There are only two people in the house, Ye Hao and Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui walked to the window facing the street, the location of this tea house was chosen very well, and her mouth floated with a faint smile.

"Qi girl, please sit." Ye Hao sat down and placed the teapot on the three-legged stove.

"The maiden seems to be planning to talk to me for a long time." Qi Ruoshui smiled and sat down. "I don't know she will tell you about this scandal. It's true that the child's life is unspeakable. His illness is also because... But what about it? I have already given birth to him. Can I kill him?"

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "How did Huangfu die?"

Qi Ruoshui looked up and looked at Ye Hao. "Mother, what do you want to ask?"

"Although the medical officer told your life to the palace, but after you left, she did not know anything, but the palace wanted to know." Ye Hao said.

"I don't understand why the Niangniang wants to ask this. Is it useful for finding Achen?" Qi Ruoshui asked faintly, she didn't want to mention Huangfu at all.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "They are all surnamed Huangfu, and the emperor has been in the priesthood for so many years. Do you think there is no connection?"

"I was taken to the priest's temple for a long time, and he died." Qi Ruoshui said quickly, and his eyes flashed with a sorrow.

“How did you die?” Ye Hao saw emotions in the eyes of Qi Ruoshui for the first time. For so long, every time she saw her, her eyes were calm as water, as if there was nothing in this world that could arouse her heart. same.

Qi Ruo water blinked a little, "I am sick."

"But I took you away to cure the emperor, but the illness of the emperor was not a physical illness, but a heart disease." Ye Hao looked at her seriously.

"Anniling, I don't think this question has anything to do with recalling Achen." Qi Ruoshui ugly asked, she didn't want to mention the death of Huangfu, which was the last time she had never recalled in her life.

Ye Hao ignored her words and continued, "I don't know that you are his daughter doing something wrong, so I can't afford it, but what about it? What does she think about this thing? How was she doing to you after your father died?"

Qi Ruoshui can't hear it, his face is gloomy and terrible, and the disguise he tries to maintain is almost broken. "What does this have to do with it?"

"You said, but there is a foster daughter, and now the Witch King is her adopted daughter." Ye Hao said.

"What about that?" Qi Ruo asked coldly.

Ye Hao smiled. "Then let's talk about how you escaped from the priest's house."

Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao faintly. From the moment she stepped into Kyoto, many things happened under her arrangement, including letting Ye Hao suspect her appearance, even Qi Qi would say them. Her life experience is in her expectation, she never put this queen in her eyes, in her view, this queen is just a good skin.

However, today she knows that Ye Hao knows too much, more than she wants to reveal.

"It is not easy to escape from the priest's house. You not only escaped, but you still lived silently for more than ten years. It is just so good. When Mr. Huangfu was taken away by the priests, you should have not been there for many years. I have seen Mr. Huang Wei." Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Qi Ruoshui looked at her coldly, "Wang Niangniang, you have been asking me when you are sitting down. Then, what are you suspecting? Huangfu was taken away by me, and I was not clear enough to go to Kyoto. Since I voted for the net, what did I do to make you doubt me?"

"Isn't everything you do to make me doubt you?" Ye Hao smiled faintly. "The note left by Mr. Huang, you probably didn't see it."

Qi Ruoshui’s face was so heavy that after she took the imperial concubine, she did not go to see what clue he would leave, because it was not necessary, it was in Qi State, even after someone discovered that Huangfu disappeared and found the place. At the time, any clues have disappeared.

"You know that he left a clue... So, have you been sending a dark guard to follow him?" Qi Ruoshui frowned.

Ye Hao did not speak, and the dark guard sent by Murong Zhan had been opened by the emperor, otherwise he would not find the note he left when he found him.

"It seems that your dark guards are not so powerful." Qi Ruoshui saw Ye Hao did not say, she chuckled, "So, since the maiden doubts me, it is definitely not just these, what is you? What is the reason for doubting me?"

Ye Hao whispered, "If you are not a very familiar person, it is impossible to know where he is, and it is impossible to approach him to take him away. Only you, there is Mr. Shan, you will find Mr. Shan. Buzha, Mr. Huang Wei is her savior. She told the imperial family that Mr. Huang told me that this news is taken for granted. Ye Yaoyao is coming back to find you?"

Qi Ruoshui looked up at Ye Hao. "The Queen Mother suspected that I have not been sure for so long. Why is it so sure today?"

"Because the palace can't think of any woman who can hurt her children so much, probably...the people from the priest's house are more unusual." Ye Hao looked at Qi Ruoshui coldly. "It seems that you will be this." Raising a woman is very good."

"Queen's maiden is really smart." Qi Ruoshui sneered out, it seems that it is useless to disguise it. "What are you going to do now?"

"It's not as good as the Witch King told the House, what did you take Mr. Huangfu?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Qi Ruoshui smiled and smiled, and the style of the slanting slanted Ye Hao, "I heard that in addition to the Emperor of the Kingdom of Korea, Huangfu is also deeply affectionate to you, I have always wanted to know what kind of woman Lu Yan is."

Ye Xie looked at her coldly. "Mr. Huangfu is the master of the palace."

"Master?" Qi Ruoshui smirked. "Master fell in love with his apprentice, and there is nothing big about it."

"Compared with you?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Qi Ruoshui's face is cold.

Ye Hao continued, "Control Xiliang Wangquan, take Mr. Huangfu, let Xiliang and Jinguo fight, Wuwang, what do you want to do?"

"It's better to ask the Queen's Empress to go to the priest's house. When you don't know everything?" Qi Ruoshui said.

When I heard Qi Ruoshui say this, Ye Hao also understood why she personally went to Kyoto. "It’s really hard to work with the Witch King to invite me to the priest's house."

"Not exactly for you." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, "I have to pick up my son, after all, it is born of her own, always bring it with me."

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