Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 881: Who is the Witch King?

Qi Ruo water went into the palace again after two days. She finally remembered some things about the priest's house. She wrote it on paper.

Ye Hao has always believed that it is not difficult for him to check anything. So, Qi Qi has been living in Kyoto. It should not be difficult to check the things of their mother and daughter. Xue Lin has not checked for two days.

She is more curious when she aligns with water.

"This is the priestly palace of Xiliang?" Ye Hao saw Qi Ruoshui draw a palace, and she looked at it strangely.

Qi Ruoshui said, "Yes, it’s just that I have escaped for many years. When I left, I took a quick glance and couldn’t remember too much."

Ye Xie looked at the priest's house drawn by Qi Ruoshui. Although the paintings were indeed not detailed and detailed, they could still see the appearance of the priest's temple.

"How did you let the people of the priests find you in the past?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

Qi Ruo water smashed his eyebrows, his face showed a weird look, and the expression just flashed past. "I don't know."

Ye Hao caught her change of expression, it seems that she does not know, she does not want to say.

"Then you cured the old Witch's disease?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"It's not cured." Qi Ruoshui shook his head faintly. "The old Witch King's disease is not cured. However, although it has not been cured, it has saved her life, so my days at the priesthood are not too sad. Otherwise, there will be no chance to escape."

Ye Xiaomei was meditating. She listened to her acquaintance. When Qi Ruoshui was in the medical hall, she was already famous. Her medical skills were not in the same place. It was probably because the reputation was too strong. The talent will take her away.

"You said that the Witch King is the daughter adopted by the old Witch King. Have you seen her?" asked Ye Hao.

Qi Ruoshui bowed his head and said, "No, I have only heard of her existence and have never seen her."

"So, you don't know if she is sick." If there is no illness, why should I take the imperial concubine? If it was not for this reason, she couldn’t think of the purpose of the Witch King to take away the imperial concubine.

"I have told you everything I know, and I don't know anything else." Qi Ruoshui whispered.

Ye Hao gave her a deep look. "Where are you and the medical officer?"

Qi Ruo water raised his head violently, and there was a touch of resentment and sorrow in his eyes. "Mother, if you want to know, it is better to ask her."

It seems that even the medical officers don't want to mention it. "Since you don't want to say it, then the palace will not ask. Go back first. If there is doubt in this palace, you will call you into the palace again."

"Yes." Qi Ruoshui should bow.

It didn't take long for Qi Ruo water to leave, and Shen Qiu came to see him.

"The Niangniang, Ye Yaoyao did not return long after leaving Kyoto." Shen Yi went to a ceremony and returned Ye Yaoyao's whereabouts to Ye Hao.

Since Ye Yaoyao left the Supervisory Hospital, Shen Yi has been keeping track of this. She left Kyoto after leaving the Supervisory Hospital. It was not long before she came back. She did not find out who she had contacted. It is a person.

Ye Hao listened to Shen Shen and said about Ye Yaoyao's whereabouts. She shook her head and said, "She will definitely not return to Kyoto for no reason. It must be a hint."

The Witch King can solve Lu Qizhi's seven-day pain and be able to rescue him from the wasteland. If there is no guess, the Witch King must know medicine.

Witch king, woman, medical skill.

It seems that something is going to break out in her mind.

Surname Qi...

Qi Ruoshui!

However, there is no basis for it... She cannot rely on these guesses to say that Qi Ruo is the Witch King.

“After Ye Yaoyao returned to Kyoto?” Ye Hao asked quietly.

"She stayed in the village in the suburbs, the goddess, rest assured, the people under him have been following her." Shen said.

Ye Hao said, "If you find that she is going to find Qi Ruoshui, I will tell the palace immediately."

She has no reason not to doubt Qi Ruoshui, but what she can't figure out is that if the Witch King is Qi Ruoshui, what is she going to Kyoto for?

Does Qi Ruoshui not know that she will be suspected when she appears like this?

"Red dragonfly, go to the medical officer." Ye Hao told me.

Qi Qi is not in the palace. In order to prevent Qi Ruoshui from going to see Qi Ziyu, she has been guarding at home for the past two days. However, she did not see Qi Ruoshui again.

"Xiu Gu, you bring your nephew back to Niujiacun." Qi Tong found Xiu Gu over and said his request in silence.

"Miss, why?" Xiu Gu did not understand, it is not easy to enter the Niujia Village and want to come out again. Isn't the young lady planning to meet her nephew for a lifetime?

Qi Qi said, "I have no choice. Xiu Gu, if the water is no longer the previous water, she will definitely not come back to see her. I am worried that she will hurt this child and let him go to Niujia Village, the village. The person will look at him for me."

Xiu Gu’s tears filled her eyes. “Miss, let’s go, what do you do?”

"I want to stay, I have no face to go back to Niujiacun." Qi Yu whispered, "Don't say more, squatting Qi Ruoshui hasn't thought of nephew yet, you are going with your nephew."

"Miss..." Xiu Gu came down to Qi Shantou. "We are gone, you must take care."

Qi Yan wiped away the tears in his eyes. "I will take care of myself. You too, don't talk too much with your nephew. Let him leave and say."

If the nephew knows that he wants to leave his grandmother, he will certainly not agree to go.

Xiu Gu endured the sadness.

Qi Qi was saddened by tears in the house, thinking about going to sneak a sneak peek at the door, only to walk out of the door, I heard that the palace would ask her to go in.

Yeah, even if you go to see it, you can't change the facts, so you don't have to worry about sending your nephew away.

Qi Qi and his teeth followed the red dragon into the palace.

"Mother, I don't know what you are looking for under the official?" Qi Yi took a ritual, but he knew that the Queen's Empress was looking for her. That should be related to Qi Ruoshui and Huangfu.

"Qi medical officer, there is something in this palace that I am confused. I hope you can give me the answer." Ye Hao looked at Qi Wei and saw her red, red and swollen eyes. It seemed that she should cry a lot. Since she knew the medical officer, I have always felt that this is a strong and calm elder, and it is definitely not a trivial matter that can make her cry.

Qi Qi whispered back, "Mother, please."

"This palace wants to know what happened between you and your daughter?" Ye Hao whispered. "The medical officer, Master's thing is still not a little eyebrows. The only clue is the priest's house. Why is Qi Ruoshui? Was taken to the priest's house, this palace does not believe it is because of her medical skills, you are her mother, what happened in the past, you should be the clearest."

"Animal, this... is it related?" Qi Yan's face changed, she said what she said, it was a knife to poke her heart.

Ye Hao looked at Qi Yan deeply. "Because the palace does not want to doubt Qi Ruoshui, it does not want to kill innocent people."

Although Qi Qi hated Qi Ruoshui, she did not think that she would die. After all, she was her own daughter. When she heard Ye Hao’s words, her face became pale, and she knew that... as long as Qi Ruoshui came back, some things would not hold back. .

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