Ye Hao’s small days have always been very accurate, so it’s rare to postpone a few days. Murong Zhan has a moment of embarrassment. People without experience are like this. They don’t realize what the delay of the small days represents.

"I didn't come when I didn't come, what's the matter." Murong Zhan said with a smile, not taking it for granted. If she came today, he can only hold her today and can't do anything.

Ye Hao bit his lip and glanced at him. He whispered in his ear. "I used to be very punctual in my childhood, but it has been a few days this month."

He was very clear about her little days, so she didn't understand what her nervousness was for. He looked at her awkwardly. Is this dissatisfied with him?

"It’s stupid!" Ye Hao snorted, "I will tell you in a few days."

Ye Hao is not sure whether he is pregnant or waiting for him to say goodbye.

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her on the lips. "Tell me what?"

"What are you busy with these days?" Ye Hao hooked his fingers and asked softly, not wanting him to ask more questions. If Bai was happy, it would be more boring.

"Your brother made people heard the news, Xiliang is already ready to go to war. This time, the North Ming Kingdom should be with the Xiliang Alliance. However, Wan Yanxi has already gone to Tuoba Xuanyuan, if he can take it down. Xiliang’s royal power, many things may be different.” Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao did not expect her to be negligent for a few days, so many things have happened on the wasteland.

"Will Yan Xi is not in the military camp?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, she thought that Yan Yan would not return to Xiliang so easily.

"This should be your brother's idea. I also feel that if he can return to the West to regain the kingship, it will be harmless to us." Murong Zhan said faintly, "The only thing that still makes you feel uneasy is that it is a cool witch." Wang still has no news."

In fact, Murong Chong is not more concerned about the wilderness. He believes that Ye Yinan and Tang Yin are not a problem at all, because he has already determined that Murong Yu is the owner of Qianluo.

Although he had already guessed the relationship between Murong Yu and Thousands of Risars before, but now he is sure, he is still somewhat angry.

What made him unacceptable was that Murong had once chased and killed Ye Hao. On this point, he would not let go of Qian Luo, then he and Murong will become enemies.

Originally he planned to find out the identity of Murong Yu and told Ye Hao, but now he can not say anything.

Ye Hao said, "With my brother and Tang Yan, the wasteland should not be a problem."

Murong Zhan smiled and touched her head. "Yes, don't worry."

He is still holding the identity of Murong Yu for the time being. Although Ye Hao did not say anything, he is very clear that Murong Yu has not only saved her life, but also used her when she needed help most. Murong It’s definitely not a stranger, but what is the purpose of Murong’s approach to Ye Hao? If it is really as affectionate as he has shown, what is the killing of the killer of Thousands of Rakshasa?

If Murong Yu first saved Ye Xie for another purpose... Mo Rong Zhan was so cold that he would not let Murong Yu.

Ye Hao was all on the reason that her little days had not come yet, so she did not notice the look of Murong Chong. The two used dinner to go out for a walk and eat away. Ye Hao didn’t take long to feel tired and went back to the dormitory. I fell asleep.

On the following day, Murong Zhan went to the early morning. When he saw the memorial in the royal study room, he suddenly asked the Fugonggong with a whim. "What is the reason for the women's small days to be postponed for a few days?"

Fu Gong was just adding silver and charcoal. When I heard this, almost everyone hit the fire, ah? what? !

Did he hear it wrong? Are you just being possessed by you?

"Oh, I am asking you!" Murong Chong asked in a hurry.

Fu Gonggong swallowed his throat and cautiously replied, "The emperor, then...should it be pregnant?"

The ink pen in the hand of Murong Cham, "What do you say? Say it again!"

"The slaves...the slaves are also heard, they should be pregnant..." Fu Gonggong was in tears in his heart, what happened to the emperor today, shouldn’t this question be asked by the doctor? He is an eunuch! Eunuch!


Murong Zhan remembered what Ye Hao’s expression was for last night. She was afraid of letting him relax, so dare not say it?

He suddenly couldn't sit still, and immediately stood up. "Go to the Queen!"

"The emperor, the goddess, she went out of the palace..."



Ye Hao has been thinking about her lack of punctuality in her small days, so when she got up in the morning, she immediately asked her to come to the royal doctor. The doctor did not take care of herself. She did not give herself a pulse.

Gong Yuan sentenced to come to Ye Hao for peace every month. I heard that the Queen's Empress invited him today. He was a little surprised. He thought that it was the Queen's Empress. What was wrong with him, he was relieved.

However, this pulse... seems to be a little slippery.

But there is some uncertainty.

"The Niangniang, the lower official first asked a few questions about Hung Hom." Gong Yuan whispered, he can not ask the Queen Empress your small days can be on time.

The red dragonfly is the clearest day of Ye Hao. She has long suspected that she is pregnant. Now, when she hears the sentence from Gong Gong, the face is already difficult to hide.

Gong Yuan had a seven-point affirmation in his mind after the inquiry. However, the rules in the palace have not been fully grasped and cannot be said casually.

"Congratulations to the goddess, your pulse is a slippery pulse, but the days are still shallow, and some are not sure." Gong Yuan whispered.

Ye Hao is already in the heart, she nodded with a smile. "This palace understands that since the days are still too shallow, then don't preach it out for a while, wait until you are sure."

Gong Yuan judged that this was the queen's maiden who didn't want to be happy in the end. He also provoked the gossip of others. He immediately said, "Yes, the goddess, the maiden also asks... pay more attention to the body, and the next official will come over to you in a few days. Put the pulse."

The empress's maiden is pregnant, and the emperor's emphasis on the empress is definitely a big event in the palace.

"Good!" Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

After Gong Yuan’s decision to leave, Hung Hom looked at Ye Hao with some excitement. “Mother, have a little prince.”

"It will take a few more days to be completely sure." Ye Hao touched the lower abdomen, but there was already expectation in his eyes.

It was just when I was happy that Qi Qi rushed into the palace to see Ye Hao. It was Qi Zikai’s condition that had repeated changes.

When Ye Hao left yesterday, it was very certain that Qi Zikai would not have any more problems. When she heard Qi Qi, she felt that it was definitely wrong, and she went out with Qi Gong.

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