Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 888: Didn’t come for a few days

"What did you do in the alignment?" Qi Ruoshui immediately called out the nameless. She did not believe that her medical skills were problematic, and she did not admit that she would be worse than Lu Hao.

The nameless said, "The subordinates are doing things according to what you told, there is no point difference."

Qi Ruoshui relies on the soft couch. The nameless one is brought out by her hand. Since he said that there is no difference, there must be no mistakes. He can only blame her for not knowing the illness of Qi Zikai. If it is not Lu Wei, it is estimated that Qi Ziyu will dying.

"Witch King, what happened?" No name has never seen such a heavy face on Qi Ruoshui's face. He thought it was something.

Qi Ruoshui whispered, "I didn't let my nephew wake up today, but Lu Hao did it easily. I don't know her medical skills are so powerful."

"Lu Yan has been with him since he was a child, but he has not seriously studied medicine, or he has become a medical woman after entering the medical concept. Her medical skills cannot be compared with you in just a few years." Nameless said.

"I think so too, but Lu Hao makes me look at each other." Qi Ruoshui said softly, "I always feel that this Lu Hao is not so simple to see, Qi Zizhen's illness can not be cured, she What did you do?"

Anonymous looked at her. "You still intend to guess the mystery with Lu Hao in Kyoto? Finished Yan Xi has returned to Xiliang, and will take Tuobayuan away. If you don't go back to stop, the position of Xiliang Wang will fall. In his hands."

Qi Ruoshui's face sank, and it took her so long to control the Xiliang Dynasty. If she was finished at this time, she would kill her and she would simply go to suicide.

"Then be ready to leave." Qi Ruoshui said, "But before you leave, you must bring Lu Hao."

"Unless the first to lead her out of the palace, but also to leave the dark guards who are now outside us, otherwise it is not easy to take her away." No name said.

Qi Ruoshui smiled and said, "This is not difficult. I can do it again by taking her out of the palace."

"What are you going to do?" asked no name.

"After grievances, I’m going to swear." Qi Ruoshui said.

Anonymously glanced at her, the Witch King was really indifferent, and she was born, but she was not soft-hearted, as if it were just a chess piece.

Qi Ruoshui whispered, she was never afraid to do anything, not to mention that there are still many people in Kyoto who were placed in the house six months ago. It is very difficult to take Lulu to leave Kyoto, but no matter what How much is the price, in order to let Huangfu nod, she must take Lu Hao away.

After listening to the instructions of Qi Ruoshui, the nameless just whispered, "I will prepare."



Ye Hao returned to the palace and was about to let people call the sinking, but found that Murong Zhan, who had not seen it for a few days, was waiting for her in the dormitory. Her eyes flashed with joy and immediately put everything else down.

She hasn't seen him for a few days, and he is busy with things in the past.

"When did you come?" Ye Hao plunged into his arms, although not as long as he could not see each other for three days, but in the end it was not seen for several days, how could she not want to be in her heart.

Murong Chong took this big baby in his arms. He didn't see her for a few days. His heart was empty and it was not real. He managed to take time out. He didn't expect it to be empty, and the little girl went out to the palace.

"I have just been here for a while, where have you gone?" Murong Chan whispered, and the dark, sly scorpion looked at her sly smile, and her heart was inexplicable.

It’s been so long, every time I see her there is still the feeling of being like the first time.

Ye Hao whispered a small mouth. "The grandson of the medical officer had an accident, and asked me to go out to save him. I originally wanted to tell you, afraid to disturb you."

Murong Chan lifted her chin, bowed her head and kissed her, untied her robes and held his favorite nephrite. "Would you like it?"

"Think." He knew her body too well, knowing where it was her most sensitive place, and she was all softened when she touched it.

“How much do you think?” Murong Cham’s voice was dumb, and the thoughts of the past few days were all vented at this time.

He asked her three times in a row, until she finally let her go outside at night.

The room was already dark, and the outside palace lady did not dare to come in and listen to the lights.

"Bastard!" Ye Hao's voice was so dumb, he was too embarrassed, she could not help but beg for mercy, but he also deliberately slowly plucked her, so that she almost could not control the sound, really... Never been so indulgent.

Ink Murray shouted, and Ye Hao took the bed from the soft couch and let the outside palace lady come in.

There is a lavish smell everywhere in the sleeping hall.

Hung Hom and Emei lowered their heads and lit the floor lamps in all corners. They didn't dare to look at them more and watched other palace ladies go to the water.

There are two new ladies who are flushed to lift the water. They never know that the emperor and the queen are so loving. It is no wonder that the emperor does not see other women...

Murong Zhan went to bathe with a weak leafhopper and looked at the red lips that he kissed. He actually came again.

In the red 准备 prepared for dinner, I heard the sound coming from inside, and I pulled a few times in my mouth and went out with my head down.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao couldn't bear to take a bite on his shoulder.

Murong Zhan had kissed her cheek and took her out. When they re-dressed and sat down for dinner, it was already mid-day.

Ye Hao was so tired that he was lazy, and he was holding a bite in his arms and feeding her.

"It's really more and more delicate." Murong Zhan always knew that she was too delicate, as long as he used force to spoil, she did not know, the more this made him unable to let her go.

However, he just wants to spoil her, and he is good with him every day. He likes it.

"Where I am squeamish, it is clear that you do not know how to control." Ye Hao said.

Murong laughed softly and whispered. "I haven't seen you for a few days. If you can control it, you have a problem."

Ye took a look at him. He didn't look at her for a few days. She had let her go except for her little days. If he was here, when was he temperate?

Small days? Ye Hao suddenly remembered something, as if... she forgot about it.

"What's wrong?" Murong Zhan saw her face suddenly white, and thought she was uncomfortable, and hurriedly held her in her arms to check.

The leaves swallowed and swallowed, "Azhan, a small day..."

Murong Zhan glanced low, "Is the day coming?"

"No..." Ye Hao shook his head immediately. "It seems... I haven't been here for a few days."

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