long time." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao said, "Are you not catching a thousand snow? Can you not ask a question in her mouth? Also, before the king of the king went to Xiliang for the illness of the Queen Mother, now there is no news at all, will it be an accident? ?"

Murong Zhan smiled in his heart. He should have known her cleverness. She would see the problem sooner or later. "Thousands of snow still refused to say anything. He temporarily imprisoned her, as long as the people of Qianluosha came to save her. You can catch people. As for the king, he is still missing, maybe not in the west."

“Is it going to be an accident?” Ye Hao asked.

"Wang Wang Wugong is strong, not everyone can treat him." Murong Zhan heard her concern about Murong Yu, and even more did not want to tell the suspicion of the king.

Cining Palace.

When the Queen wakes up, people will call Liu Zhihua.

Liu Zhi painting cried in the house, her eyes looked a little swollen, and she bowed her head and bowed. "The courtier saw the Queen Mother."

"Come to the mourner's side." The Queen Mother sighed and saw her where she didn't know her sadness. "Now there is no way. Fortunately, the emperor did not make you out. If you don't want to stay in the palace." The mourning family can let you go out of the palace, and even give you a marriage."

"The Queen Mother..." Liu Zhi painting has long been in the palace and stayed for a long time, leaving the palace, then she will never have the opportunity to see the emperor again, "the minister wants to stay with you."

"You think it is right." The Queen Mother nodded with satisfaction. "It is not necessarily a chance to stay in the palace."

Liu Zhihua whispered, "Now the minister has not dared to think again. It is enough to repay the Queen Mother’s love for her minister."

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "You can think of it as the best, but the mourner will not treat you badly in the future."

"Thank you for the Queen Mother." Liu Zhi painted a faint smile on his mouth.

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