When Ye Hao determined that Qi Ruoshui was the Witch King, he was already thinking about what to do next. She was sure that Qi Ruoshui would be so prepared to appear in Kyoto so unscrupulously, even if she ordered to seize Qi Ruoshui today, she said Unable to still trap her.

"Mother, do you want to catch me?" Qi Ruoshui is like the idea of ​​being able to see through Ye Hao, looking at her with a smile.

"Let Ye Yaoyao hypnotize the Queen Mother, is your idea?" Ye Hao asked faintly, this is a problem that has been entangled in her mind for a long time. She still does not believe that Ye Yaoyao can easily transform the Queen Mother into a temper.

Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Xie with a smile. "Look at you as a guest of my priest's house. I can answer this question and even tell you more clearly."

"I don't seem to promise to be your guest." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Is it? I ask you to go to the priest's house, not to ask if you are willing or not." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, "Do you know what is going on with hypnosis? Sometimes people will self-hypnosis and hide their own. Nature, over time, will deceive yourself, thinking that he is such a person, who dares to look directly at the nature of the heart? You are now a queen, there is a unique pet of Murong Zhan naturally do not understand, the emperor later ridiculous, in the palace I don’t know how many women are able to survive. The Queen Mother is really soft and gentle, and she has not known how many times she died."

Ye Hao said, "If the Queen Mother really is as full of people as you said, how could the Emperor suffer so much in the palace?"

Qi Ruoshui showed a cruel and contemptuous smile. "Abandoning a son to be an archery target, keeping another son, no one is so smart, and the last son became an emperor. She became a queen, hehe, it is a life winner." ”

"What do you say?" Ye Xie sank, and the situation encountered by Murong Cham when she was a child was the reason why she felt that the Queen Mother was soft before. If this is the Queen Mother deliberately pretending, she does not know why there is any reason to deceive. Yourself.

“Is it very surprised?” Qi Ruoshui said with a smile. “I said that the truth is true. Lu Yan and Ye Yaoyao did not hypnotize her. They just used a year to wake up her nature. Today’s Queen Mother is the most authentic. Queen Mother."

Ye Yan said with a cold face, "You want to tell me that she used to be good for me?"

Qi Ruoshui smiled. "It doesn't mean that. At that time, she probably thought she really likes you."

"The purpose, why should this be done to the Queen Mother?" Ye Hao asked coldly, and she almost wanted to let Qi Ruoshui hypnotize the Queen Mother.

"It was originally hoped that Ye Yaoyao would become the favor of the Emperor of the Jin State. I did not expect to have more of you. If so, then I have to let the Queen Mother become the chess piece in our hands." Qi Ruoshui smiled and answered Ye Hao's question.

Ye Hao sneered, "The Witch King is really painstaking. This is arranged from a few years ago. With such a big circle, I just want Ye Yaoyao to confuse the emperor."

"You can say that." Qi Ruoshui nodded. "No matter who becomes the emperor, Ye Yaoyao will eventually enter the palace. However, in the end, Murong Zhan was in the position, but it made me somewhat surprised."

“For what?” Ye Hao asked, Qi Ruoshui did so much, what do you want to get?

Qi Ruoshui smiled and stood up. "When you arrive at the priest's house, I will tell you."

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "You seem confident enough to take me to the priesthood."

"For this day, I waited for a long time." Qi Ruoshui said, "I don't have time to tease you again."

"So, Qi Zizhen really is because you are sick." Ye Hao asked coldly.

Qi Ruo water frowned. "He is not in danger."

Ye Hao looked at her faintly, Qi Ruoshui was the most indifferent person she had ever seen, and it was the most unfathomable woman. This man is the witch king of the priest's house. It is brewing a person who can't see through. conspiracy.

For the first time, Ye Hao was immersed in water and felt inexplicable fear.

"Queen Empress, I sincerely invite you to pour the priest's house as a guest. I believe that if you see him, you will definitely change his stubbornness." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile.

Ye Hao shouted out loudly outside the door, "Red Dragon!"

The red dragonfly outside the door did not move at all.

"The moment you came out from Qi, I was waiting for this moment. Your maid will not have anything, I will let her go back." Qi Ruoshui said.

The red dragonfly has already been stunned by the nameless, and Xue Lin and Wu Chong are also entangled at this time.

Ye Hao raised her hand and shot the silver arrow against Qi Ruoshui. She had not used the sleeve arrow for a long time. Today, it is still the gods who are wearing the palace.

Qi Ruoshui probably didn't think that Ye Hao had a hidden weapon on her body. She was shot in the shoulder. She looked at Ye Hao with anger. "Take her away."

Anonymous came in from the door, aligning with the water said, "There are more than two people outside, and some people have escaped, and Murong Chan will soon know."

"Burn this tea house, you will take her away first." Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao and said coldly.

"You can't take me away." Ye Hao said that Murong Zhan had a dark guard on her side, and they must have slammed the smell of the tea house.

The nameless direct palm hits the back neck of Ye Hao and stuns her.

Qi Ruoshui rubbed her shoulders, she already felt black in front of her eyes, she said strongly, "I took her to the city without name, and handed her over to Lu Yizhi. I left with you."

"Good." No name nodded, he knew that Qi Ruoshui would definitely leave Kyoto without a hitch.

For this day, they have been arranged for a long time.

"Qi Zikai?" Qi Ruoshui asked.

"It has already been taken away." No name said.

well! Qi Ruoshui closed his eyes and fell on his body behind him.

After a while, the tea house flew up with smoke and was quickly swallowed up by the fire.

The first thing that discovered the abnormal situation was the medical clinic not far from here. Hou Peidong and Yu quickly rushed over and saw the red dragonfly still outside the tea house by the nameless.

"Red Dragonfly?" When she saw her, she had a heartache and the girl had an accident!

The doctor who followed came to wake up the red dragonfly immediately. The red dragonfly woke up to see the dragonfly and immediately grabbed her hand. "Go to save the goddess!"

"I only saw someone walking over there." The guy who escaped from the teahouse shouted.

I nodded. "I chase it."

When Murong Chan learned that the news came in the palace, the tea house had been burned to ashes. Xue Lin and Wu Chong were seriously injured. Hou Peidong took the fire out, but there was no trace of the empress.

At least, they can be sure that the Empress is still alive.

"Block the city gate!" Murong Zhanqiang endured the uneasiness and anger in his heart, quietly commanding it.

Hey! His embarrassment!

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