Qi Ruo water frowns and looks at Qi Zhe, who is still sleeping, why is this? According to her plan, Qi Zikai should have woken up at this time. She made the nameless on him not dangerous, but she was temporarily comatose. Now she has given him medicine to understand why she has not woken up yet?

Xiu Gu saw that she had been frowning, thinking that she was worried about her children, and she said, "If you are a girl, don't worry, the slaves will hear that the Queen's wife is a good doctor, and she will be able to cure her."

Lu Hao’s medical skills are brilliant? Didn't her medical skills learn from the medical school a few years ago? It’s awesome that Huangfu taught some things. It’s hard to be a **** doctor in the past few years. What an amazing talent?

Her medical skills in Qishui’s waters have already reached the peak in this world. It is impossible for anyone to be more powerful than her. Can Lu’s little girl be able to reverse the sky?

"What did the child look like when she was sick?" Qi Ruoshui asked softly, when she gave birth to a baby, she was taken away. She only knew that he was born with dark diseases. As for what disease, she is not very good. Clear, but don't know what it is like when it happens.

Xiu Gu said, "When I was a child, I would convulse on the ground like a sheep. If I saw it in time, I would stop it. If I couldn’t stop it, I would be in a coma for three days and three nights. The lady spent a lot of time not detecting what the disease was, or it was a loss. At that time, the Queen of the Empress, she cured her nephew."

Qi Ruo water blinks slightly, is Lu Hao really so powerful? She sat down again and gave Qi Zizhen the pulse. The pulse was not abnormal. What caused him to not wake up yet?

Suspicious, there was a slight noise from outside, and Qi Qi pushed the door in. She leaned sideways and let Ye Hao come in.

Ye Hao only wears ordinary clothes, and she is so simple that she can't associate her with the identity of the Queen Empress, but even so, her back to the sun, she is still beautiful and beautiful.

Although Qi Ruoshui is a little older than Ye Hao, she sees an uncontrollable derivation of the urge to destroy than the young girl who is not inferior to her own.

Although she was disdainful in her heart, she couldn’t move her face, and she squatted down like a sister.

Ye Hao let them all flat, and Qi Qi came to Qi Zikai's side.

"Before the coma, is the child crazy again?" Ye Hao couldn't attend to observe Qi Ruoshui's expression at this time. She put all her thoughts on Qi Zikai's condition.

Xiu Gu said, "Go back to the goddess, the young master is always good before he falls asleep."

Ye Hao gently nodded, while giving Qi Zi a pulse, "He is not old and re-issued."

"What kind of illness does the goddess think he is?" Qi Ruoshui asked softly, trying to make his tone sound less provocative.

"This pulse..." Ye Hao frowned. "Is it wrong to take what medicine and his original condition."

Qi Ruoshui’s look was tight and she could barely maintain her disguise. “What are you talking about?”

Ye Hao looked back at her. "The illness of the child is unusual, not all drugs can be used."

"Xiu Gu?" Qi Yan was shocked to see Xiu Gu, Xiu Gu was watching the children grow up, it is clear that the children can not eat what to touch.

"Miss, the meal of the young master is my own, and I will never let him eat something that should not be eaten." Xiu Gu immediately said.

Qi Ruoshui glanced at Ye Hao with a glance, and the speed was almost undetectable. "Just eating something that should not be eaten, it will be awake?"

"Well, there is such a possibility." Ye Hao gently nodded, this is what she saw in the medical book in the collection tower. The pulse of Qi Zikai is very similar to that described in the book.

In addition to what I saw in the book, Ye Hao also felt a strange guide. It seems that it is not necessary to take the pulse. Just look at the patient and know what the other person is.

I didn’t feel this way before. It seems to be related to her understanding of the phoenix in the sea. With the growth of the phoenix, her spirits are more and more, and the old and old bowls have become a wellhead, and the surrounding green areas are also More and more, the herbs she tried to grow inside even grew better than the medicine fields in the medical museum, and the efficacy was more useful.

This so-called space... is simply her anti-day help.

"Anniling?" Qi Qi sees Ye Hao silent, thinking that it is not only how to heal the deaf children, for a moment sadness is difficult to ban, tears come out, and the voice is sobbing.

Ye Hao returned to God and looked at Qi Qi. "Qi medical officer, don't worry, although it is more difficult, but for the time being, there is no worry."

Qi Ruoshui’s heart was a little shocked. This little girl just checked the pulse and knew why her child was in a coma. Has her medical skills been so fascinated?

No, she doesn't believe she will lose to a little girl who is less than twenty years old.

"Red dragonfly, take the medicine box." Ye Hao whispered to the red dragonfly. Now she doesn't have to guard against the use of Lingquan. The herbs she planted in the space are all poured out with Lingquan. Spring has the same effect, as long as it uses her herbs, it is more effective than using Lingquan.

"The niece, you wrote the prescription, the lower official let people take medicine." Qi said.

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "It seems that I have a lot of useful medicines in my medicine box, but I don't need to go out to take medicine."

The red cockroach took the medicine box. This medicine box is a treasure chest specially made by Ye Hao. There are more than a dozen plaids in the medicinal materials. Although the amount is not much, it is enough.

Qi Ruoshui saw that all of her medicines were commonly seen, and my heart became more suspicious. Can this make Qi Zikai wake up?

"You are here too." Ye Hao let the red cockroaches go down to cook the medicine, and this looks at Qi Ruoshui, who has been silent for a while.

In fact, Ye Hao is clear. If you don’t go to the palace today, please ask her to come out. I’m afraid that Qi Zi’s life will not wake up. People who are sick are most afraid of being contaminated with things. Moreover, Qi Zi’s birth is a dark disease, but it’s even more careful. Raising, if her medicinal herbs are nourished by the spirits, whether it is Qi Qi or Qi Ruo Shui, it is impossible to save him.

Qi Ruoshui whispered, "Xiu Gu went to me and said that he was sick, and I rushed over, but I was helpless, or the doctors were brilliant."

She said so in her mouth, still do not believe in her heart, is Lu Hao really better than her?

The red dragonfly soon cooked the medicine, and he fed Qizi a little bit, and she looked at her grandson nervously. If she didn't wake up again, she really didn't know what to do.

After half an hour, Qi Zikai's eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes.

Qi Ruoshui did not look at him, and looked at Ye Hao slightly.

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