Qi has become a medical officer for several decades. In the middle, she did not know how many incurable diseases. Even if she could not be called a doctor, she would never be in a bad position, but she was helpless when she was treating her grandson.

"Miss, my nephew hasn't woken up yet." After a night, Xiu Gu has woke up, but Qi Ziyu still sleeps.

"No... Xiu Gu, what happened in the end? Did anyone meet on the road?" Qi Hao did not sleep all night, the whole person looked very embarrassed, she could think of all the way, and all that should be done However, my nephew still did not wake up.

Xiu Gu said, "No, after leaving Kyoto, the slaves did not dare to delay the journey with the nephew. It was good to have a nephew. I don’t know how to feel uncomfortable at night. It doesn’t look like the sickness. The slaves invited. Doctor, the doctor said that it didn't get in the way. It was just tired. He drank a bowl of tranquil medicine. The young master burst into tears in the middle of the night and said that he was uncomfortable. It didn't take long to faint..."

Qi Qi feels that there must be something in the middle. "Is the medicine prescribed by the doctor?"

"The doctor did not dare to use the sacred slaves, or the ones that the lady gave me." Xiu Gu said.

Since it is not a problem with medicine, what is the problem?

If I don't wake up again... There is a panic in my heart, and she feels that her pulse is getting weaker and weaker.

"You go to Qi Ruo water and let her come." Qi Wei said.

Xiu Gu nodded, yes, if the water girl doctor is also very powerful, "slave this."

Qi Ruoshui had already been at home in the middle of the show. When Xiu Gu took Qi Zikai to leave Kyoto, she received news that if Qi Zikai was taken back to Niujia Village, everything she did would be meaningless.

So she let the nameless way to find a way to leave Qi Zikai, as long as Qi Zizhen can not return to Niujia Village, it must go back to Kyoto, although it is to make this child suffer, but it does not matter, she is here, she will definitely let him recover As early as.

The arrival of Xiu Gu was in her expectation. I heard that it was the incidence of Qi Zikai. She also showed just the right tension and immediately went to Xiu Gu with her family.

Although Qi Qi is not like Qi Ruoshui, she knows Qi Ruoshui’s medical skills. If she can save her children, she can bear it.

Qi Ruo Shui is not coming to quarrel with Qi Qi. Although she does not have much affection in aligning her son, she is born and will use him in the future. She naturally does not want him to die at this time.

It is not difficult to want to wake him up, he will be unconscious because of her medicine.

"I wasn’t good at seeing him last time? It’s only a few days, how did it become like this?” Qi Ruoshui asked almost questioningly.

Where did Xiugu endure to see Qi Qi being blamed, he immediately said, "If the water girl is a slave, it is not good. The slaves take the young master out and take care of him, so that he is sick again..."

Qi Ruoshui asked, "Where did you take him?"

"Slaves...slaves..." Xiu Gu looked at Qi Yan.

"I let Xiugu take the nephew to Niujiacun." Qi said faintly.

Qi Ruoshui looked shocked at Qi Qi, "Let your nephew go to Niujiacun? What do you mean by this? I haven't let him go back for so many years, I am back, will you send him away?"

"Now the world is about to be chaotic, let him go back to Niujia Village for his good." Qi Wei whispered.

"You..." Qi Ruoqi sneered, "I have written down, wait for me to wake up and then settle with you."

For the rescue of Qi Zikai, Qi Ruoshui has absolute self-confidence. In order to show her concern for her son, she even went to cook the medicine personally, and personally fed him to drink. After half an hour, Qi Zikai definitely woke up.

Qi Qi saw that she was so concerned about her children, and she hated her hatred for so many years.

"Can you cure the sickness of your nephew?" Qi Qi asked, after all, she has been cured of her children so far. I thought it would be okay to have not been ill for so many years. Who knows that it was only a few days after leaving Kyoto.

"Since I don't believe me, why should I find me?" Qi Ruoshui sneered, she came to believe in her medical skills, not to mention Qi Zizhen or her hands and feet fainted.

Qi Yan glanced at her and looked down at Qi Zikai.

Time passed a little bit, and Qi Zikai still did not wake up.

It seems that it is almost half an hour...

Qi Ruo water does not leave a trace of eyebrows, impossible, in terms of efficacy, Qi Zikai should be awake.

"The disease of the child is brought from the mother's womb." Qi Yu said softly.

"What do you want to say?" Qi Ruoshui did not inquire about the news of Qi Zikai, knowing that he was weak and sick from an early age.

Qi Yan looked at her with no expression. "Because his origin is not normal, he has a natural illness. No matter what method is used, there is no way to make him heal."

Referring to Qi Yan’s origins, Qi Ruoshui turned his head. “Don’t you say that the Queen’s Empress has cured his illness?”

Seeing the reaction of Qi Ruoshui, she thought that this was a manifestation of guilty conscience, Qi Qi said softly, "I have not relapsed for many years."

Is Lu Yu’s medical skills so good? Qi Ruoshui does not agree.

After another hour, Qi Zikai’s face was not as ugly as before, but still did not wake up.

Qi Qi stood up. "I went to the palace to ask for the goddess."

Said, she wants to bend down to pick up Qi Zi.

"Where do you want to hug him?" Qi Ruoshui immediately organized her to ask.

"Now only the Queen's medical skills can save him, I have to go to the Queen." Qi Yan immediately said.

Qi Ruoshui said, "The deaf children are already weak like this. You want him to go outside and bump. Do you think that the people in the palace will let you take him in? Don't say to see the queen, but have not been in the palace." Out."

Qi Qi thought that it was the palace, the palace was guarded, how could she let her take a patient into the palace.

Then you can only ask the Queen Empress to go out of the palace...

"You look at your nephew, I am in the palace." Qi Wei said, and he did not go back out of the house.

For the sake of her, for the sake of her survival, she must ask the Queen to save him.

When the Queen was able to let Qi Zikai not be ill for many years, he would certainly be able to wake him up.

Ye Hao in the palace is still thinking about when Qi Ruoshui is called into the palace, and the sound of Qi Qiuqiu is heard outside.

When Qi Qi came in, he was kneeling in front of Ye Hao. "The maiden, ask the maiden to save the grandson of the lower official!"

Ye stunned, "Qi medical officer, what happened? Get up and talk."

"Mother, do you remember that you saved the grandson of the lower official a few years ago? Thanks to the goddess, he has not had a good disease in the past few years. The first two **** let the next person take him out and walk. I didn’t expect it to happen. I haven’t woken up for two days in a coma. The goddess, your bodhisattva, asks you to save the grandson of the lower official...”

Ye Hao certainly remembers that it was the child she had treated with Lingquan for the first time, or the nephew of Huangfu.

"Qi medical officer, you get up first, this palace will go out with you." Ye Hao whispered.

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