Thirty years ago, Qi Hao saved his cousin, but he did not know the identity of the other party. When he fell in love with him, he knew that he was the emperor. She wanted to persuade him to refuse to return to her. In the village, she had to come to Kyoto with her big belly. She said that her husband was dead. After she gave birth to Qi Ruo, she did not mention the imperial concubine. Qi Ruoshui always thought that her father was dead.

When Qi Ruoshui was sixteen years old, he met the emperor and he was embarrassed. Although he had passed the age of the past, the emperor would be clear and beautiful, mature and steady, and suddenly attracted Qi Ruoshui’s heart. The girl’s Huaichun always loves, not to mention Huangfu. Although I love it deeply, I can’t love it in my life. It’s inevitable that I will be indulgent in emotions. Qi Ruoshui is so fascinating. How can he resist it and turn a few gaze with affection. He will push the boat to the water. In the arms.

Qi Ruoshui, who has never experienced the love of men and women, is naturally eager for the first time. She is eager to marry her when she waits, and she knows that his favorite person is someone else, she suddenly wakes up, she loves strong. I also hate it, and after several trials, I know that the person I like is the Xiliang Wuwang, but I am ambiguous about his attitude. I refuse to be with him and let him worry every time. Not valid.

Qi Ruoshui left to leave for the imperial concubine, desperate to want to conceive his child... It was also at this time that Qi Wei discovered her wrong, and she was put under house arrest and forced to ask Qi Ruoshui to fall in love with a man. And she has already had a dark knot, and she is so angry that she can't help, so she has to let the man come to the door to raise a kiss.

Huangfu is loved but embarrassed, but he can think of Qi Ruoshui, a little girl who is desperate for him to die, and he plans not to go back to Xiliang, let people bring a gift to the door, and he meets Qi Qi, both of them are holding back It is.

He had originally hoped that Qi Ruoshui was not his daughter. He could see that Qi Qi could not wait to hate his eyes. He finally knew what kind of mistakes his own tyrants had committed, and he fled overnight.

Qi Ruoshui knows that Huangfu is her father. She is even more mad at vomiting blood. She hates to die and hides her truth about her father. The relationship between mother and daughter has changed from intimate to incompetent.

Qi Qi forced Qishui to kill the children, Qi Ruoshui refused, she said that Qi Qi will live in his life and blame himself, and he must be hurt every day to the grandson.

After giving birth to Qi Ziyu, Qi Ruoshui was sent to the Xiliang by the people of Qi, and since then, Qi Qien has broken the meaning.

"..." Ye Hao couldn't describe the shock in her heart at this time. She guessed the various reasons that caused her mother and daughter to turn against each other, but did not think that it was actually... she felt that she had experienced very strange, but never heard of it. Such a horrible thing.

Qi Qi knows that this incident will make people feel shocked and disdainful, but she knows better. If she doesn't say it, the queen will doubt Qi Ruoshui. When it is time, she will not help Achen, but will also let Qi Ruoshui guilty.

"The niece, I have said what I said." Qi Tong’s voice seemed to be a lot older. "I originally wanted to bring it to the coffin. I don't want to mention it again."

Ye Hao sighed in her heart, and with Qi Qi’s words, it was a solution to her doubts about the alignment of the water.

The people who wanted to take Qi Ruoshui in the past were embarrassed, but they should do so for the emperor.

"This palace will not mention this to anyone..." Ye Hao aligns and promises, "You can rest assured that no one knows this except the palace."

"Thank you for the goddess." Qi Qi down the ceremony, "The goddess, if she can't be the Witch King, she was kind and sincere, just... just being tired of me."

Ye Hao is now aligning with water for a bit of sympathy, but she does not think that Qi Ruoshui’s life can clean up all the suspicions.

"Qi medical officer, this palace will not marry her." Ye Hao said that she will certainly find out all the truth and then determine whether Qi Ruoshui is not a witch.



When I left Kyoto, I was alone in this quiet courtyard.

She didn't feel lonely at all, but she enjoyed herself enjoying the sun in the yard.

"I have been in Kyoto for a few days. Are you still planning to leave?" A corner of the man suddenly came out of a strangely dressed man, watching his service did not want Jin Guo people.

This man is called an unknown name and is one of the protection methods of Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui’s eyes are enjoying the warm sunshine. “Things haven’t been done yet, how to leave?”

"You just come back like this, can't anyone doubt it?" No name asked, the emperor of the kingdom of the country is so smart, he will certainly doubt the identity of Qi Ruoshui, and he is afraid that they will not be able to leave here in the future.

"I didn't intend to cover up." From Qi Ruoshui's single-mindedness, she had already stepped into the camp. Lu Yan would suspect that she was a witch king. It was in her arrangement. If it wasn't for her deliberate exposure, No one in Qilian will know.

Anonymous looked at her. "You are playing with fire and self-immolation. From various investigations, Murong Cham and Lu Yan are not simple people. Ye Yaoyao is almost tortured into a waste."

Qi Ruoshui raised his eyebrows. "What about Ye Yaoyao?"

"In the suburbs, the appearance has been destroyed, I want to ask you to heal her." No name said.

"Let's let her go back to Xiliang, she is also for me." Qi Ruoshui said warmly, "Lu Hao will inevitably send someone to stare at her, let her not come to me, Lu Hao has not been hooked. ”

The nameless does not understand what the master is thinking. "You said that only Lu Hao can make Huangfu change his mind, but what does it mean now?"

Qi Ruoshui smiled faintly. "If you didn't guess wrong, Lu Hao should know my life at this time, and see what she is going to do next."

"Lu Yizhi is already on the road, and Mr. Jing is in the military camp. The war between us and Jin Guo can no longer be defeated."

"Let him wait, wait for Lu Hao to go out of the palace, we can leave." Qi Ruoshui said that since there is no time, then leave early, I would have liked to tease the self-made little girl.

"If she does not leave the palace, are we not waiting forever?" No name asked, he worried that there would be trouble waiting to continue.

Qi Ruoshui shook his head gently. "She will not leave the palace, then she will lead her out of the palace."

"How do you lead her out of the palace?" asked the nameless frown.

"Then I borrowed my mother." Qi Ruoshui smiled, not that Lu Yu’s medical skills are brilliant? Then let her see and see.

Originally, she didn't want to come to Kyoto. She had no choice but to die. She had to start from his beloved apprentice.

No name, whispered, "The little master..."

Qi Ruoshui said, "I will use him for a while, and then you will take him away."

"Yes, the Witch King."

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