The wilderness of the early winter seems bleak and ridiculous, the wind is cold, the lake is already covered with a thin layer of ice, and the weather is colder than the deep winter of Kyoto.

"Thousands of snow were caught by Mo Rongzhan, what should I do?" The man who spoke was wearing white clothes, and his handsome face looked serious at the people in front. This person is not someone else. It is a rattan that has not appeared for a long time.

The man standing in front is naturally Murong Yu. When he listens to the words of Fujisaka, the twilight sinks down. "Why is Qian Xue going to chase and finish Yan Xi?"

Fujisaka whispered, "Thousands of Luozhan business has always been for no reason."

"I said that I should stop picking up the murder business." Murong Yu’s voice was very cold. "What are you thinking about? I know very well that Jin Guo has A Zhan, even if you hope that it is impossible to change the facts."

"If you know, then you should understand that if you don't do this, others will not be reconciled." Fujita frowned at Murong.

Thousands of Luozhan were originally left behind by the former dynasty. Now it is hard for those who are loyal and old to change to support Murong. They are nothing more than to value Murong’s identity to win the throne. Otherwise, how can he completely separate Zhuo Lao? Thousands of Luosha.

Murong Yan looked back at Fujisawa. "The people they really want to support are Huangfu."

"But the whereabouts of the emperor is unknown." Fujisawa said immediately.

"Fuji, why don't you understand, except for Huangfu, others are the same for those in the former, they are just asking me to pave the way for the emperor." Murong said helplessly, his subordinates What is the mind, he naturally understands, but he does not have such ambitions.

When you reach the throne, will you allow the former people to think about it? Fujisawa thought in his heart, but he did not say it.

"Are you not going to see Xiliang Wuwang? Why are you back?" asked Fujisaka.

Murong Yan frowned, he did go to Xiliang Wuwang, but he suspected that the person he saw was not the real witch. "Now the power of Xiliang falls into the hands of the Witch King, and people have to doubt the witch king. What do you want to do."

Fujisawa looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean, the heavy military arrangement on the Xiliang border is the meaning of the Witch King, not the Xiliang King?"

"Do you think that the Xiliang prince wants to kill the mother? He is respected in Xiliang, and he is the most loved son of Xiliang Wang and Queen. The future Xiliang Wang, unless he is crazy, you think he Is it possible to kill the mother?" Murong asked faintly.

"Do you suspect that he was tempted by the Witch King?" Fujisawa raised his eyebrows. "You don't want to know if the situation of the Queen Mother is related to him. Can you have a conclusion now?"

Murong whispered, "I want to know who the Xiliang Wuwang is."

"I have already let thousands of Luozha not pick up the business of the Witch King. No one will kill Yanxi again. Just, what about Qianxue?" Fujiko said, originally thinking about helping the Xiliang Wuwang, when With the help of Xiliang’s strength, he can do things for Qianluo. Now it seems that he is the one who is being used. He will also take in the snow.

"Tomorrow we will go to Xiliang from another pass." Murong said quietly.

Fujisaki looked at him in surprise. "What are we going to do in Xiliang? If it is discovered by the Witch King, it will not let you leave."

"From the beginning of the temptation of the Queen Mother, I am surprised. I have to find out." Murong said.

"If the Queen Mother is tempted, it doesn't matter to you. You have already done enough. If you are found in Xiliang, the Witch King must not use you..." Fujita anxious, he thought that the Witch King would be an ally. He has no such idea now.

Murong Yu faintly glanced at him. "It's easy to pass, and the Witch King won't find it easily."

"For Lu Yan, you don't even have a life." Fujisaki shouted.



"Brother, go to the wasteland, be sure to be careful, don't be impulsive." Ye Hao got the consent of Mo Rongzhan, and went to Yejia to say goodbye to him the day before Ye Weinan left.

Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "It is not the first time to go out, don't worry."

"While it is said that, it can be no danger at one time." Ye Hao glanced at him. "Don't even care for your own life."

"Hey, I will definitely return safely, don't worry." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ye Hao is not dangerous in the morning, but she is still inevitably worried. "Xiliang does not have an alliance with Beiming. I don't think they dare to send troops. However, this matter is very strange."

"This Xiliang Wuwang is incomprehensible to do things." Ye Xiaonan gently nodded, and several times before the fight with Xiliang, it seems that there is no such person as the Witch King. Suddenly such a person emerges, it is really difficult to know what he really wants. What to do, "However, this time I went to the wasteland, I will definitely let people kill Lu Yizhi first."

"Brother!" Ye Hao looked at him with surprise. "Lu Yuzhi is afraid not in the wilderness."

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "Even if he flees to Xiliang, I will not let him go. Okay, hurry back to the palace. It is not too early, lest the old woman find an excuse to say you."

"Then I will go back first." Ye Hao whispered that since she was fainted in the day, she was refused to go to the Cining Palace on the past two days, but Liu Zhi’s painting was left, and it really became a kindness. Ning Gong’s female official.

On the following day, Ye Yinan left Kyoto in the hands of Mo Rongzhan.

In the afternoon, only the eunuchs discovered that Murong had disappeared.

"How can Xiao Wang Ye disappear? Isn't he going to the military department?" Ye Hao heard Fu Gonggong come to find Murong, and asked in a strange way.

Fu Gonggong said anxiously, "Where I have searched all over, I have not seen the trace of Xiao Wang."

Ye Hao said, "Maybe I went to the palace to play there."

"Hope is so, the minions will go to other places to ask." Fu Gonggong said.

At the end of the night, there is still no news of ink tolerance, and Murong Zhan ordered that he no longer have to go to him.

"Why don't you find it?" Ye Hao asked, and some worried that Murong would not fall into the trap like the first time he met.

Murong Zhanhan said with a cold face, "He must have gone with Ye Yinan."

"What?" Ye Hao called out.

"The last time he had mentioned it with him, he did not agree, he was good, but he dared to sneak into the soldiers." Murong Zhan said with a face.

"That is going to bring him back." Ye Hao said, fortunately, only one day, it is estimated that it is not far away.

Murong Zhan shook his head. "But let him go. You will tell your brother to look after him. Aunt always lives in the palace and lets him go out to see and see."

Ye Hao thought, letting Murong go out to see nature is good, but I don’t know how the Queen Mother would think.

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