Qi Zikai's situation is still the same as before, because it was because he had eaten something wrong to aggravate his condition. Ye Hao re-applied him the medicine and observed that his face was getting better and he was talking to the tea room next to him.

"Qi medical officer, after the palace has gone, who else has ever visited the nephew?" Two consecutive times are caused by human damage, Ye Hao had to suspect people around Qi.

"No, I have always been the guardian." Qi Yan's face is gloomy. She doesn't know if someone is deliberately damaging, but what does that mean? If you want to die, you don't have to torture him like this.

Ye Hao looked at her. "Some words are not mentioned in this palace. You should also have a number in your heart. Your child's illness will not recur for no reason. You usually have not offended anyone. If you think about it, you should know who else you have. It will be like this to him."

Qi Qi said, "After you left yesterday, the lower official closed the door and thanked the guests. At home, there are only Xiu Gu and a few people. They have been with the next officer for many years and will not be awkward, let alone except Xiu Gu. No one has ever approached the nephew."

"That thing can't be imagined." Ye Hao said with a frown.

"I will investigate clearly." Qi Wei whispered that she had been suspected to be related to Qi Ruo water, but she did not come back after she left the water yesterday, unless she had the ability to sneak into the middle of the night. For the deaf children to take medicine.


Qi Qi’s face changed slightly. “Someone will deliberately harm the children in the middle of the night?”

"What is the purpose?" asked Ye Hao.

"...I don't know." Qi Yu was speechless, and her son was Qi Ruoshui's son. Is she going to be like this?

Ye Hao looked at her and glanced at her. "If you can't rest assured, take the nephew to the Royal Hospital. At least it is not easy to do anything in the palace."

"Thank you for the goddess." Qi Tong was grateful for the salute, if you want to escape Qi Ruoshui, it is the best choice to take the nephew to the palace.

"Qi medical officer, the child has already been like this, you have no doubt in your heart who caused it?" Ye Hao whispered.

Qi Yan’s face turned pale and bowed his head. “The lower official... there is no clue.”

Ye Hao gave her a deep look. "Well, since the nephew has already woken up, the palace still wants to go to the doctor's office and have a look."

"Yes..." Qi Yu was guilty. She was aligning with the water so that she could not tell the suspicion. Once she said it, she had a hunch that something she could not imagine.

Seeing that she still refuses to say anything, Ye Hao does not want to be reluctant, she can help so much.

Ye Hao left Qi family and sat in the carriage. There was a strange feeling in her heart. Who would align the child? What is the purpose?

"Mother, let's go to the hospital?" Hung Hom asked quietly.

"Well, let's take a look." Ye Hao said.

The carriage slowly moved forward, and the medical workshop was still some distance away from it, but it was not too far. It was almost the same way after going through the street.

"The goddess, the front seems to be Qi Ruoshui." Sitting on the window, the red dragonfly seemed to see a familiar figure through the curtain. She took a look at the curtain and was actually Qi Ruoshui.

Ye Hao remembered Qi Zikai and remembered many things that she was confused. She looked up and looked at Qi Ruoshui, who was walking aimlessly along the street, and whispered, "This palace wants to see a few words with Qi Ruoshui."

The carriage stopped at the side of Qi Ruoshui, and the red dragonfly hit the curtain and looked at her. "Qi girl, our wife invites you to get on the bus."

Qi Ruoshui’s face was still awkward, and he nodded for a moment. He held the carriage on the red dragonfly’s hand and saw Ye Hao in it. She showed a surprised look, “Anniling?”

Ye Hao looked at her with a smile. "How are you here?"

"I..." He smiled awkwardly. "I wanted to visit my nephew. I didn't dare to go in, so I was walking on this street."

"Why don't you dare to see your nephew?" Ye Hao asked, in her opinion, Qi Ruoshui is not like someone who would not dare to do anything.

Qi Ruoshui looked up and saw Ye Hao. "How can the goddess be here? Is it... Is it the disease of the child?

"It's a bit of a repetition, but it's no big deal." Ye Hao said softly, faintly looking at Qi Ruoshui. "Hey is your son. Do you have the courage to even see it?"

"This... probably because of the mood." Qi Ruoshui said helplessly, "I always see you when I see you."

Ye Hao seriously looked at Qi Ruoshui. This woman is the most beautiful she has ever seen. Even Ye Yaoyao is a little less than her. If such a woman is not in the priesthood, she will change it in any place. To the silence, Qi Ruoshui is not the kind of person who is willing to survive in the backcountry. Since she is not in the priest's house, where has she gone in the past few years?

"For so many years, you have never thought about looking at your nephew, then where have you been?" asked Ye Hao.

Qi Ruoshui bowed his head and didn't answer. "I...when I met him, my heart was uncomfortable."

"Is the adult wrong, but the child has to bear the consequences?" Ye Hao asked, she did not feel that Qi Ruoshui had any deep feelings for her children. This is unreasonable. She insisted on giving birth to a child for revenge. As a mother, she still has feelings for her own children.

But her face is awkward, but there is no emotion in her eyes.

Qi Ruo water looked at Ye Hao differently, "Anniling, you..."

"This palace knows the life of you and your nephew." Ye Hao said faintly.

"She actually told you!" Qi Ruoshui's face was blue and white, as if he had suffered such a shame.

Ye Hao saw that the car was approaching the medical clinic. There was a tea house on the side of the road. It looked quite quiet and it was a place to talk.

"Stop at the side of the road." Ye Hao told the red dragonfly. "There is something to say to the girl."

Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao and looked at her silently and got off her.

The red dragonfly is very vigilant when it is aligned. The goddess wants to talk to her in the tea house. She naturally follows the footsteps, and sees Xue Lin and Wu Chong in the dark, she is relieved.

There are Xue Lin and Wu Chong, Qi Ruoshui wants to play tricks and can't play.

Hung Hom has already found a room on the second floor that is close to the window. It is convenient for Xue Lin and Wu Chong to stay outside, and to let the Niangniang and Qi Ruoshui speak with confidence.

Ye Hao and Qi Ruoshui must talk about her life, she did not let the red dragonfly come in.

"Anniling..." Hung Hom looked at her with some confidence.

"Nothing." Ye Hao nodded faintly. Since she wanted to know the purpose of Qi Ruoshui to Kyoto, she had to talk to her alone.

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