In the mood of Murong Cham at this time, besides anger is the uneasiness that cannot be ignored. He is waiting for Ye Hao to come back in the palace with joy and expectation. She always wants to get pregnant, and now she may get what she wants. He knows that she will be happy. He also particularly expected to have a daughter like her, but he did not wait for her return, but the secret guard brought news, she was taken away by the Xiliang Wuwang.

Xiliang Wuwang! Qi Ruoshui!

He knows that Ye Hao is skeptical of Qi Ruo Shui, so he sent a secret guard to follow her in the investigation. He knew that she was doubting, but he did not think that Qi Ruohui would be a witch king. At most, he was only a person in the priest's house. And in Kyoto, there will definitely be no problem.

"Qi Qi?" Murong Zhan asked quietly, who thought that Qi Ruoshui is actually the Witch King, and the people around him can seriously hurt Xue Lin and Wu Chong.

Shen Xiao whispered, "The emperor, the grandson of the medical officer is missing, the medical officer has been taken medicine, and has not yet woken up."

Qi Zikai is the son of Qi Ruoshui. He disappeared at this time. He must be taken away without doubt.

"Sinking, taking people to search in the capital, even if they dig three feet to find their people, take people out of the city to find." Murong Zhan said quietly, Qi Ruoshui dare to start against Ye Hao, It must have been arranged. How many people in Kyoto are arranged by the priests?

Murong Chong let the guards accompany him out of the city. If Qi Ruoshui left Kyoto when he set fire to the inn, he would definitely be able to catch up. He could not let the beggar be taken away. If she was taken to Xiliang...

If she is allowed to meet Lu Yizhi... Murong Zhan can't imagine the consequences.

"The emperor, his subordinates have always been staring at Ye Yaoyao. If Qi Ruoshui left, he might take her." Shen said hurriedly to Murong Zhan.

"Lead the way!" Murong Zhan said coldly.

Ye Yaoyao lived in the suburbs. When Murong Chan had just left the city, he immediately had a secret guard. The Ye Yaoyao was taken away this morning. The other party seemed to have discovered their existence, so only one was left undiscovered. Followed by the dark guard.

"The emperor, the dark guard will leave a mark all the way, Ye Yaoyao must have been taken away by those people, follow them, maybe you can find the Queen Empress."

Murong Zhan nodded and ordered them to continue to pursue the secret code.

The city gates were blocked, and the guards were everywhere. Since the new emperor was enthroned, there has never been such a thing. The people of Kyoto are not only self-defeating, but they think that something big has happened. Murong Chan originally wanted to suppress Ye Hao’s witch. The news of Wang’s arrest, but less than two hours, Qi Ruoshui himself spread the news throughout Kyoto.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Korea was invited to the priest's house in Xiliang. As the owner of the priest's house, she will take care of the Queen of the Kingdom and the future little prince in her belly.

Qi Ruoshui hangs on the wall of the city with impunity, and the generals of the defending city are rushed into the palace, and the court is shocked.

Murong Chong chased hundreds of miles outside the city and found no trace of Qi Ruoshui, let alone found Ye Hao, he has not returned to Kyoto, already knows Qi Ruoshui's provocation.

That's right, Qi Ruoshui is so unscrupulously sticking a note on the wall with Ye Hao, and in the eyes of Murong Chong is provoking and mocking him.

"The emperor..." Shen looked at the ink-filled Zhan, who had not spoken for a long time, and even had no expression on his face.

In the eyes of Murong Zhan, there was a murderous murderousness, "Go back to the palace."

Since Qi Ruoshui has provoked him so much, and named the news that Ye Hao was pregnant, it would certainly not hurt her so quickly.

"We have all blocked the gates of the city, and the surrounding hundred miles have been pursued. Will the Witch Kings fly in the sky, how can they not find them?" Shen Yu said with dismay, according to Xue Lin, they said, Queen The goddess should have been taken away not long after.

The face of Murong Zhan Qing’s face was covered with frost, and the chill of the eyes made people cry. He looked at the front calmly. "They won’t go too far. They took the Queen and they planned it long ago. Ok, I must have thought about hiding places, sinking, and taking people carefully from Kyoto to Fangyuan Baili!"

The difference is clear about the position of the Queen Empress in the eyes of the emperor, not to mention that the Queen Empress is still pregnant, "The subordinates will definitely find the Empress."

Back in the palace, Fu Gonggong immediately handed the note sent by the defending general to Mo Rongzhan.

Looking down at the above handwriting, the ink and thin lips are close to each other, and the blue veins on the back of the hand are slightly highlighted.

"The emperor..." Fu Gonggong cried out cautiously. "Xu Daren asked for help."

"Let him come in." Murong Chong smashed the paper into a group and threw it on the table. Xu Lao was admitted to the palace at this time.

I thought that he hadn't had time to share the joy of pregnancy with him, but he didn't... Murong Zhan remembered that Ye Xin’s heart was a colic.

In his lifetime, he will set foot on the priest's house!

"Chen Chen sees the emperor." Xu old came in and saw the dark face of Murong Zhan, he was slightly coveted, and made a ritual.

Murong Chan looked at him with a slight lift. "What is Xu Xiangxiang doing?"

"The emperor, the minister heard about the Queen's maiden, I heard that the Xiliang Wuwang is the daughter of the Qi medical officer." Xu Lao whispered.

"Yes." Murong Zhan nodded faintly. He did not think that Xu Lao was just entering the palace to confirm the identity of Qi Ruoshui. He waited for him to continue.

Xu old frowns and silences. "The goddess, Chen had seen Qi Ruo water a few years ago."

Murong bravely looked up. "Qi Ruoshui has been looking for you?"

"A few years ago, Chen went to Yunfushan to see Buddha, and met her there." Xu Lao whispered. "At that time, Chen only thought that she was very knowledgeable. Now I think it is wrong to think carefully."

“What did she say?” Murong Zhan asked quietly.

Qi Ruoshui said that at the time: the world was originally unified. It was the imperial dynasty that made this world five points, and sought stability in the chaos, but it was not a real flourishing world. The people who really can order the world are still the people of the imperial dynasty.

Because the past is too long, Xu Lao does not remember very clearly, but probably remembers it.

After ink-smelling, the eyebrows were wrinkled. "What does Xu Yixiang mean? Qi Ruoshui has done so much, is he doing things for the Huangfu family?"

The Emperor's dynasty did not exist more than a hundred years ago. Qi Ruoshui would not naively think that she could return Jingguo only by her strength.

"Chen thinks... maybe Qi Ruohui will do more." Xu Lao whispered, "The emperor, the priestly palace is not afraid, but for so many years, the hidden land in the rumor has not been seen, even more No one knows where the loyal descendants of their ancestors went after the disappearance of the imperial dynasty."

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "This is why Qi Ruoshui caught the Huangfu."

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