"I have seen the Queen Empress." Qi Ruoshui calmly salutes, with an atmosphere of dignified temperament.

Ye Hao raised his hand and let Qi Ruo horizontally, his eyes looking to the side of Qi Qi, "Qi medical officer, you are so smart with... Qi Ruo water together? Is this palace disturbing you?"

Qi Qi whispered back, "Go back to the maiden, the next official looking for her today is just to ask questions about Achen."

Listening to Qi Tong’s tone of hard and indifferent, it seems that this mother and daughter really do not have a good relationship.

Ye Hao once again looked at Qi Ruoshui, "Qi, why do you want Mr. Shan to tell you about the palace's affairs about Mr. Huang?"

"Anims, I am a civilian, it is difficult to enter the palace, let alone see you, then there is no way, only to think of a single understanding." Qi Ruoshui said softly, "As for others, it is not annoying ""

Qi Yan looked at her with a sullen look. She didn't want the scandal between them to be known at the end. What kind of heart is the Queen, as long as there is a little bit of clues can be detected.

"Single knowledge and the maiden said, it is my meaning, I know so much." Qi Ruoshui whispered back.

"You can still say more. Since you were taken to the priest's house, you should be very familiar with it. Do you not know the reason why Achen was taken away? What will they do with Achen?" I looked at Qi Ruoshui and asked.

Ye said in a different way, "Have you been to the priest's house before?"

Qi Ruoshui whispered back. "Yes, I was locked up in the priesthood for several years and was forced to cure the disease of Xiliang Laowu Wang."

"Women?" Ye Hao blurted out, the first time I finally felt closer to the Witch King.

"Now the Witch King is her daughter, and the old Witch King has long been unable to move." Qi Ruoshui said, "I just blamed her for being seriously ill, and now I am ignorant of what the priesthood is."

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Qi Ruoshui. "You mean, is the Witch King a woman?"

"Yes, the last two generations of the Witch King are women." Qi Ruoshui said.

This is unexpected from Ye Hao, she did not expect the witch king to be a woman.

"They took you with you only to let you cure the old Witch King. Now they are taking Mr. Huangfu, is it... Is it the same reason?" If this is the case, at least Huangfu is safe.

Qi Qi appeared to be anxious on the side. She knew that Qi Ruoshui was taken away at that time, definitely not only to treat the old Witch King, but certainly for other reasons.

Qi Ruoshui shook his head. "I am not sure."

There is still a lot of suspicion in Ye Xie’s heart-aligning water. It’s just that Qi Qi and Shan Zhi are here. Some words are not very good.

"Can you tell the palace about the priest's house?" Ye Hao looked at Qi Ruoshui and asked.

"This..." Qi Ruoshui hesitated. "The girl wants me to think about it again. After all, after some time, some memories are not clear. I will write it down when I go back and think it will be sent to you tomorrow."

This is the best! Ye Hao nodded. "Good."

It seems that there is nothing to doubt now, Ye Hao let them all retreat first, she went to the window and gently tapped her forehead with her fingers.

Everything seems to be a matter of course, there is no flaw, but she feels that Qi Ruoshui is still very suspicious.

Today, when she tried to test Mr. Shan, she could see that she really didn’t lie. She didn’t know the Xiliang Wuwang. All she knew was Qi Ruoshui who wanted her to know, but Qi Ruoshui knew exactly how much. That is only her own.

Regardless of the aspect, Qi Ruoshui has almost no doubts, because it is because of this, Ye Hao can not rest assured.

She feels that the emergence of Qi Ruoshui is the biggest problem, and the relationship between her and Qi Qi.

Ye Hao remembered the words left by Huangfu.

"Call the sinking." Ye Hao said immediately.

After tracking Ye Yaoyao for so long, there should always be results.



Qi Qi did not go out of the palace, she did not want to go with Qi Ruoshui, and would rather stay in the palace of the Royal Hospital did not go back.

I knew that Qi Ruoshui had been taken to the priest's house today. She had been staring at Qi Ruoshui when she got on the carriage, as if she had seen a hole in her face.

"If you have anything, you can ask." Qi Ruoshui said helplessly, "Is it interesting to watch me not talking?"

"You never said that you have been cold in the past, nor have you said that you are being held in the priest's house?" said the single.

Qi Ruoshui shook his head with a funny smile. "This is not a glorious thing. If you don't ask, I will not say it naturally. Is it the kind of person who sees whoever complains?"

"You really don't like to complain, but you are not the kind of person who doesn't mention the word in the past." Single-mindedly staring at her, "Qi Ruoshui, you should not be using what I do?"

"I will use what you do?" Qi Ruoshui smiled. "When I write down the priest's house and hand it over to Lu Hao, I will leave. You want to go with me, or stay."

I said goodbye, "I have already said goodbye to the Queen today. I will leave Kyoto tomorrow. Anyway, about Mr. Huangfu, except that you told me, I know nothing, and it is useless to stay."

Qi Ruoshui glanced at her. "This is fine."

"Today... The medical officer is looking for you? Your mother and daughter are already happy?" Single asked, if this is the case, she is also happy for Qi Ruoshui.

"Unless I die or she dies in this life, it is impossible to solve happiness." Qi Ruo water said faintly, "She came to me, just for the safety of the emperor, just did not want my appearance to destroy her in Kyoto. The status and reputation of being highly respected."

"She is your mother. Do you still have deep hatred and can't solve it? Don't think about her like this, she just cares about you..." She said with a frowning eye, she had seen her mother and daughter intimately before. She knows that a mother and daughter can say nothing, who thinks that today will become an enemy.

Qi Ruo water said faintly, "More than hatred."

When it comes to this point, it’s useless to know that it’s useless to persuade it. She really doesn’t understand what it is that can make Qi Ruo water hate for so many years.

The carriage did not know how long it took to walk, and finally stopped when the sun was west.

I learned about the carriage. "I will pick it up first and leave Kyoto tomorrow morning."

Qi Ruoshui had wanted to go in with her, and the corners of her eyes swept into the alleys and flashed the blurred figures. She slowed down. "I will not send you, and we will meet again in the future."

"I hope not to see each other in this way."

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