Although Ye Hao agreed that Murong Zhan first asked people to check Mr. Shan, but she still let Shen Shen look for people first, regardless of the true and false, even if they find the guards of the two Xiliang priests, they will love it. Can hear the news.

There was no eyebrow on the other side of the sinking. The red dragonfly came to talk, saying that it was the medical officer who returned to Kyoto.

"Not early today, please ask the medical doctor to enter the palace tomorrow." Ye Hao looked at the sky, the sunset is almost coming down, the medical staff is getting old, and it is definitely tired to return from Chengde Mountain Villa.

It was not long before Ye Hao’s words were just finished, and the rumors that the medical doctors wanted to see were heard outside.

"How did the medical officer come here?" Ye Hao groaned. "Come and ask her to come in."

Don't worry about the illness of the Queen Mother.

Qi Yan looked anxiously from the outside and came in. "The lower official has seen the goddess."

Ye said, "The medical officer is exempt, please sit down. You just returned to Kyoto today. Why don't you take a rest at home?"

"Imale, I heard that Achen has an accident?" Qi Qi hurriedly asked, there are not many relatives around her, she almost looked at Huangfu as a son, although Qi Ruoshui did not say clearly, but she felt that he must be problem occurs.

"Qi medical officer, who did you listen to?" Ye Hao was shocked in his heart and asked Qi Qi quietly. Apart from Mr. Shan, no one outside the palace should know. It is even more impossible for them to be surprised. This matter is said to the outside world.

What's more, Qi medical officer has just returned from Chengde Mountain Villa.

Qi Qi looked at Ye Wei in a distressed way. She must not say that she had inadvertently heard from her daughter. From a decade ago, she had already had her own daughter.

"I... I accidentally heard about it, Niangniang, is this true?" Qi Qi asked.

Ye Hao has long seen her appearance from her face, unintentionally? Who is listening to?

"Master did not know where to go..." Ye Hao gently nodded. "He was caught in Qi."

Qi Qi was shocked. "How could it be caught?"

Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "This palace also wants to understand. The person who grabs him is very likely to be the Xiliang Wuwang. The clue left by Master is unclear, and this palace is also puzzling."

"Xiliang Wuwang?" Qi Wei is even more surprised. "How can Achen have a relationship with Xiliang, is he offended the Xiliang Wuwang?"

"Qi medical officer, Qijia... What is the origin of Xiliang before?" Ye Hao asked, she thought for a long time, the Qi word is most likely to refer to the Qi family, but in addition to the Qi family who?

Qi Qi carefully recalled, "Qi has never heard of any relationship with Xiliang. Achen is not the kind of person who will easily offend people. I can't figure out why the Xiwu Wuwang wants to arrest him. Mother, please. To save Achen."

Ye Hao said, "He is the master of the palace. Now he has a hard time. There is no reason for this palace to save him. It is just... It is not certain that the witch king has taken him away, and there is no basis for how to go with Xiliang. VIP."

"This... what should I do?" Qi Tong was a little confused. If there was any accident in Huangfu, she would see her own sister in the future.

"Qi medical officer, who is telling you about Master? In addition to telling you that Master has an accident, does that person say anything else?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously, she felt that the person who told Qi Qi was also Very suspicious.

Qi Qi looked embarrassed, she looked at Ye Hao, "that person ... special status, please forgive the lower official can not say."

Who is the person who can't say Qi Qi's identity? Ye Hao became more and more confused, but she did not ask more. "There are two portraits in this palace. It is said to be the person who took the master. The medical officer may have to take a look."

"Good." Qi Hao nodded immediately, but she wanted to know who had taken the nephew.

Ye Hao asked Hung Hom to take two portraits and spread them on the table to give them a look.

Qi Qi’s eyes fell on the portrait, and she almost jumped up, like a bite in a snake, and the whole person was still in the same place.

This reflection is naturally unusual in Ye Hao’s eyes. She and Hung Hom looked at each other and looked at Qi Wei silently.

"Qi medical officer, have you seen the people on the portrait?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Qi Qi recovered from the shock, she shook her head. "No... I haven't seen..."

Ye Hao looked at her deeply. "This is the guard of the Witch King's Temple. If they really took the Master, it is related to the Witch King."

"The niece, someone saw with their own eyes that Achen was taken away by these people?" Qi Qi hurriedly asked.

"Yes." Ye Hao gently nodded. "Qi medical officer, you are Master's aunt. If there is any news about Master, you must tell this palace."

Qi Qi nodded in a panic. "The lower official knows that the lower official... There are still things, the goddess, the lower official first retire."

Ye Hao has never seen Qi Qi like this, she said, "Well, the medical officer will go out of the palace first."

"The next official retired." Qi Yi took a ritual and left in a hurry.

"Let Xue Lin follow." Ye Hao whispered to the red dragonfly, and the red dragon promised.

When Qi Hao left the palace, it was already nightfall. She was going to find Qi Ruoshui. Qi Ruoshui must know where Huangpu is.

She had never seen two people in the portrait, but she recognized the tattoo on their faces. When that year, Qi Ruoshui left with such people.

For so many years, she never knew where Qi Ruoshui went, is it cold in the west? So what does she have to do with Xiliang Wuwang?

Witch King... Xiliang...

Qi Qi’s face was as white as paper, as if she had thought of something terrible, she gasped in a big mouth and rubbed her chest in one hand.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Xiu Gu hurriedly held her. "Is there something going on?"

"Xiu Gu, do you still remember him?" Qi Qi asked in a low voice.

"Who?" Xiu Gu was confused and didn't know who Qi Qi said.

Qi Qi bites his teeth and squeezes a name from his mouth with hate. "Just..."

Xiu’s face has changed slightly. She hasn’t heard the name in Miss’s mouth for decades. How suddenly did she mention it today, “Miss, what happened to him?”

"When the injury came back, did he have tattoos on his back, two weird snakes?" Qi Xiao asked quietly.

"Yes, I remember there is." Xiu Gu nodded.

Qi Qi was sitting on the ground weakly. "Xiu Gu didn't go to Qi Ruoshui. She must be in Kyoto. Anyway, she must find her."

"Miss, what happened in the end?" Xiu Gu asked in surprise.

"Don't ask so much, let you find it and find it." Qi Qi shouted, if the person on the portrait grabbed the emperor, then Qi Ruoshui must know what is going on.

Was it the first time I went to Xiliang?

What happened to Huangfu’s going to Xiliang?

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