I knew that I had to go to the Qing Palace to see Murong Cham. I didn’t expect the difference to be taken to the Queen’s palace.

The person she wants to see is the queen.

"Queen of the Empress?" She was puzzled. Didn't that person say that the emperor wanted to see her?

Ye Hao smiled at the single-mindedness. "Mr. Don't be surprised, it is true that the emperor wants you to enter the palace. It is just that the palace feels that it is more appropriate to ask for something."

I looked at her with a puzzled look. "I don't know what the goddess has to ask the woman?"

"Sir, when did you meet Master?" Ye Hao believes that Mr. Shan will not harm Master, but he just can't figure out why she wants to lie.

"The women don't quite understand the meaning of the goddess?" I didn't understand it for a while. Is this asking her when she knows the meaning of Huangfu?

Ye Hao smiled and asked again, "The meaning of this palace is when you saw Master in Qi."

I laughed a little. It turned out to be this. She had already thought about the answer. "It was two months ago, I just had to go to Qiguo to listen to a debate, just happened to meet Mr. Huang."

"Sir, you have been in the North Ming State six months ago. You were in Qi State for the last time. It should be a year ago, have you forgotten?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

This words finally made the smile on the face of the single-character froze. She looked up and pointed at Ye Hao, so quickly found out where she had been in the past year?

Ye Hao sighed in his heart. "Mr. Why do you want to lie? You don't even know who grabbed Master. Those people... are you made up?"

Immediately said, "I don't, I didn't make it. Mr. Huangfu was indeed taken away by them, just..."

"What is it?" Ye Hao asked immediately.

"Just seeing that their people who took Mr. Huangfu were not me, they were other people. She had some relationship with Mr. Huangfu, so I found me and told me to go back to Kyoto with her to tell you about it." She was worried that the matter would be seen, but she did not expect it to be so fast.

Qi Ruoshui really killed her. She and Huangfu are cousins. It is more convincing that she entered the palace. However, her relationship with the medical officer is like water and fire. It is not easy to enter the palace.

"Who is that person?" Ye Hao already has an answer, but still wants to be determined from the single-sense.

I am convinced that even her whereabouts in the past year has been clearly identified. She naturally does not need to hide the identity of Qi Ruoshui. Maybe they have already known it. "It is the daughter of the medical officer, Qi Ruoshui."

Sure enough, she! Ye Hao is not surprised. "Since she knows that Mr. Huang Wei has an accident, why not go to the medical officer, but instead look for you? Even if he doesn't even show up, what is the reason?"

"The maiden does not know, Qi Ruoshui and the medical officer have misunderstood because of the juvenile. So far, the mother and daughter still refuse to recognize each other, let her go to the medical officer, I am afraid it is more difficult than going to heaven." Single mind said helplessly.

Ye Hao knows that the relationship between Qi and her mother and daughter is so bad. It is no wonder that she has never heard Qi Qi said Qi Ruoshui, and it is no wonder that for many years, everyone thought that Qi Ruoshui died and did not explain.

“Where is Qi Ruoshui now?” Ye Hao asked.

I said in a single statement, "It’s in the eastern suburbs, in a house in a woman’s house."

Ye Hao nodded and looked up at the red cockroach. The red cockroach lowered his head and stepped back.



Wasteland, military camp.

"Mom, the general, Xiliang and the flag of the war-free, what is the meaning of his grandmother, in the end, do not fight, do not fight or retreat, what do they want to do?" Ge wide anger screamed.

The people who were upset by the Xiliang Army’s war-free flag in the past few days also followed.

"Yeah, they are too embarrassed for a group of Kings and Eight Lambs. Only then did they lose two games. If they didn't dare to fight, they would retreat. If they didn't fight back, they would be upset."

"As I said, let's not worry about the flag of freedom, and kill it directly."


Ye Xiaonan looked back at them coldly and looked at them. "All shut up."

Ge Kuan, who still wants to be a big man, immediately closed his mouth and looked at Ye Xiaonan.

"If you don't hang out the war-free flag, you can't fight. Although it's a bit of a slap, this is the rule. Even if we don't care about the flag-free flag, we will not be glorious. The world will definitely laugh at us." Ye Yinan said to everyone.

"That... then that?" Ge Kuan pointed to the direction of Xiliang. "Now don't fight, when will it wait?"

Not waiting for Ye Xiaonan to answer, there was a voice outside. "General, Jing Ninghou arrived."

Don Juan finally arrived! Ye Yannan turned and walked out of the camp, "to pick up Jing Ninghou."

Murong Zhan sent Tang Yan to come to support, but now Xiliang hangs the flag of freedom from the war, and how many soldiers are useless.

"Ye General!" Tang Yan got off the horse and gave Ye Haonan a slap. On the way he came, he heard that the Xiliang Army hangs the flag of freedom, which is not like the style of Lu Yizhi.

Ye Yinan and Tang Yan met at a time when they couldn’t reach the old one. When they entered the camp, they talked about the current situation.

"Jing Ninghou, what do you think is the meaning of the war-free flag?" Ye Xiaonan whispered, he and Fan Ludo had battled each other, knowing that this is not something he would do, but what Lu Yu is trying to sit on. .

"If I didn't make a mistake, Lu Hao should not be in the military camp at this time." Tang Yan thought that he would meet Lu Yizhi on the battlefield, and he would not see it this time.

Ye Yinan stood up. "Lu Hao is not in the military camp. Then he is rolling to the west?"

"I am just guessing that I am an old acquaintance with him. He will only win in chaos and will not hang out the flag. If he hangs the flag, it should be that he left the military camp and can help Fan Luduo. The person has not arrived yet." Tang Yan said, this is his guess.

"Damn!" Ye Yinan screamed at the table angrily. He should have guessed it for a long time. Now he has lost the news of Lu Yizhi. If he wants to kill him, he will not know what year and month to wait.

Tang Wei said, "It is better for me to send people to inquire first, and then I will confirm."

Ye Xiaonan nodded. "Good."

In less than two days, the spies came to the news that Lu Hao was not in the military camp. Xi Liang also sent a well-known Mr. Jing.

"Who is the mirror?" Ye Yannan asked in confusion, he seems to have never heard of this character.

Tang Yan said with a deep voice, "You have never heard of the name of the mirror. Chu must know you."

"Chu Li?" Ye Yinan blurted out in surprise, "The former military officer of General Jin Da?"

"Yes, it was the military division of Jin Jiajun who was driven out by Jin Dajun five years ago. I didn't expect it to disappear for many years. It turned out to be Xiliang." Tang Yan shook his head and sighed. "It has become the military general of Xiliang."

Ye Xiaonan looked out of the camp and did not know what Jin Shanshan knew after the incident.

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