Qi Zikai woke up undoubtedly to let the stone of Qi Xin’s heart fall down. The most let her heart has been put down, she finally calmed down and began to think about why Qi Zizhen would encounter something that should not be touched. However, Xiu Gu has always said that he has not met other people, which makes Qi Qi more and more confused.

"Since he has nothing to do, then I will go back first." Qi Ruo water said faintly.

Because she did not consider that Qi Zongqi's congenital diseases would be related to her drugs, she was disrupted by the plan, and her heart was not irritated, but now she can't get angry.

She originally wanted to use this to blame and care for the injustice. By the way, she would take Qi Ziyu away. Anyway, she would have to use it in the future, and bring it to Xiliang as soon as possible, saving her from being destroyed in the future. plan of.

Taking Qi Zikai away, she can do the latter thing.

Qi Qi did not intend to leave Qi Ruoshui. She did not want her children to know her own life. Therefore, when she heard that Qi Ruoshui volunteered to leave, she immediately nodded. "Good."

There is still suspicion that Ye Hao is aligning with water. Today, the change in her face is seen by her. She and Qi Ruoshui have left the room. "Is it going to stay in Kyoto?"

Qi Ruoshui heard the question of Ye Hao behind him and turned his head and smiled. "I am afraid that it is not easy to stay."

"How did you meet Mr. Huang Wei?" asked Ye Hao.

"Accidentally met." Qi Ruoshui whispered that she spent half a year trying to find the whereabouts of Huangfu, and finally found him. She did not say anything. He has already said the words of rejection. It seems that she has long known that she is Check him and know what she wants to do.

No matter what method she used, she couldn't let Huangfu nod to agree with what she wanted to do. In this case, she had to find one who would let him nod to accompany him.

This person is Lu Hao.

Ye Hao faintly raised his eyebrows. Obviously, he was not very convinced of the accidental encounter in Qi Ruo Shuikou. "Is there such a clever thing?"

Qi Ruoshui smiled and seemed to be reluctant to say too much. "Yeah, we haven't seen it for many years. I almost didn't recognize it. He walked almost every day all year round. It's not easy to meet. He was originally I want to go back to Kyoto, it’s just me... I didn’t dare come back at that time."

Don't dare come back? Is it afraid of face alignment and Qizi?

“Why don’t you go back to Kyoto with Mr. Huangfu?” Ye Hao asked, she still had to know what to pretend in front of Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui looked up at Ye Hao and said, "I don't come back because of the knot, Ah Chen doesn't come back... probably not dare, afraid of it."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, vaguely understood the meaning of Qi Ruoshui, she smiled and said to the water, "If you stay in Kyoto, you are willing to go to the medical workshop to help the palace to do things?"

"What?" Qi Ruoshui stunned, she was really surprised, Lu Yan actually asked her to go to the hospital to do things? Did she have any doubts about herself?

"When the medical clinic is reopened, it is precisely when people are needed. This palace has heard that you used to be a student of the medical museum. If you can help in the medical clinic, then the palace will be much easier." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Qi Ruo water almost sneered out, she is a majestic king of the Xiliang country, to a small doctor as a doctor?

"It is my pleasure to be able to get the lift of the goddess, just..." Qi Ruoshui glanced at Ye Hao and looked at him. Qi Qi estimated that she would not let her stay.

"As long as you want to go to the hospital, you don't have to worry about other things." Ye Hao said softly.

"The girl wants me to think about it for two days." Qi Ruoshui said, then he looked at Ye Xun with a hesitant face. "Where is the girl, is there any news of Achen?"

When it comes to Huangfu, Ye Haoxiu’s eyebrows have been slightly stunned. It has been so many days, and there is still no news of him.

"Actually..." Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao again and again.

Ye Hao blinked slightly. "What is it?"

Qi Ruo water bit his teeth and shook his head hard. "Nothing, I still have things, please ask the goddess to forgive."

After that, she turned and hurried away.

Ye Xie looked at her back in confusion, this Qi Ruo water... Is it still hiding something?

"Anniling..." Qi Yan walked out from behind. "Do you still want Qi Ruoshui to go to the hospital?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded, so that he could find out more clearly.

Qi Wei had just thought about it for a long time in peace. She didn't want to suspect Qi Rushui because of her illness. But she knows her daughter too much. This thing has nothing to do with her. Can you believe it?

"Odd girl, this is probably not very good." Qi Wei said, she is skeptical of Qi Ruoshui, but she dare not tell her suspicion to the Queen, even if she hates Qi Ruo water gave birth to a child, hate her not to say goodbye, but... ...in her heart, she is embarrassed. If she didn't want to mention the emperor, she wouldn't deliberately say that he was dead. How could Qi Ruoshui do something wrong?

Yes, the most wrong person is her, so she still inevitably maintains Qi Ruoshui.

Ye Hao said, "This palace is a proposal. As for Qi Ruoshui, will it be promised, then let her be."

Qi Qi felt that Qi Ruoshui would not agree. She gave Ye Hao a ritual. "The maiden, you are the savior of the nephew. The lower official really doesn't know how to thank you."

"Qi medical officer said that if he said this, he would see it outside." Ye Hao said with a smile. "It is a good thing to wake up, and I have to pay attention to raising my body. It will be better in a few days."

"Thank you for the goddess." Qi Yu said sincerely.

Ye Hao left two packs of medicine, let Qi Qi cook him once a day, and then he was ready to go back to the palace.

On the carriage, Ye Hao is still thinking about Qi Ruoshui, who appeared in Qijia today.

“Do you see any difference in Qi Ruo water?” Ye Hao’s finger gently tapped the wall.

Hung Hom said, "She doesn't look like an ordinary woman, but..."

"But she didn't have the fear of her showing in her eyes. She didn't have any fear of this palace, let alone respect it." Ye Hao said faintly.

If Qi Ruoshui is really an ordinary woman who escapes from the priest's house, when she sees the queen, it should not be like this.

"Mother, are you suspecting her?" asked Red Dragon.

Ye Hao has been skeptical about Qi Ruo Shui, but she let Shen Shen track them for so long, but there is no result at all, or she is suspicious, or the disguise of Qi Ruoshui is more powerful than she imagined.

"When I mentioned Mr. Huangfu today, her look was too strange. The palace suspected that she still had concealment." Ye Hao said softly, "Maybe I will know who she is."

If she can't check it out, she will let Qi Ruoshui temporarily live in the supervision office.

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