Chapter 871 guest

Qi Zikai just finished his homework and walked out of the study room after the ceremony. Because he was born with dark diseases, he was different from ordinary people. He could not go to the academy to attend classes. Grandma asked him to teach him his studies at home. Over the years, he has gradually Used to this kind of loneliness.

In fact, he felt that his grandmother was too cautious too much. He had not been ill for many years, and he might have healed long ago. He did not have to worry that he would not be able to heal during the class.

Oh, no matter what he said, Grandma refused to promise.

Twelve-year-olds are more lonely and precocious than their peers.

Qi Zikai, who was in a daze, heard a slight footstep. He thought that his grandmother was back, and he turned back in surprise, but saw a strange woman slowly coming towards him.

The woman was very beautiful, and her eyes were very strange. He didn't dare to look at his second look at a glance.

"Who are you?" Qi Zi looked at her and wondered who she was and how she would appear in his home.

Qi Ruoshui looked at his son in a faint and faint manner. The calm and watery heart had a layer of embarrassment. Although she was jealous, but in the end it was a flesh and blood, how could it be that there was no trace of feelings, but it was only like this.

"Who do you think I am?" Qi Ruoshui looked at Qi Zikai with a faint smile. When she left, the child was not born long. Now, goodbye, like a world, she almost forgot that she had given birth to a child.

"I don't know, I have never seen you before." Qi Zikai said seriously, if he had seen her, he would definitely be impressed and would not forget.

He has never seen a person's eyes will be different.

"I have seen you before." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, only to find that the child is almost as tall as her.

She finally looked at Zizi seriously.

The child looks very much like him. It is not similar to her. The eyebrows are as delicate as painting. The eyes of the two Danfeng are black and clear, and the young and tender face is only confused and not prepared for her.

It seems that it has been cultivated very well, and it is probably not clear with the world that there is such a clear vision.

If she knows her identity, will he still look at her like this?

Qi Zikai did not know what Qi Rushui thought, and his face showed a friendly and gentle smile. "Are you a guest of our family?"

The guests? Qi Ruoshui smiled. "That's right."

Since she has already cut off the relationship with Qi Wei, she is also a guest.

"If you are looking for my grandmother, she went to Chengde Villa, and it should be back in the next two days." Qi Zikai said innocently, it looks so cute and cute, people can't help but feel soft.

Qi Ruoshui smiled slightly. "I am not looking for your grandmother. I am here to find you."

"You looking for me?" Qi Ziyu looked at her in confusion. "Are you looking for me?"

"I heard that you have a dark illness since childhood. I am... I met you. When I came to Kyoto this time, I would look at you for him." Qi Ruoshui whispered, grabbing Qi Zi's hand.

Qi Zikai heard that she had known the emperor, and her eyes could not help but brighten. "Do you know my embarrassment? Then you know where he is now? I have not seen him for a long time."

"Well, he is in a faraway place and will be back soon." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, but the pulse of Qi Zikai made her frown.

"Actually, my illness is almost as good as it is." Qi Zixiao said with a smile, "I have not been ill for many years, and my grandmother said that I am cured."

get well? how is this possible! Even she could not heal at that time, who can cure his illness?

"Is it?" Qi Ruoshui loosened his hand and looked at him faintly. "Which doctor in Kyoto can cure your illness?"

Qi Zikai thought carefully. "That is a beautiful and beautiful sister. When I was a child, I met a fairy sister on the street. She gave me a cup of water, I will be fine."

What fairy sister? Qi Ruo water slightly frowns, how can there be gods in this world.

"You think about it carefully, who is that person?" Qi Ruo asked coldly.

Qi Zikai was stunned and could not understand how the guest suddenly became serious.

"No matter who the person is, she cured her nephew. For us, she is a god." Qi Yan helped Xiu Gu’s hand to come over, and she has returned to calm, her face is frosty, her eyes are watching sharply. Qi Ruo water.

"I am very curious, in addition to Qijia in Kyoto City, whoever has the medical skills can go back to this point." Qi Ruoshui asked softly, she thought that medical skills are unparalleled in the world, completely obtained the true biography of Qi Yuling, impossible Some people have better medical skills than her.

Her conceit was hit for the first time.

Because of her son's illness, she can't cure it, but others are cured.

How could Qi Qi not understand what her daughter was thinking, she sneered, "There are people outside, there are days outside, don't think that only you are the best."

"No matter who it is, it will be cured." Qi Ruoshui said faintly, looking back and glanced at him, "I have seen people, so then."

"Xiu Gu, drop off the guest." Qi Yan said coldly, it seems that he does not want to see Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui looked down at Qi Ziyan and saw that he was still looking at her with a clear eyes. She looked curious and smiled. "Do you want to go with me?"

Qi Tong immediately heard her words and shouted, "Qi Ruo water!"

"If he wants to go with me, you can't stop him." Qi Ruoshui did not look at it.

"How do you let him be self-sufficient? It is enough to lose sight of his own eyes. Is it still necessary to be able to lift his head and be a man?" Qi Qi asked sharply.

Qi Ruoshui looked up at Qi Qi with a faint look. "You are not a shame?"

"You..." Qi Wei felt that a anger had come up again. She saw Qi Ziying's face full of disappointment, and immediately pressed the anger and told Xiu Gu, "Xiu Gu, first take the young master back to the study."

"Grandma?" Qi Ziyu looked at Qi Wei with some fear. He had never seen his grandmother so angry, so he was afraid.

Qi Yan smiled gently. "Grandma and the guest have a few words to say, you have been out for so long, the gentleman must be waiting for you, go ahead."

"Good." Qi Ziyu nodded obediently and turned back to the study.

"Who is curing his illness?" Qi Ruoshui asked, this is the problem she cares most now.

Qi Yan said coldly, "It has nothing to do with you. You have already seen your nephew. Please leave, and don't appear in front of us any more."

"Even if you don't say it, I will know sooner or later." Qi Ruoshui said faintly, "There is one more thing. This time I went back to Kyoto, not for you, nor for the sake of the children, but for the emperor."


It is a pity that Qi Ruoshui refused to say anything and left.

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