Since the last tempering of the temperament, the Queen Mother has always said that she is uncomfortable, so that Murong Cham visits her at Cining Palace almost every day, although Qi Wei said that she is no longer a problem.

In order to avoid the Queen Mother, Murong Zhan did not want to be sick. He ordered the ink to smother the news of the army's departure. Although he knew that he couldn't help it, it was a day.

Ye Hao knew that she didn't want to see her, so she didn't go to Cining Palace to find her own boring.

It’s been half a month without knowing it.

After the Queen Mother did not see the young child in half a month, she finally felt that something was wrong.

"Draw a picture, you let people go to the prince to ask Xiao Wang to come over, this kid must have forgotten to forget the mourner." The Queen Mother helped Liu Zhihua’s hand to sit on the window, and suddenly missed it today. Young child.

Today, the things around the Cining Palace are Liu Zhi's paintings. She often goes out to do business. How can she not know that Xiao Wang is not in the palace? However, she does not know where Xiao Wang is.

"What's wrong?" The Queen Mother asked her face and asked in confusion.

Liu Zhi painting looked at the Queen Mother in a difficult way. "The Queen Mother, Xiao Wangye, he..."

When the Queen Mother heard the tone of Liu Zhihua, his look changed slightly. "What happened to Xiao Wang?"

"No, nothing..." Liu Zhihua smiled stiffly, where dare to say that Xiao Wang Ye was not in the palace, I don't know where to go.

"Knowing the painting, you are the left arm and the right arm of the mourning family. Are you even screaming at the mourning home?" the Queen Mother asked unpleasantly.

Liu Zhi's painting hurried down. "The Queen Mother, the slaves dare not hide you, but... the slaves don't know where the little prince went. He didn't have his news half a month ago. It was ordered by the Queen's Empress, and everyone in the post-mortem palace. You can't talk to Xiao Wang in front of you."

The Queen Mother only felt a raging anger, and the throat was filled with sweetness. "What do you say? Go... Go and call Lu Hao to the mourner."

"Yes, the Queen Mother." Jin Ping looked at Liu Zhi's painting, which was clearly the order of the emperor. It was a queen in the mouth of Liu Zhi's painting. Isn't this making the Queen more disgusted with the Empress?

Ye Lan is listening to Hong Ling to give her back about the medical workshop. Hou Peidong has become a principal, and many things have been carried out in a rational manner. However, some people do not seem to believe that the medical clinics are specially designed for them, but some There is a sense of dissatisfaction in the medical hall. It is secretly said that the medical workshop seems to be a poor person. In fact, the doctor does not know how to make a cloud.

"How to rumor outside, don't worry about it, how to do it or how to do it. Some people will understand it after a long time." Ye Hao said that she just wants to help some people as much as she can. If others don't appreciate it, she still asks. The other party?

Hongling looked around and lowered his voice. "The goddess, the letter from Jinkou City, is it still necessary to continue to operate?"

"Nature is necessary." Ye Hao immediately said, "Now the city of Jinkou is not as good as it used to be. However, I believe that the emperor will definitely open up the trading port. When the business of the countries will be more frequent, the prosperous period of the city will not be far away. Full Qin and Tian Jiu are now in Dongqing, and this palace should let them put them back. They are in Jinkou City, and Sun Shu is doing something."

"Hey, after the slaves went back, they wrote a letter and went back to Sun Shu." Hong Ling whispered.

Ye Hao nodded, she must not give up the business on the side of Jinkou City, although she is already a queen, but some things can not be put down because of identity, her dowry is already a lot, Murong Zhan In the past, Wang Fuli gave them back. She just had an idea. The business of Qianjinxing is also her dependence on the outside of the palace.

"The Niangniang, Jinping of Cining Palace is coming." Red Dragonfly whispered.

After learning that the Queen Mother had already known about Murong Yu, Ye Hao stood up, "Red Dragonfly, go to the Emperor."

It’s probably only Murong Zhan that can persuade the Queen Mother.

Ye Hao came to Cining Palace. Before she entered the hall, she heard that the Queen Mother was reprimanding Liu Zhihua. She blamed Liu Zhihua for not hiding her ink.

"After the mother." Ye Hao walked in and bowed his knees.

Not waiting for her to stand up, the Queen Mother had picked up the tea stalk at hand and rushed over to Ye.

The red dragonfly standing next to Ye Hao did not want to reach out and open the tea pot.

"Let's relax!" The Queen Mother couldn't hit Ye Hao, and turned a anger into a red scorpion. "Take this sorrow to the mourning home and kill it!"

Ye Hao looked at the Queen Mother with a cold eyes. "After the mother, what happened to you to scream and kill, what did the courtier do wrong?"

"Who told you to hide the news of the aunt? Where is he?" the Queen asked in anger.

"Little Wang Ye did not leave the city, but the courtiers later learned." Ye Hao had no expectation for the Queen Mother, but the other party is an elder, she can only bear a few points.

The Queen Mother was furious. "Where will he go, don't you know? You must be trying to confuse him with your Ye Family brother and sister, and the House of Sorrow will not let you go!"

Ye Hao said faintly, "In the eyes of the mother, the prince's ability is really not small, even the little prince can easily leave the palace with enchantment."

"Say! Where is Auntie?" How could the Queen Mother not see Ye Hao’s respect for her before she was gone, which made her more angry.

"Chen Chen did not know." Ye Hao said coldly.

The Queen almost wanted to come forward and slay her. "You don't know? Do you think the mourner will believe you?"

"Auntie is going out to play after the mother, maybe he will be back soon," Ye said.

"He..." The Queen Mother carefully thought about where Murong would go. She hadn’t visited her for most of the past. It’s obviously not in Kyoto. I remembered what he said before going to the light camp. The Queen’s face turned white. "He followed the expedition? He went to the wasteland!"

Ye Hao didn't think that the Queen Mother really guessed it. "Little Wang wants to go out and see."

When I heard Ye Hao’s words, the Queen Mother affirmed her own guess. She was so angry that she was so painful. “See? You can’t wait for the little prince to die? Lu Hao, your brothers and sisters are really poisonous, actually Calculate Xiao Wang Ye, if he is in the wild, what is the three long and two short, the mourner must be your brother and sister to lose their lives."

"Oh..." Ye Hao chuckled and looked at the Queen Mother with disdain. "After the mother, have you heard of what is going to be a foreigner? You are not here, you are not asking for the generals." Xiao Wang Ye, still whispering that he and his courtiers are going to be ordered. The little prince is mixed with the soldiers and went to the wasteland. What are the three long and two short, and how can they be?"

The Queen Mother was gasped by Ye Hao’s words.

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