In the courtyard, Qi Ruoshui and Qi Qi are still stalemate.

"Who is the one who took Achen?" asked Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui smiled faintly. "It’s the Witch King. The people in the Xiliang priest’s temple took him away.”

"Is there a tattooed person on your face? What is your relationship with those people?" asked Qi Li.

"They are the guards of the priest's house. They took me away in the same year. I ate all the hardships in the priest's house. I managed to escape. It is natural for them to avoid it. Seeing them take their cousin, it is Have a heart to save, do not dare to show up." Qi Ruo water said faintly.

Temple of the priest? Qi Qi is not familiar with Xi Liang. She frowned. "What do they do to capture Achen?"

Qi Ruoshui smiled and smiled at her. "I know why Huangpu was knowing that you were pregnant and still going back to Xiliang? Because his most loved woman is in the cool West, and he is still a cool Wu Wang, although he The wind is flowing, but the only woman I love is only one person."

Hey, hey, "What?"

"When Huangfu was at that time, he stayed in Xiliang. For her even changed her name, even the Huangfu family abandoned it. If he was not injured and met you, it is estimated that no one knows his true identity. He has been accompanied by the priest's house, but he is letting people take me to the west." Qi Ruoshui said faintly, when he mentioned the name, her twilight was cold and people wanted it. Fall into the hail.

"I am the guardian of the priest's house, but I am a witch king, so I can't marry him. He is accompanying her for a lifetime in Xiliang. Unfortunately, after he knows your identity, he can't afford to die. In the priest's house." Qi Ruoshui whispered, "Do you know what he said when he died? He said that he regretted having two things in his life. First, he did not let him marry him. If he still has When the imperial dynasty dynasty dominated the power of the world, it would allow you not to be trapped in the name of the Witch King for a lifetime. His only wish was to see the emperor dynasty dynasty... The second is that you should not be saved by you, you ruin He also ruined me."

"Crap! He wants to be in the world, that is his infatuation." Qi Yan sneered, "I didn't ruin him, he ruined me, ruined you! Now it is no longer useful, and the grievance between us No one else has anything to do, why does the Witch King of the Priest Temple take Achen?"

Qi Ruoshui smiled. "Then you might as well ask for it."

"You..." Qi Qiqi, she is very clear, no matter how to ask Qi Ruoshui, she will not tell the truth, "Where is Ah Chen now?"

"It should be cool in the west." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, "As for whether it is in the priest's house, then I am not sure."

Qi Yan looked at her coldly. "Since you are not willing to tell me anything, then you will enter the palace with me. You will tell the Queen Empress that she is an apprentice of Achen and will send someone to save him."

"Is Huangfu knowing about you and his uncle? Do you know the identity of your nephew?" Qi Ruoshui looked at Qi Xiaoxiao and asked, "If you know, I don't know how to look at your aunt."

"Shut up!" Qi Tong felt angina, she couldn't think of the past, and when she thought about it, the whole person was unhappy.

She regrets, should not conceal her daughter's identity about her father, if she told her at the beginning, there will not be so many things behind, there will be no such ugly family.

Qi Ruoshui began to know the identity of Huangfu, and she liked to see Qi Yu’s painful and angry regret. It seems that she only feels hateful when she sees Qiong’s pain and does not want to live.

"Let's go, Lu Hao has long known that Huangfu was taken away, and you can't save him any more." Qi Ruo water waved annoyedly and suddenly lost the pain of watching the pain.

"When you come back to see you, what is the purpose?" Qi Qi asked.

Qi Ruohui smiled and smiled. "My son is my son. It is a matter of course to take him away."

"You can't think about it!" Qi Hao suddenly became furious, how could she let her nephew follow the water.

"I didn't want to take him away now." It's not the time, so Qi Zikai must live well.

Qi Yan looked at Qi Ruoshui coldly and said, "I hope that you will not see you again in this life."

"There is this wish." Qi Ruoshui said.

Qi Hao turned and walked out of the courtyard. Just after leaving the gate of the house, she saw the palace lady next to the Queen's maiden coming down from the carriage.

"Red dragonfly?"

"Qi medical officer, Queen Empress, please Qi Ruoshui girl into the palace." Hung Hom is somewhat surprised to see the medical officer here.

"The maiden wants to see her?" He turned back and looked at Qi Ruoshui slowly.



Ye Hao aligns if the water is very curious, she wants to let her know more about her, but there is not much Qi Ruo water that she knows. The two are just friends in the same year, but they have been pregnant since Qi Ruoshui was unmarried. After that, I have never seen her again.

"...She is a very intelligent person. When she was the best in the entire medical hall, the teacher had not taught it. She had already met. If she did not disappear, she might even enter the palace to become a medical officer." Ye Hao recalled Qi Ruoshui in the past and shook his head and smiled. "The goddess knows that when she saw her in Kyoto, everyone who saw her was a fairy, and when she saw the city, she couldn’t describe her."

Ye Hao didn't expect Qi Ruoshui to evaluate so high in Mr. Shan's mouth. "Why did she leave Kyoto? She and the medical officer... What happened in the end led to such a situation?"

I don’t know the details, I only know that it’s related to Qi Ruoshui’s unmarried pregnancy.

Ye Hao gently nodded and looked up to the outside. According to the time, the red dragonfly should bring Qi Ruo water into the palace.

Sure enough, not long after, the red dragonfly came in from the outside. "The goddess, the slaves will bring Qi Ruoshui, and the medical officers are also there."

"Let Qi Ruo water come in." Ye Hao left and said, she faintly felt that this Qi Ruo water would be the key to the matter.

Ye Hao has been able to imagine what kind of person Qi Ruoshui is from the mouth of her acquaintance, but she was greatly surprised when she saw the woman coming from outside the door.

Pu Tian is innocent and has a thousand years of special life.

There are many beautiful people in the world, but most of them are easy to be buried in the years. Like Qi Ruoshui, it is so delicate and beautiful, but she is only one of them.

She did not see the shadow of Qi Qi in Qi Ruoshui. It seems that she looks like her father.

Qi Qi’s reason why he did not get married was born, and it seems that no one has ever heard of Qi Ruoshui’s father’s true identity.

While Ye Hao was looking at the water, Qi Ruoshui was also looking at her.

Qi Ruoshui thinks that she is already a beautiful person. She saw Lu Hao, and she also understands why so many men are addicted to this Queen of the Kingdom.

The group is difficult to change, Tianxiang Guoyan.

Such a beautiful man, which man is not tempted?

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