When Ye Hao woke up, it was already in the carriage. The strong sunlight came in from the window. She squinted her eyes to adjust to the brightness. The memory before the coma also revamped in her mind.

"I finally woke up." A familiar voice sounded.

Ye Hao followed the voice and saw a face full of scars, "Ye Yaoyao?"

where is this place? Ye Hao sat up straight, picked up the curtains and looked out. He only saw the big trees on both sides flashing from the front, the dust rolling, and no other things were seen.

"I don't think you have this day too?" Ye Yaoyao's face was provoked and provocative. Her greatest pleasure was to see Lu Hao fall, and then she was brought to the priest's house. How did Murong Zhan torture her? How to torture Lu Yu.

Ye Hao gave her a faint look. In addition to this carriage and Ye Yaoyao, she did not see other people. There was no sound of a carriage before and after.

"If you still want to escape, I advise you not to play this idea." Ye Yaoyao saw Ye Hao not talking, thinking she was thinking about how to escape.

Ye Hao had a moment to think about escape. Only Ye Yaoyao’s words could not hold her at all, but her reason did not abandon her. If Qi Ruoshui dared to let Ye Yaoyao guard her alone, it would prove that there is a full grasp that will not let her escape. .

The man who drives the car outside is the man who stunned her.

I have to admit that Qi Ruoshui is capable, and she is able to take her out of Kyoto without knowing it.

Looking outside, they are already outside of Kyoto.

Murong Cham should know that she was taken away by Qi Ruoshui. Can he find her?

"Ye Yaoyao, can Qiruo water cure your face?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"Shut up!" Ye Yaoyao's proud smile on her face froze, and the smile in her eyes turned into resentment.

Ye Hao did not show her nervousness and fear as Ye Yaoyao wanted. Her eyes were still calm and cold and looked out. "What if Qishui?"

"You don't seem to know your situation. You don't think that Murong Chan will come down from the sky to save you?" Ye Yaoyao grinned. "We haven't been in Kyoto for a long time. Even if Murong Zhan takes people out of the city, he doesn't." Will find us."

"He will find me." Ye Hao smiled. She wanted to know how Qi Ruoshui did it. How did she bring her out of Kyoto and no one found it.

Ye Yaoyao smiled smugly. "You don't know the power of the Witch King. If you can take you out of Kyoto, how can you find someone?"

"There are people in the court who have Qi Ruo water." Ye Hao said in a burst of blood, can do this, this is the best explanation, "This should be near Kyoto, you have the ability to avoid the court's pursuit, really powerful. ""

Ye Hao took the curtains and looked at the scenery outside. "Going the mountain road is indeed a very smart choice."

"There is one more thing you don't know." Ye Yaoyao said with a smile. "This mountain road is made by the Witch King. Except for the Witch King, no one knows that there is a mountain road in the outskirts of Kyoto that has a direct mountain pass."

It’s no wonder that Murong Chong didn’t catch up. “It’s really painstaking!”

"It was originally prepared for the great cause, but now it is for you..." Ye Yaoyao looked at Ye Hao with disdain.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. It seems that she wants to let Murong Chong discover that she may not be able to do it in a day or two. No one knows how Qi Ruoshui did it. He can actually dig such a road in the mountains.

The carriage went along the mountain road and did not know much, and went into a more dangerous path.

"It seems that this road that leads directly to Xiliang has not yet been opened." Ye Hao said softly, if there is a road that leads directly to Xiliang, it will take several years, and Qi Ruoshui has no such power.

However, on such a road, Ye Hao has felt incredible.

If Qi Ruoshui is not removed, she will be a terrible existence.

"Come on." A man’s voice came from outside.

Ye Hao heard that this man is the one who is next to Qi Ruoshui. It is no wonder that Qi Ruoshui assured that Ye Yaoyao looked at her.

"Go on, you should go see an acquaintance." Ye Yaoyao said to Ye Hao with a smile.

"Where is this?" Ye Hao is sure that it is not Xiliang, they only have one day to leave Kyoto.

Ye Yaoyao smiled a little bit strangely. "You don't know if you go down."

"He will take you to Xiliang, Lu Yan, you will not come back in your life." Ye Yaoyao smiled happily.

"Is it?" Ye Hao sneered, ignoring Ye Yaoyao and heading out of the rut.

Ye Hao stood on the rut, and the guard of Qi Ruoshui was next to the carriage, but she only saw the man standing outside a bamboo house.

The man's face was handsome, and the figure stood tall and straight, and the memories that were dusted in the depths of memory slowly appeared in her mind. She was poisoned and engulfed by the sea of ​​fire...

Some hate will fade over time, and some hate will always be there.

Lu Yizhi...

Ye Haowu's black eyes are covered with a mist, and he is still alive!

It is one thing to know that he is alive. Now he sees him in front of himself. Ye Hao knows that she wants this person to die.

"Hey." Lu Yanzhi slowly came over and reached for the leaves to get off.

Ye Hao’s sight fell on his walking legs, wasn’t it disabled?

Lu Yan’s revealing a gentle and gentle smile, “The Witch King cured my legs, although not as before, but able to walk like normal people.”

"It's a pity." Ye Hao looked at him coldly and coldly. "I am very unhappy when I see you still alive."

"Oh, in order to wait for this day, I have been waiting for a long time." Lu Yanzhi took her hand, "Go down."

Ye Hao pulled his hand out. "Don't touch me, disgusting."

Lu Yizhi smiled slightly, he did not take her hand again, but directly swayed Ye Hao, "Oh, don't move, so as not to hurt you."

"Mr. Hey, I have to go to the Witch King, she will hand it over to you." No name to see Ye Hao, just said to Lu Yizhi.

"I will send her to Xiliang." Lu Yizhi said softly.

The nameless eyes looked coldly at Lu Yizhi. "The witch king said that she is not yours."

Lu Hao’s twilight is cold. “Women don’t have to worry, I know what to do and what not to do.”

"That's the best." Nodded nodded, left the carriage to Lu Yizhi, and one quickly disappeared into the woods.

Ye Hao struggled from Lu Zhizhi's arms. "You touch me again, I don't know what to do."

Lu Yan looked at her with a deep look. "Well, you should haven't eaten in a day. Let's go to the house first."

"What about me? Do I want to watch her with you?" Ye Yaoyao asked in the back.

"You can leave." Lu Yan said faintly.

Ye Hao knows that it is useless to do what she does now. She doesn't want to eat anything, so... for her children, she can't let herself have something.

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